One of the most important aspects of Realm Royale is learning how-to get and use shards! You can create very powerful armor, weapons, and skills that will help get you into the late portion of the game!
How-to Get Shards
The main way you are going to be getting shards is by disenchanting armor, skills, and weapons. When you open a chest point over the item and look for what your disenchant key is bound to. Once you press the key, the item will be destroyed and you will gain the amount of shards listed!
You should try to be careful when doing this that you aren't accidentally disenchanting items you could use or items that your teammates might need. One of the issues with this system is that everyone is disenchanting just about everything they don't need. You won't find excess weaponry and items laying around very often in this game because of the system.
If you're just starting out, check out our Realm Royale Beginner's Guide!
How-to Use Shards
Using Shards is one of the key features of Realm Royale. If you want to increase your ability to win games then this is one area you will want to learn and take advantage of using. To use Shards, you need to go to the Forge. This is distinguished on your map with a yellow icon of an anvil. Just about all named areas have one, and this is where you will need to go to create Legendary armor, weapons, and skills. In the Forge you can even create Health and Armor Potions! Keep in mind that you can only carry 200 shards at a time, so it's in your best interest to use them while you have them so you can disenchant more items.
Here's what each item costs and how long it takes to create:
- Health or Armor Potion: 30 Seconds/30 Shards
- Legendary Armor: 60 Seconds/60 Shards - The armor piece you receive is RANDOM unfortunately, but if your teammate can use it then it's still worth crafting.
- Class Ability: 60 Seconds/90 Shards - These are Legendary abilities that can be placed in your ability slots.
- Class Weapon: 60 Seconds/120 Shards - Each class has a specific Legendary weapon that it can use. You can only have one of these equipped.
- You will have to have eliminated an enemy to craft this. If you look at the recipe you will see a chicken leg is required as well as the shards. This is gained when you dispatch a foe, but you can also get one if your teammate has killed someone and they already had a chicken leg (it is then given to another teammate who doesn't have one).
Forge Information
- You can only craft Legendary armor, weapons, and abilities at Forge locations.
- When you craft an item it is locked to you and can't be taken or disenchanted for 10 seconds by others.
- You do not need to stand and wait for the item to craft, but it's best to stick around so you can grab it before someone else does.
- The Forge is a potentially hot spot for activity, so always proceed with caution.
Published: Jun 7, 2018 1:31 AM UTC