In a game like Haikyuu Legends, your entire gameplay strategy revolves around the type of styles you use for your character. While specific playstyles are good during the initial stage, you will definitely need an upgrade as you proceed in the game. So, here is a dedicated Style Tier List guide to help you select the correct style in the game.
All Styles Ranked in Haikyuu Legends
Below, you can find all the Styles in Haikyuu Legends ranked in a tier-wise manner. Browse through each listing and understand the reason why they have been placed in a particular tier.
S- Tier
Anything under this list is the best in the game, and you should pick them irrespective of your play style.
Style Name | Rarity | Pros/Cons |
Kageyomo | Godly | +Complete Set Stat +High Block, Jump, Dive, Speed, and Serve Stat |
Bokuto | Godly | +Complete Block, Jump, and Spike Stat + High Bump and Serve Stat + Ideal for Smashers and Defense |
Oigawa | Godly | +Complete Jump and Serve Stat + Very High Block and Set Capabilities + Suitable for Defensive and Setting players. |
A- Tier
The A-tier styles are some of the best ones in the game and should definitely be used if you want to make yourself a name in the Pro-Servers (ranked) scene.
Style Name | Rarity | Pros/Cons |
Kuzee | Legendary | +Complete Jump Stat + Very High Bump, Serve, Spike and Block - Low Speed |
Sanu | Secret | +Complete Block and Spike Stat + High Jump, Dive, Set and Bump Ratings -Very Low- Speed Stat |
Nichonayo | Rare | + Complete Bump and Dive Stat Defense +Good Speed stat with decent Jump attributes -Poor Serve Attribute |
Yabu | Legendary | + Complete Jump and Speed Stat +High Block, Bump, and Dive Stat -Poor Serve Stat |
Yomomute | Legendary | +Complete Bump Stat +High Dive and Spike attributes |
Sagafura | Legendary | + Complete Speed and Bump Stat +High, Dive, and Set capabilities -Poor Serve and Spike Scenarios |
Uchishima | Legendary | + Complete Jump and Spike Stat +Very High Block and Dive numbers -Low Bump ability |
Kosumi | Legendary | + Complete Bump and Dive Stat + High Jump and Set Stat -Very Bad Serve |
B- Tier
The following styles are suitable for standard casual matches and should be used as much as possible if you need to farm a lot of yens from them.
Style Name | Rarity | Pros/Cons |
Tsukishima | Rare | +Extremely good Jump Stat + Good Block and Setting stat -Extremely Slow |
Azamena | Legendary | + Good Jump, Serve, and Spike -Poor Set Stats |
Iwaezeni | Rare | +High Jump and Spike Attribute +Decent Block, Speed, and Set capabilities -Bad in Diving and Bumping the Ball |
C- Tier
The C-Tier Styles are decent ones that are useful for beginner-level players and should be replaced by other styles from B and A tiers as you progress in the game.
Style Name | Rarity | Pros/Cons |
Ojiri | Rare | +Good Bump, Jump, and Serve stats -Low Setting and Spike numbers |
Kito | Common | + High Bump, Dive, and Speed Stat -Poor Setting and Serving stats |
Hinoto | Common | + Equally Balanced Stat in All Departments - Nothing Special about the style |
Yamegushi | Common | +High Jump, Bump, and Serve Stat + Decent Dive Capabilities during Defense -Bad during Spiking and Setting scenarios |
D - Tier
The Styles under this category are useless in every situation. Only resort to using these if you are out of spins or want to practice the basics of the game.
Style Name | Rarity | Pros/Cons |
Haibo | Common | +Great Jump height +Decent Bump, Set, and Set stats - Extremely poor in Serving |
Sugawuru | Common | +Great for Setting and Spiking the Ball + Decent Serve, Jump, and Block Stat - Extremely Slow and cannot Bump accurately |
Tonoko | Common | +Very Strong Spike +Decent Block, Bump, and Serve -Extremely Slow and not suitable for Setting Teamates |
How to get Style in Haikyuu Legends
To get Styles in Haikyuu Legends, you require Spins or Lucky Spins. You can get free Spins using codes or purchase them from the store using Robux or Yen(in-game currency). To spin a style, click on the Style icon at the bottom of the screen to get a random Spin. Yes, you cannot pick or select a particular style in the game; instead, you will receive a random one after rolling. If you like the obtained Style, you can keep it or use more Spins to roll more.
For more on Haikyuu Legends, Check out Haikyuu Legends Trello and Discord Links – Roblox or Ultimate Haikyuu Legends Beginner’s Guide.
Published: Feb 2, 2025 11:02 am