Slap Battles is a chaotic, player vs. player experience that involves using a variety of gloves, all with their unique abilities, to take down, and slap the mess out of, everyone in your way! The more slaps you give and players you defeat, the more gloves you'll be able to unlock in the future. Along the way, you may even earn a few badges, some of which are considered ultra secret! Continue reading below for a brief look at how to unlock one of these secret badges, the CHAOS badge and its corresponding Goofy Glove.
How to earn the CHAOS badge in Slap Battles
Before we begin, it's important to mention that, in order to earn this badge, two people in your server must have two specific gloves equipped. One must have the Confusion Glove, and the other must have the Goofy Glove. Once you've spawned into Slap Battles (and can confirm both gloves are equipped somewhere in the server), walk through the red portal at spawn to be teleported to the Normal Arena.

Related: How to get the Quake Glove in Slap Battles – Roblox
Now, to earn the CHAOS badge, the player in your server with the Confusion Glove must slap you with it, causing your character to become confused; then, the player with the Goofy Glove must slap you immediately after. If done in quick succession, and in the correct order, you should automatically unlock the CHAOS badge and Goofy Glove. That's all there is to it!
Looking for more Slap Battles content? Check out some of our other guides on How to get the 🗿 badge in Slap Battles – Roblox or How to get the THE ACCIDENT badge in Slap Battles – Roblox here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: May 18, 2023 08:55 am