You always need to learn new maps when playing R6, or you risk falling down the ranks. Here's a list of all Rainbow Six Siege Maps that you should know by heart.
Every R6 Map Listed
Rainbow Six Siege has a constantly changing rotation of maps, some being added, others moved from Ranked to Quick Match, etc. Check out every R6 map listed below to know which maps are active in which game mode.
All R6 Ranked Maps
If you want to get the highest rank in R6, then you have to know your way around all of the maps. Below is a list of all R6 Ranked maps, as well as some tips on how to play them. These maps are also included in the Standard game mode.

Bank is available in R6 Ranked, Standard, and Quick Match modes.
- The most difficult site to defend is the Executive Lounge, as it has the most entrances and a lot of windows.
- The best spawn location is Alley Access, as you can get to the second-floor balcony easily.
- If the defenders are in the basement, always play hatch on the floor above. Make sure you have a breather that can break reinforcements and Thatcher if the hatches are electrified.

Border is available in Rainbow Six Siege Ranked and Standard game modes.
- The best spawn point is the Eash Vehicle Entrance.
- Use the stairs and balcony to get inside the building. Watch out, as the second floor almost always has a defender waiting to ambush you, even if the bomb site is downstairs.
- Out of the lower two sites, I prefer to defend the Bathroom. With a whole in the wall next to the window, you can take out anyone who dares peak in.

Chalet is available in R6 Ranked, Standard, and Quick Match modes.
- The best sites for defense are the Master Bedroom and the Garage sites. Bring electricity operators to both.
- You can trick with Kaid or with a Bandit and Tubarao combo.
- Attackers should always bring Thatcher, Kali, or someone with an EMP Grenade.
- Defenders will often throw C4s or grenades as well as jump out to kill you from windows above the garage, so watch out.

Clubhouse is available in R6 Standard, Ranked, and Quick Match modes.
- You can easily get spawn picked if you spawn in at the Main Gate. Instead, go for any of the other three spawn points.
- The best sites for defense are the two on the second floor, the Gym and CCTV Room.
- Avoid the Bar site as it is too open and not easily defendable.

Coastline is available in Ranked, Standard, Quick Match, and Team Deathmatch modes.
- The Hookah bar site allows for some very unique plays on both sides and is one of my favorite maps.
- Use a combination of Dokkaebi, Ying, Blitz, Lion, and Finka to get in the site and plant the defuser quickly. Usually, attackers don't rush in, so this surprise tactic will work on unsuspecting defenders. However, once it's not a surprise anymore, it probably won't work again.
- Trappers are great defenders on this map, preventing the attackers from just rushing in.

Consulate is available in Ranked, Standard, and Quick Match Rainbow Six Siege modes. Amongst my least favorite maps, the Consulate is somehow difficult to both defend and attack.
- The best defense site is the Garage in the basement. Trick with an electricity operator on the garage door, but watch out not to get flanked from the other site.
- If you're attacking the basement site, watch out for incoming C4s through holes in the garage door.
- The hatch on the ceiling above is a good tactic to take out a few operators.
Related: Rainbow Six Siege Operator Tier List
Emerald plains

Emerald Plains is available in R6 Ranked, Standard, Quick Match, and Team Deathmatch modes.
- Two sites on the top floor are the best for defense. Make sure to electrify the reachable outer walls and keep an eye on them.
- It's usually banned in Ranked, but I enjoy it a lot, especially the little tune as you enter it.
- There are a lot of entrance options for Attackers on this map, the preferable ones being from the top floor.
Kafe Dostoyevsky

Kafe Dostoyevsky is available in Standard and Ranked modes of R6.
- Park spawn point is easily spawn-picked, so be careful if you spawn there.
- The worst defense location is the Reading Room/Fireplace Hall site. All three of the other defense locations are much better.
- Watch out for the skylight when you are defending the third floor.

Kanal is available in Standard and Ranked game modes.
- If you are attacking, good entrance and vantage points to get kills are on the roof, so bring in snipers.
- This map is very open, so watch out for spawn picks.
- It also consists of two connected buildings, so it gets confusing sometimes which stairs lead to a dead end.
- If you are a defender, roamers and trappers are good operators on this map.

