As a passionate completionist, I'm always on the lookout for collectibles, and the Shiny Relics in Pet Simulator 99 are no exception. If you're on the hunt for these items like I am, then read on for every Shiny Relic location in Pet Simulator 99.
Where to find all Shiny Relics in Pet Simulator 99
Shiny Relics are small, paw-shaped trophies hidden around the world of Pet Simulator 99. Though they aren't always easy to find, their sparkling effect helps them stand out. To collect a Shiny Relic, simply walk up to one and click on it. A collected Shiny Relic will remain where you found it, but it appears faded.
There are more than 100 Shiny Relics in total, and you can collect them in any order. For every five relics you have, you'll receive a permanent boost to your odds of hatching a shiny pet. Unfortunately, there is no special reward for collecting every relic except for the increased shiny odds. Below, you'll find the locations for every Shiny Relic in Pet Simulator 99.
Shiny Relic #1 - Shop bushes

The first Shiny Relic in Pet Simulator 99 is located just to the left of the egg-hatching area. While facing the eggs, turn left and jump over some bushes near the cliff wall; you'll find the Shiny Relic hidden behind them.
Shiny Relic #2 - Beneath the Spawn area tree

This Shiny Relic is hiding in plain sight. You can find it on the left side of the entrance to Colorful Forest (Area 2) underneath a tree.
Shiny Relic #3 - Behind the Social Rewards claim chest
From where you picked up the last Shiny Relic, turn left and walk up the stairs to the plaza. You'll find a myriad of helpful features, including the Social Rewards claim chest. This chest offers rewards to players who follow BIG Games on X/Twitter, and also has a Shiny Relic hidden behind it.
Shiny Relic #4 - Free diamonds gift box

The next Shiny Relic is located just to the left of the diamond gift box in Castle (Area 3). Look between the tree and bushes next to the cliff wall.
Shiny Relic #5 - Trading Plaza portal

The Trading Plaza is home to three Shiny Relics; however, you'll need to unlock the Castle in Area 3 to reach it. Once you've opened the Castle, walk straight through and enter the portal, where you'll find the Trading Plaza.
The first Shiny Relic will be to your immediate right as you enter the plaza. You'll find it leaning against the side of the portal behind some flowers and a tree.
Shiny Relic #6 - Under the VIP area bridge

From the entry portal, take the right path until you reach the bridge to the VIP area indicated by the "VIP Only!" sign. The Shiny Relic is floating in the water underneath the bridge.
Shiny Relic #7 - Behind the Trading Plaza sign

From the bridge, veer left on the path until you reach the large wooden sign opposite the portal. This sign depicts Pet Simulator 99 fanart; you'll find the third Shiny Relic in the Trading Plaza just behind it.
Shiny Relic #8 - Classic Obby portal

Another Shiny Relic can be found behind the Classic Obby portal in Autumn (Area 5). Be sure to walk around the portal and not through it; if you touch the center, you'll be teleported off the map and into the first obstacle course.
Shiny Relic #9 - Random potion vending machine

Just across from the Classic Obby portal, you'll find the Potions vending machine in Cherry Blossom (Area 6). On the left side of the arch, you'll find another Shiny Relic waiting to be collected.
Shiny Relic #10 - Farm box

You'll find this Shiny Relic peeking out over the top of a small box in Farm (Area 7). Look for the small crops growing on the right side of the zone.
Shiny Relic #11 - Backyard area wall

Another Shiny Relic is hidden in Backyard (Area 8). On the right cliff wall, next to the entrance, you'll find a tiny crevice hidden behind some flowers. The Shiny Relic is stashed inside the crevice and out of sight.
Shiny Relic #12 - Misty Falls waterfall pool

Misty Falls (Area 9) has its own Shiny Relic floating in the pool under the leftmost waterfalls. Hop over the rocky edge to grab it.
Shiny Relic #13 - Dead Forest bushes

As soon as you enter Dead Forest (Area 12), turn right and look for the bushes next to the stone arch. You'll find a Shiny Relic poking out from the frontmost bush.
Shiny Relic #14 - Dark Forest headstone

As its name suggests, Dark Forest (Area 13) is home to a gloomy atmosphere complete with towering headstones. Once you enter this area, make your way to the row of headstones on the left and keep walking until you reach the end. You'll find a Shiny Relic on the front of the final headstone.
Shiny Relic #15 - Dark Forest corner

Dark Forest is home to two Shiny Relics; you'll find the second one behind another headstone, located behind another headstone. To reach it, turn right from the first Shiny Relic and keep walking until you hit the opposite side of the zone. Jump over the rock, and you'll find the Shiny Relic waiting for you.
Shiny Relic #16 - Enchanted Forest log

