Find the Simpsons, similar to the beloved Find the Markers, is a scavenger-hunt-style experience that plops you into the fictional city of Springfield and challenges you to find the various fan-favorite characters that have been hidden across it. Some of these characters, such as Angel Maggie, are a bit harder to find than others, and require you to complete a handful of tasks in order to unlock them.
Where is Angel Maggie in Find the Simpsons?
Upon spawning into Find the Simpsons, head toward, or teleport to, the beach area of the map.

Once there, hop into the water and swim around until you see a gold ring. Swimming through this ring will take you to "Paradise," which is where Angel Maggie can be found.

This location is made to resemble a paradise in the sky and sits atop many large clouds, one of which has a hidden hole that, upon jumping into it, will take you to a secret room.

Inside this room is a minigame that requires you to throw 20 small daggers into a spinning target without letting any of the daggers touch each other. This minigame will then need to be repeated two more times with two more targets—the first target is a hexagon, the second is a circle, and the third (and most difficult) is a triangle.

Related: How to unlock the Stonecutters’ building in Find the Simpsons – Roblox

After completing the third minigame, you'll unlock the room in which Angel Maggie can be found.

That's it for this quick guide on how to unlock Angel Maggie in Find the Simpsons. If there's any other specific characters you're looking to find in this experience, leave them in the comments below and I'll make a guide to help as soon as I can.
Looking for more Find the Simpsons content? Check out some of our other guides on How to get Ant Man in Find the Simpsons – Roblox or Where are the Futuristic Boxes in Find the Simpsons? – Roblox here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Nov 16, 2023 02:46 pm