Let's get colorful! Another week has come and gone, which means it's time to welcome another Adopt Me! update. On April 27, 2023, Adopt Me! released its Paint Sealer update, and while this update didn't add any new pets to the experience, it did add a fun new item to the fan-favorite Salon, and a brand new, limited-time-only vehicle! For a quick look at all of the changes added with this update, continue reading the brief guide below.
Adopt Me! Paint Sealer Update Log
Though this week's update was small, it's still pretty cool! The Legendary Paint Roller Truck allows players to paint the town red (Literally! Well, paint the town white, technically, but still painting the town nonetheless!) and can be purchased for 5,000 Bucks from now until May 12, 2023. The new Paint Sealer item appears to be a permanent item that can accessed from the Salon, and then used to permanently change the color of your pet's fur, which opens the door for some awesome color combinations!
How to use the Paint Sealer item in Adopt Me!
As mentioned above, the Paint Sealer is a single-use item that can purchased from the Salon. To find the Salon, head to Adoption Island and look for the pink building with a large pair of scissors on top.

Once inside the salon, you may notice an NPC named Rusty sitting by the door. For now, ignore Rusty and head to the Salon Employee role. Interact with this role to begin working at the Salon.

Next, head to the wall of spray paints and select a color of your choosing.

Then, equip the pet whose color you want to change and use the spray paint on them by clicking on the spray paint icon.
Related: How to Get a Unicorn in Adopt Me

When your pet's color changes, and you're happy with the results, head back to Rusty and click on the Paint Sealer item that's placed on his easel.

This Paint Sealer costs 20 Robux and, when used on your pet, will "seal" the spray paint onto their fur, meaning it won't go away after leaving and re-entering the experience. The Paint Sealer will also disappear from your inventory, as it can only be used once.

If for some reason you change your mind and want to undo the perma-color, you can do so at anytime (for free) by speaking to Rusty and asking him to remove the paint. The only other way to remove a paint-sealed color is by trading your pet away to another player.

That's it for our guide on everything added with the Paint Sealer update! Which new item is your favorite? Have you pampered your pet with a new color yet? Let us know in the comments below!
Looking for more Adopt Me! content? Check out some of our other guides on Where is the Nursery in Adopt Me!? – Roblox or How to get the Ancient Ruins badge in Adopt Me – Roblox here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Apr 28, 2023 09:56 am