Enchanted Forest (Area 15) has a few small logs littering the ground, but only one of them has a Shiny Relic hidden inside. From the entrance, head straight for the large tree at the back of the area, and look for the log directly to its left.
Shiny Relic #17 - Enchanted Forest bushes

Similar to Dark Forest, there's a second Shiny Relic hidden in Enchanted Forest. This one is located next to the leftmost pillar at the entrance; you'll find it hidden behind a collection of bushes and trees.
Shiny Relic #18 - Jungle Temple archway

This Shiny Relic can be found on the left side of Jungle Temple (Area 18), across from the Jungle Obby portal. It's situated on top of the archway, high above the ground. I recommend using a hoverboard to reach it, as it increases your jump height.
Shiny Relic #19 - Jungle Obby rewards area
The next Shiny Relic is at the end of the Jungle Obby, which unfortunately means you'll need to beat the obby to collect it. You can keep attempting the obby until you complete it, so don't worry if you fall. More importantly, don't go for your best time; just make sure you reach the end.
When you reach the final room of the obby, don't touch the Rewards area. Doing so will teleport you back to Jungle, and you'll need to wait for the Jungle Obby cooldown to end before you can attempt it again. Instead, turn right as soon as you enter the room and walk past the pillar (pictured above). You'll find a small tunnel with the Shiny Relic waiting for you at the end.
Shiny Relic #20 - Beach Daycare
Beach (Area 20) is home to a unique building called the Daycare, which appears as a small house with a blue roof. Just behind it, you'll find a Shiny Relic hidden inside a blue bucket next to a beach umbrella.
Shiny Relic #21 - Beach bucket
The second Shiny Relic hidden in Beach can be found inside yet another blue bucket. This one is located to the right of the entrance to Coral Reef (Area 21), along the cliff wall.
Shiny Relic #22 - Coral Reef

Once you've unlocked Coral Reef, swim through the entrance and look for the yellow coral tubes on the right. You'll find a Shiny Relic hidden amongst them.
Shiny Relic #23 - Above the Atlantis portal

After completing Shipwreck, enter Atlantis (Area 23) and look for the minigame portal on the left. There are marble pillars on either side of it; swim to the surface near the leftmost pillar and grab the Shiny Relic hidden on top.
Shiny Relic #24 - Atlantis minigame entrance

After collecting the previous Shiny Relic, head inside the Atlantis minigame portal and immediately swim to the right. You'll find another Shiny Relic behind a rock next to a marble pillar.
Shiny Relic #25 - Palm Beach cave entrance

Palm Beach (Area 24) is home to two Shiny Relics. You'll find the first one hidden on top of the cave entrance to the left. You'll likely need a hoverboard to reach the top of the archway.
Shiny Relic #26 - Palm Beach cave interior

The second Shiny Relic in Palm Beach is located on the right wall of the tunnel connected to Crimson Forest. Be sure not to miss it on your way to Crimson Forest.
Shiny Relic #27 - Rebirth One gate
Another Shiny Relic is hiding in Tiki (Area 25), to the left of the Rebirth One portal. You can find it by looking around the bottom of the Tiki pole next to the golden gate, pictured above.
Shiny Relic #28 - Pirate Cove entrance

Pirate Cove (Area 26), fittingly, has giant piles of gold scattered around. Two of these gold piles have Shiny Relics, and you can find the first one by turning left as soon as you enter the zone.
Shiny Relic #29 - Pirate Cove gold pile

The second Shiny Relic is on the opposite end of Pirate Cove from the first one. Head for the rocky cliffs at the back, and look for the relic hidden next to a barrel.
Shiny Relic #30 - Pirate Tavern rowboat
Pirate Tavern (Area 27) has a small rowboat on the left, just outside a lighthouse. Head toward the rowboat, and you'll find a Shiny Relic hidden in a gap beneath the top.
Shiny Relic #31 - Fishing area starfish

Pirate Tavern is also home to the Fishing minigame portal, which takes you to a new area with its own Shiny Relic. After entering through the portal, turn left and walk past the Fishing Merchant until you find a rock with three starfish resting on it. The Shiny Relic is hiding underneath the frontmost starfish.
Shiny Relic #32 - Fossile Digsite bones
Fossile Digsite (Area 30) is home to the Digsite minigame as well as a Shiny Relic. To the right of the Digsite, you'll see giant bones sticking out from the ground; jump over them to grab the Shiny Relic hidden just behind.
Shiny Relic #33 - Behind Digsite bones
Enter the Digsite minigame portal and walk around the pit in the center; you're looking for the giant bones on the opposite end of the area. Like before, jump over the bones to collect another Shiny Relic.
Shiny Relic #34 - Desert Pyramids entrance

