To promote the Netflix-exclusive series Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight, released on July 14, 2022, Gamefam studios, DreamWorks Animation, and Netflix have teamed up to bring Po into the Roblox Metaverse. For a limited time only, fans of Po can find him hiding inside the Tower of Misery experience and earn two exclusive in-game-only items, the Bongo Drums and Foam Finger, by completing his scavenger hunt. For a brief overview of how to earn this item, continue reading below.
How to complete Po's scavenger hunt in Tower of Misery
To complete Po's scavenger hunt and earn the two in-game items, you'll need to wait for the tower to be transformed into its Kung Fu Panda-themed version. Unfortunately, unlike the previous Dr. Strange collab, there's no way to know when exactly this transformation will take place. Because of this, it's up to you to keep your eyes peeled and look for the tower theme pictured below!
When the tower transforms, speak to the Po NPC to begin his quest. To complete this quest, you'll need to find three pieces of Po's outfit, his pants, his head, and his gauntlet. These items can be found scattered throughout the various tower stages.
Once you've found all three pieces, press the red CLAIM button to activate your gauntlet and receive a slight boost for the remainder of the round.
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After the round is completed, you should earn a handful of XP! Now, look for and select the Kung Fu Panda-themed button on the left-hand side of your screen—this will open the event menu.
As you complete levels in Tower of Misery, including the Kung Fu Panda-themed level, you will earn currency. You can also watch ads from inside this menu to earn currency. You can then use this currency to purchase the Bongo Drums ($15 in-game currency) and Foam Finger ($20 in-game currency) items. You can only use the Bongo Drums once per round, so you'll need to repurchase them each time a new round begins if you want to keep using them. The Foam Finger, on the other hand, no pun intended, is a permanent item, meaning that once you've purchased it, you can use it forever.
After purchasing these items, press the backpack icon on the left-hand side of your screen to open your inventory. Then, select the Items submenu to access and equip the Bongo Drums and Foam Finger to your in-game hot bar. Once equipped with your hot bar, simply click on each item to hold it, and then click again to use it. With the Foam Finger equipped, your character will cheer each time you click your left mouse button. With the Bongo Drums equipped, your character will play a drum beat each time you click your left mouse button.
Keep in mind that these items are in-game, perk-esque items only and cannot be worn outside the Tower of Misery experience!
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Published: Jul 26, 2022 12:38 pm