Welcome to Bloxburg is an excellent simulation game and RPG. Your character can build up new skills and hone them by completing different tasks around the world and in their homes. If you're looking to become the fittest and strongest individual in Bloxburg, you will need to level up your Athletic skill. Here's how.
Head to the Gym

Related: How to level up Intelligence skill in Roblox Welcome to Bloxburg
The easiest way to train your character's Athletics is to head over to the Bloxburg Gym. While you can also buy some equipment for your home, heading to the Gym means you don't have to spend that extra money.
The Bloxburg Gym is located around all the businesses in town. You will have to travel away from the neighborhoods and head down Bloxburg Boulevard. The Gym is right across from the BFF Supermarket down the street Coeptus Center, heading toward the school.
Use Gym equipment
There are several different types of Gym equipment that will boost your Athletic skill. They will increase your skill the same, meaning it's up to your personal preference which equipment you want to use.
Punching Bag

To use the Punching Bag, approach the equipment, click on the bag, and press the Punch button. This shows an animation where your character continuously hits the bag until you move them away from it.

You can use the treadmill in two different ways. When you approach the treadmill, you want to use and click on it. You will be able to choose to Walk or Run. They both boost your skill equally, no matter which you choose.
Lift Weights

Clicking on the bench and choosing to Lift Weights will simulate your character laying on the bench and completing several reps with the weight bar.
Level up Athletic skill

To level up your Athletic skill, you need to keep up your exercise until you see your Athletic skill bar reach 100%. This screen will pop up, notifying you of your level up. Your character will be stronger and more toned than ever!
Looking for more Welcome to Bloxburg content? Check out our guides on How to Level Up Gardening in Roblox Welcome to Bloxburg or How to level up Cooking skill in Roblox Welcome to Bloxburg!
Published: Apr 4, 2022 07:36 am