Another week has come and gone, which means it's time to welcome another Adopt Me! update. On Sept. 14, 2023, Adopt Me! released its Lure update, which saw the addition of tons of new toys and accessories, four new fiery pets, and a brand new feature—lures! Continue reading the brief guide below for a quick look at all of these new pets and everything else added with this update.
Adopt Me! Lure Update Log
The list below details all of the pets and items added with the Lure update and how they can be obtained. Shockingly, the devs over at Adopt Me! have stated that the lure feature added with this update will be permanent, which means all of these new pets, toys, and accessories will be available to obtain long past the next update!
- Toasty Red Panda
- Rarity:
- Ultra-rare
- Obtained by:
- Placing a Campfire Cookie in a lure (1.49% chance)
- Rarity:

- Magma Snail
- Rarity:
- Ultra-rare
- Obtained by:
- Placing a Campfire Cookie in a lure (1.49% chance)
- Rarity:

- Molten Moose
- Rarity:
- Ultra-rare
- Obtained by:
- Placing a Campfire Cookie in a lure (1.49% chance)
- Rarity:

- Blazing Lion
- Rarity:
- Legendary
- Obtained by:
- Placing a Campfire Cookie in a lure (0.01% chance)
- Rarity:

How to use a lure in Adopt Me!
Lures were added to the experience with the Sept. 14, 2023, update and come in two designs: Box Lure (which can be purchased for 750 Bucks) and Cozy Home Lure (which can be purchased for 1,200 Robux). You can only have one Box Lure placed in your home at a time, but one Box Lure and one Cozy Home Lure is allowed.
Once your lure is set up, you can place one of three items inside of it: a Campfire Cookie (which are unlock just by purchasing a lure), an Ash Zebra Bait (which could only be unlocked during the Fire Dimension event), or a Flaming Zebra Bait (which could also only be unlocked during the Fire Dimension event).
Placing an Ash Zebra Bait will attract an Ash Zebra pet without fail, and placing a Flaming Zebra Bait will attract a Flaming Zebra Bait without fail. Placing a Campfire Cookie could attract any of the other four pets mentioned above, who will either bring you an item and leave, or be caught in the lure and become adoptable. The chances of each happening are listed below.
Lure chances
- Bucks ($10 - $10,000) - 79% chance
- Age-Up Potion - 12.5% chance
- Toys/Pet Wear - 5% chance
- Flame Crown
- Flame Glasses
- Flame Grappling Hook
- Flame Pogo Stick
- Magma Great Sword
- Meteor Plush
- Paint Sealer - 2% chance
- Ultra-Rare Pets - 1.49% chance
- Toasty Red Panda
- Magma Snail
- Magma Moose
- Legendary Pets - 0.01%
- Blazing Lion
Lures can be reset every four hours, which means you have multiple chances every day to earn any of the above items.
That's it for this quick recap guide on everything added with Adopt Me!'s Lure update. What do you think about the new pets? Do you have any of them yet? Let me know in the comments below!
Looking for more Adopt Me! content? Check out some of our other recent guides on All pets that can be hatched from the Urban Egg in Adopt Me! – Roblox or All changes made with Adopt Me’s Adopt a Doll update – Roblox here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Sep 14, 2023 10:45 am