As soon as you enter Desert Pyramids (Area 31), turn right and look for the cacti growing next to the stone pillar. You'll find another Shiny Relic hidden behind them.
Shiny Relic #35 - Wild West exit

Wild West (Area 33) is an adorable Wild West-themed area, complete with wood buildings and pets in cowboy hats. To find the Shiny Relic in Wild West, head to the end of the zone and turn right; the relic is perched on a windowsill next to the entrance to Grand Canyons (Area 34).
Shiny Relic #36 - Grand Canyons ravine

Head to the right side of Grand Canyons to find a Shiny Relic hanging precariously over a ravine in the ground. Don't worry—an invisible wall will keep you from falling in.
Shiny Relic #37 - Mountains tree

As you might expect, Mountains (Area 36) is a rocky area lined with evergreen trees. You can find a Shiny Relic sticking out from one of these trees on the left. Simply continue forward from the entrance until you reach the mountain wall.
Shiny Relic #38 - Snow Village rooftop

Snow Village (Area 37) is covered in white snow, so both Shiny Relics in this area are easy to spot. You can find the first one on the roof of the log cabin left of the cave entrance.
Shiny Relic #39 - Behind Snow Village cabin
The second Shiny Relic in Snow Village is hidden behind the leftmost log cabin with a gray dog pet in front of the door. Follow the path to the cabin, then walk around the back to grab it.
Shiny Relic #40 - Ice Rink snowman

As you pass through Ice Rink (Area 39), keep an eye out for this snowman on the right, near the entrance gate to Ski Town (Area 40). You'll have to climb up a snowdrift to reach him, but once you do, you'll be able to grab the Shiny Relic in his hand.
Shiny Relic #41 - Behind the Ski Town cabin
Ski Town has a few buildings in it, but only one of them is hiding a Shiny Relic. Head to the brown cabin left of the ski lift—you're looking for a snowman in front and a pet on the porch. Walk around the back, and you'll find the Shiny Relic sticking out of the snow.
Shiny Relic #42 - Hot Springs waterfall
Unlike the previous areas, Hot Springs (Area 41) is full of flowing water, and you'll find another Shiny Relic hidden behind one of the waterfalls. From the entrance to Hot Springs, continue forward until you hit the cliff wall, then turn left. You'll be able to see the Shiny Relic's outline (pictured above) through the water.
Shiny Relic #43 - Fire and Ice wall

After unlocking Fire and Ice (Area 42), look for the ice spikes jutting out from the wall on your left. You'll spot another Shiny Relic peeking out where the ice and rock meet at the center.
Shiny Relic #44 - Volcano lava pool

Another Shiny Relic can be found just beyond the entrance to Volcano (Area 43). Turn right as soon as you pass through the gate, and look for the relic hidden inside a ring of black rocks in the lava. The Shiny Relic's colors help it blend in, so look closely in order to find it.
Shiny Relic #45 - Obsidian Cave tunnel entrance

In addition to the Comet Shower machine, Obsidian Cave (Area 44) also has a Shiny Relic. You'll find it next to the tunnel entrance, hidden behind some rocks along the wall.
Shiny Relic #46 - Chest Rush entrance

The next Shiny Relic is located in Lava Forest (Area 45) to the left of the Chest Rush portal. Like the relic in Volcano, you'll find this one floating in a pool of lava.
Shiny Relic #47 - Underworld dragon skull

Yet another Shiny Relic can be found by the entrance to Underworld (Area 46). Once you pass through the gate, turn left and look for the giant dragon skull floating on the lava; the Shiny Relic is sitting in its mouth.
Shiny Relic #48 - Underworld Bridge ledge
As soon as you enter Underworld Bridge (Area 47), turn left and jump over the railing next to the Rare Potions vending machine. You'll find another Shiny Relic hiding on a ledge over the lava.
Shiny Relic #49 - Behind Rebirth Two pillar
Fire Dojo (Area 50) contains the second Rebirth portal, and like the first one, it also hides a Shiny Relic. Take a look behind the golden pillar on the right, and you'll find the relic hiding at the bottom.
Shiny Relic #50 - Fire Dojo archway

