Haze Piece, inspired by the popular anime and manga One Piece, invites you to brave the unknown sea, explore a variety of unique islands, and collect tons of awesome fruits, items, and weapons along the way. Some of these weapons, such as the White Blade v2, are exceptionally rare, and can only be obtained by an exclusive number of players.
To learn more about this mysterious weapon, including where it comes from and how to get it, continue reading the brief guide below.
How to unlock White Blade v2 in Haze Piece
There are two specific requirements that must be met before you can acquire White Blade v2, the first of which can be achieved by anyone (earning Dark Blade v2), and the second of which has only been achieved by a very small percentage of Haze Piece players (claiming the limited XMAS Straw Hat UGC item).
Related: Haze Piece Codes [Dragon]
On Dec. 16, 2023, the Haze Piece developers added an exclusive UGC item that could only be obtained by a set amount of players before it ran out of stock and disappeared forever. To earn this item, you needed to be one of the first players to remain active in the experience for at least 14 hours straight, and be at least level 700. If you completed these tasks and the item was still in stock, you would have earned it upon opening the last in-game, time-based Christmas gift.
So, to get White Blade v2, you need to have Dark Blade v2 unlocked and have the XMAS Straw Hat item equipped to your avatar. When the experience detects you have both, your Dark Blade v2 will automatically switch to White Blade v2.
That's it for this quick guide on how to get White Blade v2 in Haze Piece. Were you one of the lucky few who unlocked the exclusive Christmas limited? If so, pat yourself on the back, you have a pretty sought-after item!
Looking for more Haze Piece content? Check out some of our other guides on How to get a Fishing Rod in Haze Piece – Roblox or How to spawn the Dough Boss in Haze Piece – Roblox here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Jan 11, 2024 10:10 am