Along with the hidden Christmas presents, the developers have also hidden an Elf in the Holiday World who can help you acquire the Huge Festive Elf from the final Egg. So, if you want to learn where it popped up today, scroll down to our Pet Simulator 99 Elf on the Shelf locations list!
Where Is The Elf Location In Pet Simulator 99?
Unlike the Christmas Presents, the location of the Elf on the Shelf is not fixed in Pet Sim 99, which means the Elf is present in a different location each day until Christmas. But don't worry; we will be providing you with the precise/accurate location of the Elf each day until the end of Christmas. Simply bookmark the page and refer to it to find the new location of the Elf each day.
Today's Elf on the Shelf Location – December 31, 2024 - Day 25

- You can find the last Elf of the 2024 Elf Hunt challenge next to the brown cottage house in Area 10 of the Holiday World.
Past Elf on the Shelf Locations in PS99 for 2024
December 30, 2024 - Day 24

- You can find this Elf next to the Hard Door at the end of the Holiday World Event map.
December 29, 2024 - Day 23
- You can find this Elf behind the White Tree in Area 8 near the Holiday Train in the Holiday World.
December 28, 2024 - Day 22
- You can find this Elf behind a white tree on the right side of the Advent Calendar at the center of the Holiday World.
December 27, 2024 - Day 21

- You can find this Elf behind the Snowman on the left side of Area 3 in Holiday World.
December 26, 2024 - Day 20

- The Elf on the Shelf for day 20 is behind the gingerbread houses on the top of the hill in Area 7.
December 25, 2024 - Day 19
- The Elf on the Shelf is in Area 9 (Snowball Fort), right behind the iglo.
December 24, 2024 - Day 18
- This Elf is behind the Brown House in Area 10 of the Holiday World. Just go from the space on the left side and wrap around the house until you reach the right side
December 23, 2024 - Day 17

- You can find this Elf behind the Christmas Tree in the final Area 11 of the Holiday World behind the Gargantua and Titanic Presents section.
December 22, 2024 - Day 16

- You can find this Elf on the Left side of Area 7 in Holiday World. Here, go to the left side of the house as shown in the above image, and spam the Hoverboard button repeatedly until you squeeze through the small place and reach the back side of the home, where you will find the E button indicating the presence of an Elf.
December 21, 2024 - Day 15

- You can find this Elf on the top of a snow tree on the right side of Area 2 in Holiday World.
December 20, 2024 - Day 14

- The Elf is located on the left side behind a Candy Cane between Area 5 and Area 6 in Holiday World.
December 18, 2024 - Day 12

- The day 12 Elf on the Shelf is located in a hole behind the Snowstorm Survival portal in Area 6.
December 17, 2024 - Day 11

- You can find this Elf on the left side of Area 4 on the top ledge near the Christmas Present.
December 16, 2024 - Day 10

- You can find this Elf near a White Christmas tree on the right side of the newly added Area 6 in Holiday World.
December 15, 2024 - Day 9

- This Elf is behind the large blue Titanic Icy Phoenix pet in Area 8 or the final new area of the Holiday World.
December 14, 2024 - Day 8

- This Elf is located in the third area on the left hand of the snowman on the left side of the area. Remember, this is the snowman in front of the frozen lake area and not the one near the egg.
December 13, 2024 – Day 7
- You can find this Elf on the right side of Area 5 in Holiday World. Simply go to the right side of the Gift Box to find the silhouette of an enormous invisible egg. Just peek to the left of the egg to find the Elf hidden between two sharp snow cones, as shown in the second image.
December 12, 2024 – Day 6

- The Elf on the Shelf location for Day 6 is behind the house on the right side of Area 1 (Gingerbread Village) within the Holiday World. Jump on top of the roof of the house and then climb down to reach it. Don't use a hoverboard because that will make it harder.
December 11, 2024 – Day 5

- The Elf on the Shelf for December 11th is located on a lamppost in Area 3, right behind the Snowflake machine. Just approach the lamp post, and you will be able to collect it by holding E.
December 10, 2024 – Day 4

- For today's Elf Location, go to the left side of the Advent Calendar and go to the first pillar. You will immediately see the Interact button (E), which means there is an Elf to collect hidden inside the pillar wall.
December 09, 2024 – Day 3

- To reach this Elf on the Shelf location, go behind the first left house in Christmas Area 2 to find the Green Elf at the back.
December 8, 2024 – Day 2
- The Elf on the Shelf is behind the Winners Board at the end of the map in Christmas Area 5. Just go behind and jump from the backside to find it inside a small enclosed area.
December 7, 2024 – Day 1

- The elf is on top of the wooden house on the left side of the spawn area in Holiday World. You can find this right in front of the Rainbow Pets Machine.
Remember, the Elf on the Shelf changes its location every 24 Hours. The first Elf appeared with the release of the Secret Santa update around 11:00 AM CST. So, you can expect the location of the ELF at the same time every day.
How does the Elf on the Shelf look in Pet Simulator 99

Before knowing its location, let us understand how the Elf looks in Pet Simulator 99. Indicative of its name, it is nothing but a pet that looks like an Elf. So, it is entirely green in color, has long ears, and wears a funky red/green cap. If you want a much clearer understanding, simply refer to the above image for a pictorial reference.
What is the use of the Elf on Shelf Pet in PS99?

As mentioned earlier, locating the Elf on the Shelf in Pet Sim 99 allows you to roll a Huge version of the Festive Elf Pet in the game. This is available in the last Egg, which is also called the Frosty Egg, which is sold for 4K per Egg. Simply find the Elf and then roll for a chance of getting a Huge Festive Elf Egg.
For more information on Pet Simulator 99, check out All Pet Clan bonuses in Pet Simulator 99 or How to get Hacker Keys in Pet Simulator 99 – Roblox in Pro Game Guides.
Published: Dec 31, 2024 10:21 am