To clean clothes in Project Zomboid, you will need to find a source of water, which can be anything from a sink, a river, or a washing machine.
That said, when you find one of these sources of water in Project Zomboid, you will need to right-click on it and click wash clothes. Doing so will then have your character move over to the water source and clean their clothes.
If you want your character to wash only a specific piece of clothing, you can select it by finding the item in the drop-down menu. However, if you rather have your character just clean all of their clothes at once, just click wash all clothes.
Washing clothes in Project Zomboid will also take time, so we recommend being in a relatively safe location so no Zombies sneak up on you. You can also speed up the process of washing clothes if you have soap on your character and if you use certain objects.
In short, some objects are better at washing clothes than others, and an object like a washing machine will wash your clothes faster than a sink. You can also speed up washing clothes by using the fast-forward option in the game.
Why do you need to wash clothes in Project Zomboid?
Washing clothes is always a good idea as they will become dirty from both dirt and blood over time. When your clothes get bloody or dirty, it will increase the chances of your character gaining an infection.
Getting infections is not a good idea as they will weaken your character and can have adverse side effects. Because of this, make sure to wash your clothes in Project Zomboid routinely.
For more guides on Project Zomboid, we at Pro Game Guides have you covered with an ever-expanding roster of guides!
Published: Jan 28, 2022 07:53 am