The next Shiny Relic is also located in Fire Dojo. Look for the red archway opposite the Rebirth portal; you'll find the relic hidden on its left side. I recommend jumping with a hoverboard to reach this Shiny Relic, as there's no way to climb up to it.
Shiny Relic #51 - Samurai Village wall
Added in Update 1 for Pet Simulator 99, Samurai Village (Area 51) has a Shiny Relic hidden next to the wall of the dojo. Once you enter Samurai Village, turn left until you reach the corner of the map. You'll find the relic nestled between the dojo's wall and the cliff surrounding the zone.
Shiny Relic #52 - Bamboo Forest building
The next Shiny Relic is located in Bamboo Forest (Area 52). Look for a building with a red screen to the left of the Upgrade Fruits machine. The Shiny Relic is hidden just behind the counter.
Shiny Relic #53 - Flower Garden minigame rocks
To find the next Shiny Relic, enter the Flower Garden minigame from the portal in Flower Field (Area 54). After entering, turn right from the entrance and look for the rocks along the cliff wall next to some pink flowers. The relic is hidden out of sight behind them.
Shiny Relic #54 - Behind the "Create a Clan" sign

Like the Trading Plaza, this Shiny Relic is hidden behind the "Create a Clan" sign in Fairytale Castle (Area 56). You'll find the sign on the left side of Fairytale Castle next to the gate.
Shiny Relic #55 - Fairy Castle wall
The next Shiny Relic is located along the wall of the pink castle in Fairy Castle (Area 58). To reach it, you'll need to jump onto the rocks in front of the castle as shown above. Once you get to the highest rock, jump down to the grassy area next to the castle wall, where the Shiny Relic is hidden.
Shiny Relic #56 - Behind the Cozy Village houses
Turn left as you enter Cozy Village (Area 59) and head up the steps toward the wooden houses. Look for the house with yellow flowers in front of it; you'll find a Shiny Relic hidden behind it.
Shiny Relic #57 - Right of the Frost Mountains merchant
From here, you'll skip a few zones until you reach Frost Mountains (Area 63). This area's Shiny Relic is embedded into a large, diamond-shaped rock next to the Snow Merchant.
Shiny Relic #58 - Behind the Ice Sculptures spikes
From the entrance to Ice Sculptures (Area 64), turn left and look for the cluster of ice and spikes along the rock wall. The next Shiny Relic is hidden just behind them.
Shiny Relic #59 - Behind the snowman in Snowman Town
Among the festive decorations in Snowman Town (Area 65), you can find yet another Shiny Relic. Turn left from the entrance and walk up the hill until you reach the snowman at the top. Look behind him to find the relic.
Shiny Relic #60 - On top of the Polar Express train
To find the next Shiny Relic, head to Polar Express (Area 67) and look for the train. You can either jump on it with a hoverboard or climb up the ladders on the front. The Shiny Relic is hidden atop the train on the right side.
Shiny Relic #61 - Behind the Firefly Cold Forest shed

The next Shiny Relic can be found in Firefly Cold Forest (Area 68). Look for the wooden shed at the end of the dock; you'll find the relic on the back window.
Shiny Relic #62 - On top of the Ancient Ruins stone pillar

The Shiny Relic located in Ancient Ruins (Area 71) is found on top of a pillar. Turn right from the entrance and look for the pillar next to the giant stone arches. I recommend zooming your camera out, as you'll have an easier time spotting it.
Shiny Relic #63 - On the Runic Altar pillar
Before leaving Runic Altar (Area 72), look for the blue pillar to the right of the exit gate. Another Shiny Relic is hidden on the back side of the pillar near the top.
Shiny Relic #64 - Behind the Wizard Tower waterfall

Follow the river in Wizard Tower (Area 73), located to the left of the titular tower. The next Shiny Relic is hidden behind the waterfall at the end.
Shiny Relic #65 - In the Witch Marsh grave

This Shiny Relic in Pet Simulator 99 can be found in Witch Marsh (Area 74). Look for a pair of graves underneath a large tree; the relic is sticking out of the rightmost grave.
Shiny Relic #66 - On the Haunted Forest rocks

Added in Update 5, this Shiny Relic is found to the right of the entrance to Haunted Forest (Area 75). Look for the rock piles across from the Rebirth 3 statue.
Shiny Relic #67 - Haunted Mansion window
The next Shiny Relic is located on the rightmost wall of the building in Haunted Mansion (Area 77). You'll find it hidden on the first window.
Shiny Relic #68 - Dungeon Entrance corner

The Shiny Relic in Dungeon Entrance (Area 78) is in a corner. Turn left immediately from the entrance and look behind the pillar at the end of the wall.
Shiny Relic #69 - Under the Dungeon banner
This next Shiny Relic is one of the trickiest to find in Pet Simulator 99. Look for the skull banner at the end of the left wall in Dungeon (Area 79). Then, walk under it and tilt your camera up. You'll find the relic hidden underneath the banner along the wall.
Shiny Relic #70 - Advanced Digsite wall

