Find the Simpsons, similar to the beloved Find the Markers, is a scavenger-hunt-style experience that plops you into the fictional city of Springfield and challenges you to find the various fan-favorite characters that have been hidden across it. Some of these characters, like Arnie Pye Stonecutter, are a bit more difficult to find than others, and require you to search high and low to unlock them.
Where is Arnie Pye Stonecutter in Find the Simpsons?
Once you've spawned into Find the Simpsons, head toward, or teleport to, the bowling alley. Behind the bowling alley is a large building with an eye on top—this is the Stonecutters' Headquarters.

To enter this building, you'll need to input a secret code into the pin pad that's located next to the front door.

This code (which clearly isn't that secret if they trusted Homer with it), is 12345, and can be found by speaking with the Stonecutter Homer character who's located behind the Stonecutters' building.

Now that you know the code, enter it into the pin pad to open the door.

Related: Where are the levers in Find the Simpsons? – Roblox
Upon walking into the building, you'll also technically be teleported to a new location. At this location, the Stonecutters' HQ has a contained outside area that you can explore by walking back through the door you just entered.

You can then climb to the roof of this building by jumping up its slanted architecture.

Waiting on the roof is Arnie Pye Stonecutter and his trusty helicopter. Remember, this character can only be found after you've teleported to the second Stonecutters' location—it won't work in normal Springfield!

That's it for this quick guide on how to unlock Arnie Pye Stonecutter in Find the Simpsons. If there's any other specific characters you're looking to find, leave them in the comments below and I'll make a guide to help as soon as I can!
Looking for more Find the Simpsons content? Check out some of our other guides on How to get Angel Maggie in Find the Simpsons – Roblox or How to get Spider-Bart in Find the Simpsons – Roblox here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Nov 17, 2023 01:14 pm