Pet Simulator 99, successor to the extremely popular Pet Simulator X, allows you to unlock and collect hundreds of adorable and unique pets, and then use said pets to farm for a variety of in-game currencies and items, including Coins, Diamonds, Potions, Enchantments, and more. Scattered around the Pet Simulator 99 map are also various minigames, merchants, and machines, one of which (the Magic Machine) is discussed in the guide below.
Where is the Magic Machine in Pet Simulator 99?

The Magic Machine is located in the Haunted Mansion area (Area #77). It costs 4k Emerald Bars to open this area.
How to use the Magic Machine in Pet Simulator 99
Unlike other machines in PS99, the Magic Machine doesn't do anything to you or your pets. Instead, it can be used to create exclusive items. To power the machine, you must input magic in the form of fuel and shards, which can then be turned into Charm Stones, Huge Potions, and Magic Orb Enchantments. The more magic you put into the machine, the better rewards you will earn.
- 5 Pieces of Magic (Fuel and Shards can be combined) - Charm Stone (Break open to reveal a charm)
- 16 Pieces of Magic (Fuel and Shards can be combined) - Huge Potion (Temporarily increases your active huge luck by 300%)
- 50 Pieces of Magic (Fuel and Shards can be combined) - Magic Orb Enchantment (Spawns an orb companion that fires at nearby breakables)

How to get Magic Fuel and Magic Shards in Pet Simulator 99
The only way to earn Magic Fuel and Magic Shards is by playing the Advanced Fishing and Advanced Digsite minigames, which are located in the Dungeon area (Area #79) and Cloud Forest area (Area #92) respectively. In order to play these minigames, you'll need to purchase an advanced shovel and advanced fishing rod, and continue purchasing better shovels/fishing rods the more you play.
That's it for this quick guide on how to use the Magic Machine in Pet Simulator 99. I know this process seemed confusing to me at first, so hopefully this guide could help anyone else who feels a bit lost!
Looking for more Pet Simulator 99 content? Check out some of our other guides on What is RAP in Pet Simulator 99? – Roblox or How to equip more pets in Pet Simulator 99 – Roblox here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Feb 2, 2024 03:40 pm