While you're in Dungeon, enter the Advanced Digsite minigame portal and follow the rightmost wall. You'll find the Shiny Relic hidden next to some mushrooms.
Shiny Relic #71 - Inside the Treasure Dungeon chest

This is another Shiny Relic that's tricky to find. Head to Treasure Dungeon (Area 80) and look for the first treasure chest to the right of the entrance. Walk up to the chest and click on it; the Shiny Relic isn't visible from the outside.
Shiny Relic #72 - Empyrean Dungeon wall

The next Shiny Relic is under yet another skull banner, but it isn't hidden quite as well. From the entrance to Empyrean Dungeon (Area 81), follow the wall on your right until you find the relic under a blue and yellow banner.
Shiny Relic #73 - Inside Cotton Candy Forest trees
In Cotton Candy Forest (Area 83), look for the cotton candy trees with blue tops left of the entrance. Walk around them, and you'll find the next Shiny Relic sticking out from the back.
Shiny Relic #74 - Top of the Gummy Forest ladders

As you enter Gummy Forest (Area 84), turn left and look for the ladders on the wall. You'll find another Shiny Relic at the top.
Shiny Relic #75 - Behind the waterfall

The next Shiny Relic is in Chocolate Waterfall (Area 85). Look behind the waterfall to the left of the entrance, and you'll find the relic at the bottom.
Shiny Relic #76 - On the ice cream scoops

As soon as you enter Sweets (Area 86), turn right and look for the white ice cream scoops next to the entrance. Another Shiny Relic is hidden at the very top.
Shiny Relic #77 - Behind the block structure
In Toys and Blocks (Area 87), you'll find another Shiny Relic at the back of the zone. Look behind the block structure to the left of the exit gate, where you'll find the relic at the bottom.
Shiny Relic #78 - Behind the Lucky Block rocks

Enter the Lucky Block minigame portal in Toys and Blocks, and head to the back left corner. The next Shiny Relic is hidden along the wall behind two rocks.
Shiny Relic #79 - Inside the Carnival tent

The next Shiny Relic is in Carnival (Area 88). Look for the orange tent to the left of the Ferris wheel, and you'll find it hidden at the back.
Shiny Relic #80 - Inside the Theme Park stand
To find the next Shiny Relic, head to Theme Park (Area 89) and look for the red food stand on the right. Head inside, where you'll find the relic inside an empty popcorn machine.
Shiny Relic #81 - Behind the Cloud Garden gazebo
You'll find another Shiny Relic in Cloud Garden (Area 91). Look for the gazebo with purple stone pillars on the right, and walk around it. The relic is hidden behind the backmost pillar.
Shiny Relic #82 - Behind the Advanced Fishing tree

For the next Shiny Relic, head through the Advanced Fishing minigame portal in Cloud Forest (Area 92). Walk past the Fishing Rod Merchant on the left; you'll find the Shiny Relic hidden behind a tree at the very end.
Shiny Relic #83 - On the Cloud Houses roof

Another Shiny Relic is located in Cloud Houses (Area 93). Look for the house to the left of the exit gate, then zoom out your camera. The relic is hidden on top of the red roof.
Shiny Relic #84 - Behind the golden gate

The next Shiny Relic is in Heaven Gates (Area 95). As you approach the exit, turn left; the relic is hidden behind the leftmost gate next to some clouds.
Shiny Relic #85 - Next to the Heaven Golden Castle

The final Shiny Relic in World 1 is located in Heaven Golden Castle (Area 97). Look along the rightmost wall of the castle, and you'll find the relic hidden next to some clouds.
Shiny Relic #86 - In the Tech World spawn

Once you enter Tech World (Area 100), turn left from spawn and head to the plaza. The first Shiny Relic in Tech World is hidden in the wall just left of the Index machine.
Shiny Relic #87 - Behind the Hologram Forest Warp Portal

This relic is located in Hologram Forest (Area 102). Turn right from the entrance and look behind the Warp Portal.
Shiny Relic #88 - Behind the Robot Farm hay bales
Robot Farm (Area 103) has a Shiny Relic hidden behind some hay bales. Look on the right side of the zone near the hay bales and crates.
Shiny Relic #89 - In the Bit Stream water

Once you enter Bit Stream (Area 104), turn left and jump over the railing into the water. You'll find another Shiny Relic hidden behind a rock.
Shiny Relic #90 - On top of the Mushroom Lab mushroom
Mushroom Lab (Area 106) is full of tall, glowing mushrooms; look for the one in the back right of the zone, near the gate to Virtual Forest (Area 107). The Shiny Relic is on top of the mushroom.
Shiny Relic #91 - Behind the Data Tree Farm grass

