Maple Hospital is a Roblox RPG that allows you to develop/refine specific skills, learn about the medical field, and experience a handful of the careers that come along with it. Whether you act as a doctor, nurse, or patient, chances are you'll discover something new every time you play this experience, including some pretty cool badges!
Continue reading below to learn more about one of Maple Hospital's secret badges, the Survivor badge.
How to earn the Survivor badge in Maple Hospital
In order to earn the Survivor badge, you must ring the in-game Survivor Bell while roleplaying as a cancer patient. To do this, you must first open your phone and choose the patient role from the Roles app, and then equip the cancer label from the Health app.

Related: How to become pregnant in Maple Hospital – Roblox
Once you've done that, enter the hospital building and walk to the right of the front desk. Around the corner from this desk should be the hospital's elevator. Approach this elevator, press E, and then select Floor 2 from the list of options. Upon doing so, you should be teleported to the hospital's second floor.

Once here, look for the mounted bell pictured below—this is the Survivor's Bell.

Upon interacting with this bell, the cancer label will automatically be removed from your avatar and you will unlock the Survivor badge.
That's it for this quick guide on how to unlock the Survivor badge in Maple Hospital. While earning this badge, remember to keep in mind that cancer is a very real disease that affects millions of families each year, and that it's important to be respectful when discussing it. You never know who has lost a loved one to cancer, and to what extent that loss continues to affect them. It's ok to play and use your imagination on Roblox, just always remember to be mindful and kind!
Looking for more Maple Hospital content? Check out some of our other guides on How to get the Toasted badge in Maple Hospital – Roblox or How to get the Maple Mega badge in Maple Hospital – Roblox here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Feb 14, 2024 10:46 am