The second annual Song Breaker Awards has made its way inside of the Metaverse! This award show celebrates all of the creators and artists who have impacted the spread of pop music on social media by promoting it through dances, trends, and various challenges. To bring players into the celebration as well, this experience offers multiple free items, including the (GOLD) Litra Glow Wingsuit and (GOLD) Logitech StreamCam, that can be obtained by following the guide below!
Obtaining free items
(GOLD) Litra Glow Wingsuit
The (GOLD) Litra Glow Wingsuit can be obtained by taking a seat on the experience's rollercoaster. To find this rollercoaster, look for the neon-orange lights that say Rollercoaster near the Lizzo booth.

As you approach these lights, you should notice a few staircases—climb all of these stairs until you reach the very top where the rollercoaster loading zone is located.

Once you reach the top, wait for the rollercoaster to return to the loading platform. When it arrives, approach the cart and press E to take a seat. Upon sitting down, you will be awarded with the THRILLSEEKER badge and Litra Glow Wingsuit prize!

(GOLD) Logitech StreamCam
In order to earn the (GOLD) Logitech SteamCam, players need to take a selfie in the Selfie XL photo booth. This booth can be found to the left of the rollercoaster stairs and Lizzo-themed area.

To take a picture at this booth, simply walk up to the white platform in between the two Selfie XL logos and jump on top of it. As soon as you make contact with the platform, the camera in front of you will start a five second countdown before taking a picture. Once the picture is taken, you will receive the GLOW UP badge and Logitech StreamCam item!
(GOLD) POP Keys Hat
The (GOLD) POP Keys Hat can be earned by any player that collects all 25 Logitech Coins, the locations of which can be found below.
- The first coin can be found across the street from the spawn area near the Bretman Rock and Walker NPCs. To collect a coin, simply walk into it.

- To continue hunting, look for the large pink keycap located near spawn. Jumping on this keycap will collect the floating coin and take you to the roof of a nearby building.

- From the roof of this building, you can collect two more coins. To collect the first, walk to the left and stop before reaching the edge of the roof. When you look down, you should see a coin floating above a lamp post. Jump onto the lamp post to collect this coin.

- To collect the second coin in this area, return to the roof and jump onto the purple keycap—this will launch you into the air and allow you to not only collect the coin, but continue moving forward to where the next coins are located.

- After jumping on the keycap, you should see the Defy Logic studio building and two more Logitech Coins. Jump from keycap to keycap until you reach the studio's roof and the coin that's on it.

- Once you've collected the coin on the roof, walk toward the edge of the roof near the backyard. Here, you should see two more coins—one on a palm tree and one in the pool. Drop onto the palm tree and then jump into the pool to collect both of these coins.

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- The last coin in this area can be found inside of the studio on the first floor.

- After collecting this last coin, leave the studio and head to the Logitech for Creators store.

- Another coin can be found inside of this store.

- To continue your hunt, leave the store and head to the Selfie XL photo booth. A single coin can be found floating above the selfie platform.

- After collecting this coin, head to the left of the Selfie XL photo booth and enter The Golden Arcade—one coin can be found inside of this booth.

- The next coin in this area can be found by looking to the left of the arcade and following the twisted staircase that leads to the garden underneath.

- Once you've collected this coin, head to the rollercoaster entrance. You can collect three coins by riding on the rollercoaster itself, and one that you can find on the first spiral staircase.

- The next coin can be found by following the stairs all the way up to the loading platform. Once at the top, walk to the end of the platform and look for the purple keycap hidden below it. Jumping onto this keycap will bounce you on top of the platform's awning where the final coin in this area is located.

- After collecting this coin, head back down to the main area, look for the Lizzo-themed booth and enter it. Behind the golden Lizzo shirt display inside of this booth is a hidden coin. Once you've collected this coin, leave the booth and look for the hidden doorway to the right of it. Walking through this doorway and going up the stairs will lead you to the next coin.

- Once you've collected the coin inside of this tunnel, continue walking through it until you reach the platform on the other side. At the front of this platform is a large music-playing robot and another coin.

- To collect the next coin in this area, jump on the purple keycaps until you reach the top of the building.

- At the top of this building is an oversized laptop—to collect the coin from it, press E to turn it on.

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- Once you've collected the coin from the laptop, jump off of the building and onto the street below. Upon doing so, you'll notice that the bottom of the building doubles as a restaurant and that another coin can be found on its spinning belt. We accidentally collected the coin prior to writing this guide, so we, unfortunately, don't have a picture of its exact location, but we can guarantee that it will be placed somewhere around the restaurant.

- Just outside of the restaurant is another coin hidden in the multicolor bushes.

- Behind this bush is Rainbow River—dive into it and swim to the river floor to find the next coin.

- Finally, it's time to collect the last two coins. In order to reach these coins, you'll need to equip a hoverboard at Rainbow River's dock and fly into the sky, keeping an eye out for a large floating rock.

- Once you've found the rock, approach it—doing so will automatically collect its hidden coin.

- The final coin is located on a tall building across from the spinning restaurant. As soon as you approach this building, the coin will pull to your avatar.

Once you've collected all 25 coins, you will earn the SECURE THE BAG badge and the (GOLD) POP Keys Hat prize!
(GOLD) Blue Yeti Shoulder Microphone
To earn the (GOLD) Blue Yeti Shoulder Microphone, players will need to speak to all 10 honoree NPCs that are spread throughout the experience. At the time of this article's publication, however, only six honorees have been added to the experience, so we'll need to wait until Saturday, April 30, 2022, to find the final four and earn the corresponding AUTOGRAPH HOUND badge and item.
In the meantime, the locations of the currently implemented NPCs can be found below.
- Outside of the Logitech for Creators store

- Inside of the Logitech for Creators store

- Near Rainbow River

- At the rollercoaster boarding platform

- Through the hidden doorway by the Lizzo booth

- On the platform where the music-playing robot is

As the last four honorees are added to this experience, we will update this guide with their locations!
Lizzo SBA Concert Tee (Yellow)
Players looking to earn the Lizzo SBA Concert Tee (Yellow) will need to return to the Song Breaker Awards experience on either Saturday, April 30, 2022, or Sunday, May 1, 2022, and watch the entirety of Lizzo's virtual concert performance. Those who complete this task will earn the YOU'RE SPECIAL badge along with the concert tee!
Similar to the item mentioned above, those wanting to claim the (GOLD) GAYLE ABC Chain will need to return to the Song Breaker Awards experience on either Saturday, April 30, 2022, or Sunday, May 1, 2022, and watch the entirety of GAYLE's virtual concert performance. Those who complete this task will earn the KNOW YOUR ABCS badge and its corresponding item.
That's all of the free items that can be obtained inside of the Song Breaker Awards experience! If you're hoping to collect all of these prizes, we'd recommend doing so sooner rather than later, as it's unknown if this experience will remain open after May 1, 2022!
Looking for more Roblox content? Check out our recent guides on How to grind Coins fast in Roblox Tower Defense Simulator or How to capture Fortresses easily in Roblox Military Tycoon!
Published: Apr 26, 2022 12:03 pm