To find the next Shiny Relic, turn left from the entrance to Data Tree Farm (Area 108). You'll find the relic behind a row of grass in a planter box.
Shiny Relic #92 - On top of the Tech Jungle tree

The next Shiny Relic is located in Tech Jungle (Area 109). As you enter, turn right and look for one of the shorter trees along the wall. The relic is on top of the tree near some dark rocks.
Shiny Relic #93 - Left of the Weekly Quests chest in Oasis Ruins

You'll find another Shiny Relic in Oasis Ruins (Area 111). Head for the Weekly Quests chest and turn left; the Shiny Relic is behind some ruined technology near the water.
Shiny Relic #94 - Right side of Future Beach

In Future Beach (Area 112), look between the large rocks just in front of the gate to Tech Reef (Area 113). You'll find another Shiny Relic hidden between the rocks along the cliff wall.
Shiny Relic #95 - Inside the Tech Reef coral

As you enter Tech Reef (Area 113), swim up and to the left to find the next Shiny Relic. I recommend doing this in first person, which makes swimming in Pet Simulator 99 easier. The relic is hidden inside some yellow coral tubes.
Shiny Relic #96 - Behind the broken pillar in Robo Pirates
Robo Pirates (Area 114) is home to two separate Shiny Relics. The first is found on the left, behind a broken pillar with a glowing yellow rune on it. Look for the wooden steering wheel with a skull on the front.
Shiny Relic #97 - On top of the pillar in Robo Pirates
The second Shiny Relic in Robo Pirates (Area 114) is directly across from the first. Look for another broken pillar with a glowing rune; you'll find the relic hidden at the top.
Shiny Relic #98 - On top of The Water Hole building
Tech Wild West (Area 119) has its own saloon, along with a Shiny Relic. Look for The Water Hole, a two-story building with blue windows; the Shiny Relic is at the top, behind the sign. You can climb to the top of the building by heading around the left side and using the window awnings to jump up.
Shiny Relic #99 - Left of the Free Enchantments chest in Frostbyte Forest

The next Shiny Relic is found along the wall of Frostbyte Forest (Area 122). You'll need to find the Free Enchantments chest in this zone, then turn left and look between the towering ice blocks that form the zone's wall.
Shiny Relic #100 - Under the Forcefield Mine crystals

The hundredth Shiny Relic in Tech World is located in Forcefield Mine (Area 123). You'll find the relic underneath the translucent crystals along the right wall.
Shiny Relic #101 - Inside the cracked ice

In Cracked Iceberg (Area 126), you'll find a Shiny Relic hidden in the ice. Look to the left of the warp portal to Area 102.
Shiny Relic #102 - Behind the Nexus storage container
To find the Shiny Relic in Nexus (Area 128), climb up the rocks to the left and jump onto the metal storage container. The Shiny Relic is hidden along the wall of the zone behind one of the containers.
Shiny Relic #103 - Inside the Secure Coast guard booth

The next Shiny Relic is in Secure Coast (Area 129). You'll find it inside the booth on your left, next to the exit gate.
Shiny Relic #104 - Behind the Radiation Mine grate

Radiation Mine (Area 131) has yet another Shiny Relic. Look inside the metal grate on the left side of the zone, behind the giant glass tubes.
Shiny Relic #105 - Behind a rock in Exploded Reactor

The next relic is located in Exploded Reactor (Area 132). You'll find it behind a large rock in the back left corner of the zone.
Shiny Relic #106 - Next to the spaceship

You'll find another Shiny Relic in Spaceship Dock (Area 133). Look for the rocketship on the right; the relic is on the launch pad next to it.
Shiny Relic #107 - Behind the Lunar Planet radar dish
In Lunar Planet (Area 135), the next Shiny Relic is hidden behind a radar dish. Climb up the wall behind the Free Diamonds gift box, and you'll find the relic at the top.
Shiny Relic #108 - On the Saturn Planet stalagmites

To get another Shiny Relic, head to Saturn Planet (Area 137) and look for the purple stalagmites growing on the right. A relic is perched at the very top of a stalagmite; you'll need to climb up the rocks to reach it.
Shiny Relic #109 - On a comet in Comet Planet
The next Shiny Relic is found in Comet Planet (Area 138). To reach it, you'll need to climb up the wall to your left, and look behind the comet closest to the exit gate.
Shiny Relic #110 - In the Electric Garden grass

In Electric Garden (Area 140), the next Shiny Relic is hidden to the left. Look between the patches of tall grass next to the pink flowers.
Shiny Relic #111 - Behind the Neon City warp portal
To find another Shiny Relic, look behind the warp portal to Area 128 in Neon City (Area 142). The relic is hidden in an electrical panel on the wall of a building.
Shiny Relic #112 - Behind the Robot Factory pipes