Lair is available in Ranked, Standard, Quick Match, and Team Deathmatch.
- It has a lot of good coverage outside, so it is very difficult to spawn pick.
- It is huge, with an immense cave system providing you with a lot of entry points, but you can get lost, so it's important you get familiar with it.
Nighthaven Labs

Nighthaven Labs is a map available in Standard, Ranked, Quick Match, and Team Deathmatch modes.
- Nighthaven is one of the most banned maps, so you will have a hard time even playing it.
- Breaching an external wall on the top floor is a great tactic for getting in. This way, you'll also have the high ground if the defense is on the lower floor or in the basement.
- The best site to defend is in the basement.

Oregon is available in Ranked and Standard modes.
- The best sites are on the second floor and in the basement.
- If the defenders are in the Kids' Dorms site, breach the wall in the tower or go through the big window.
- You can easily be spawn-picked on this map through the many windows, so stay hidden.

Outback is available in Standard and Ranked R6 game modes.
- Do not spawn at the fuel pumps; you can easily get spawn-picked. Instead, go to one of the side spawn locations.
- The two sites on the top floor are the best for defenders. Avoid defending the Mechanic shop site, as it is too open.
- Camera operators like Valkyrie and Echo are good on this map to keep track of enemy movement.

Skyscraper is available in Standard, Ranked, and Team Deathmatch modes.
- Another map that is often banned in Ranked.
- The best entrance point for attackers is the second floor. Make sure there aren't any roamers around before going in.
- The best defense site is Office. Use the Tubarao and Bandit combo or Kaid to trick and defend the outside wall.
Theme park

Theme park is a map available in Ranked, Standard, and Team Deathmatch.
- The Armory is the best site for defense. Bring in both Kaid and Bandit to make sure none of the walls will be breached.
- It's best if everyone is on-site, but you can have one roamer on the top floor picking off stragglers.
- The hatch placement isn't great, so it's better to avoid using them as an entry point.

Villa is a map available in Ranked, Standard, Team Deathmatch, and Quick Match modes.
- This is another map prone to spawn picking, especially if you are coming from Ruins, so check every window before running.
- The best sites to defend are the two on the top floor of the villa.
- The balcony is one of the best entry points on the map for all sites.
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Other Rainbow Six Siege Maps
All of the other Rainbow Six Siege maps are excluded from the Standard or Ranked rotation. You don't have to know these that well, but some are still really fun to play on.
Close Quarter

Close Quarter is the first R6 map specially made for Team Deathmatch. Watch out for campers at all the staircases when playing.

Favela is available in Quick Match and Team Deathmatch modes. If you're playing Deathmatch, the biggest rotation point is the stairs. This is because you can drop down the shoot in between the staircase to the lower floors and surprise enemies.

Fortress is a large map available in Quick Match of Rainbow Six Siege. The best access points for attackers are the courtyard and the courtyard tower, which leads from the roof.
Hereford Base

Hereford base is only available in the Rainbow Six Siege Quick Match. It's one of the rare maps with four floors, which allows for a lot of vertical play.

House is only available in Rainbow Six Siege Quick Match. It is one of the smallest maps in the game. It has a lot of breachable walls and windows to go through or to get spawn picked.
Presidential Plane

One of the more unique maps in Rainbow Six Siege, Presidential Plane, is available in Quick Match only. This map was also the host of one of the most fun R6 events, Rainbow is Magic.
Stadium Bravo

Stadium Bravo is a map available only in the Quick Match mode. This map was present in the Ranked rotation, but it was removed as it was almost constantly banned. Sometimes, even by both teams.

Tower is a map that is only available in Quick Match R6 mode. There is a lot of risk of you falling off the edge of the map, so be careful not to click the wrong button.

Yacht is another unique style map available in the Quick Match mode. The ice provides some good cover from spawn picks, but still be careful.
For more Rainbow Six Siege information, check out the Rainbow Six Siege Patch Notes on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jan 19, 2024 03:21 am