Robot Factory (Area 144) has a Shiny Relic hidden behind a pair of gray and yellow pipes. To find it, walk toward the exit gate to Area 145 and turn right. The relic is on the ground in the corner of the zone.
Shiny Relic #113 - On the Egg Incubator machine

As you enter Egg Incubator (Area 145), head toward the Exclusive Daycare and turn left. Another Shiny Relic is hidden on a machine next to the wall. You'll need to use your hoverboard to jump onto the machine.
Shiny Relic #114 - In the Spore Garden UFO

In Spore Garden (Area 147), climb up the wall to your left and head toward the exit gate. The Shiny Relic is inside the tiny UFO hovering in the air. Jump onto the giant green mushroom next to the UFO, then grab the relic.
Shiny Relic #115 - Inside the Alien Lab electrical panel

The next Shiny Relic is found in Alien Lab (Area 149). Look for an electrical panel between the glass test tubes on the right side of the zone.
Shiny Relic #116 - Behind the vent

You’ll need to make it to Area 151 to find the next Shiny Relic, which you should be able to spot behind the vent that’s just inside the area.
Shiny Relic #117 - Inside the satellite dish

A couple of areas later you’ll make it to Area 153. Do you see the satellite dish which is right behind the warp portal? You’ll find the next Shiny Reic right on top of it.
Shiny Relic #118 - In the spinning gear

Two sections later (in Area 155) you can find the next Shiny Relic. This one is in the next to a spinning gear you’ll see near the Enchants Vending Machine in the area.
Shiny Relic #119 - Behind the Free Items spot

Look at the spot where you can grab Free Items in Area 157 and you’ll see a rock just next to it. There’s a Shiny Relic behind the rock.
Shiny Relic #120 - In the high yellow panel

If you look at the Treasure Hideout in Area 159 you’ll see there’s a high yellow panel just behind it. The next Shiny Relic is in the panel.
Shiny Relic #121 - Inside the turret

When you make your way into Area 160, go into the castle turret on the right to find another Shiny Relic inside.
Shiny Relic #122 - By the rock in the trees

You can find the next Shiny Relic when you make your way to Area 161. There’s a rock in the middle of three trees. The relic is just behind them.
Shiny Relic #123 - On top of the glowing rock

You should have no trouble spotting this Shiny Relic, as it's just on a glowing rock on the right in plain sight when you enter Area 162.
Shiny Relic #124 - Tucked behind the wall

As you come into Area 164, look to your right. Search by the middle section of the wall to find the next Shiny Relic.
Shiny Relic #125 - Behind the wall to the left of the exit

There’s also a Shiny Relic in Area 165. Look for the tree that’s to the left of the entrance to Area 166 and you will see it behind the wall by the tree.
Shiny Relic #126 - To the right of the tunnel entrance

It’s a few levels until the next one, as you’ll need to get through to Area 168. Once you do you’ll find the Shiny Relic by the tunnel on the right side of the area.
Shiny Relic #127 - Between the pillars of the house

Next door in Area 169 there is a Shiny Relic in front of the house you’ll see on the right-hand side, to the left of the front door.
Shiny Relic #128 - On the windowsill

The Shuiny Relic in Area 171 is also found next to the house on the right of the area, this time in the window.
Shiny Relic #129 - Up the ramp on the right

There’s a nice Free Enchants machine when you arrive in Area 172, which is made even more enticing by the Shiny Relic at the top of the ramp to its right! Be careful as there is also a dummy relic in this area (on the other side) which can be confusing.
Shiny Relic #130 - In the big pile of gold

The last Shiny Relic added with Update 8 can be found in Area 173. See the big gold pile on the left? The relic is inside.
Shiny Relic #131 - In the Holographic PowerPlant

The 131 Shiny Relic is inside the Holographic Power Plant (area 176). Go inside the Power Plant, and you will find it between two tubes.
Shiny Relic #132 - Behind a Stone in Dark Tech Ruins

Uncover the mystery of the 132 Shiny Relic, hidden behind a rock in the enigmatic 181 region of the Dark Tech Ruins. It's not visible from the front, so you must venture behind the rock to claim your prize.
Shiny Relic #133 - Behind the Entrance Gate of the Dark Tech Castle

This one is behind the left side of the Dark Tech Castle Entrance Gate in region 182. Like the last one, it is not visible from the front, and you need to get behind the gate to spot it.
Shiny Relic #134 - Behind the fence in Dark Tech Forest

Head to area 184, and you will reach the Dark Tech Forest. On the left side, there is a fence. Go behind it to find a Shiny Relic in the middle section.
Shiny Relic #135 & 136 - Behind the Powerplant & Antennae
In area 185, a powerplant is on the left side. Go behind it to find a Shiny Relic.

In the same area, you will find two antennae-like buildings. Just get behind the second antennae to locate another shiny relic.

Shiny Relic #137 - Behind a Pillar

This one can be found behind the iron pillar on the far right side of area 186.
Shiny Relic #138 - On top of the Electric Junction box

The next Shiny Relic is in area 188. Upon arriving there, you will find two electric junction boxes on the right side of the portal. Look on top of the first electric junction box to find the Shiny Relic.
Shiny Relic #139 - Behind a Glitch Tree

This Shiny Relic is behind the middle tree in the Glitch Forest (189). Go to the area and find the forest on the left side.
Shiny Relic #140 - On top of a Cement Slab

The Shiny Relic is on top of a miniature slab in area 192. You will find this slab on the right side at the front of the building.
Shiny Relic #141 - Behind a Glitch Stone

The next one is behind a glitch stone in area 193. After reaching the area, go to the left side, and you will find it next to the purple-colored tree.
Shiny Relic #142 - Hanging on a tree

This Shiny Relic is hanging on a cherry-colored tree in the forest. Go to area 194, and you will find this tree in the middle on the left side.
Shiny Relic #143 - Behind a Rocket

In area 195, you will find a giant rocket launch pad on the left side. Just peek behind the rocket to locate the Shiny Relic.
Shiny Relic #144 - Behind a Cryptic Stone

This Shiny Relic is in area 197 behind a large grey cryptic stone on the left side.
Shiny Relic #145 - Behind a Floating Crystal

The final 145 Shiny Relic is behind a floating crystal on the right side in area 198. You can find this crystal on the right side.
Shiny Relic #146 - In Front of the Rainbow Machine

This Relic is currently bugged as it's underneath the ground. Reach area 198 and stand in front of the Rainbow Machine to find the Relic.
Shiny Relic #147 - Behind the white cannon

At the start of the area 200 in Prison World, you will see a giant white canon. Look behind the cannon to locate this Relic.
Shiny Relic #148 - Behind the white cannon

Once you are in the Prison World, you will find the Prison Tower on the right. Go behind it to get this Relic.
Shiny Relic #149 - Near the Prison Bar

Opposite the last Prison Tower, you will find the first Prison bar/block. Go behind the first corner to acquire this Relic. Check for the Prisoner 001 (Specs) board for reference.
Shiny Relic #150 - Behind a Green Tree

In Zone 203, you will find a basketball court. Go a little right to find a tree and Relic under it.
Shiny Relic #151 - Behind a Park Bench

In the same Zone 203, you will find another basketball court on the left as well. Here, at the end of the court, you will find a stone bench and, behind it, a Relic.
Shiny Relic #152 - Behind a Palm Tree

The Shiny Relic 152 is behind a Palm Tree at the entrance of the Obby World in Zone 205 on the left side before the wooden tile-like walk area begins.
Shiny Relic #153 - Next to the Large White Coral

In the Obby World, Jump inside the Ocean World portal and reach Zone 206. Here, you will find a Relic right next to the big coral at the start of the area.
Shiny Relic #154 - Behind a large Stone Boulder

This Shiny Relic is inside the Tikki Island in Zone 207. Teleport to this island, and at the starting point, you will find a bunch of stones on the right side. Go behind the rocks to get the Relic.
Shiny Relic #155 - Behind the Second House

Right next to the Stones for the previous Relic, you can find two brown houses. Go to the back of the second house to find Shiny Relic.
Shiny Relic #156 & 157 - On the broken Ship
These two Relisc are inside the Volcano World. Teleport to Area 209 to reach Volcano World. Here, after spawning, you will find a brown ship on the right side. Hop on to find a Relic near the Helm of the ship. For the other, go to the back of the boat to find Relic near the edge.
Shiny Relic #158 - Behind the Hacker Chest

This Shiny Relic is inside the Hacker World. Right at the entrance of this world, you will find a Hacker Chest. Go a little behind the chest to find a grey pillar and a Relic next to it.
Shiny Relic #159 - Next to the Free Potion Chest

The next Shiny Relic is near a wall in Zone 212 called Hacker Cove. After entering the area, go to the right to find the colorful Free Potion Chest. Look further to the right of this chest to locate the Shiny Relic hidden behind a wall.
Shiny Relic #160 - Behind the Servers

This Shiny Relic is behind the servers in the Hacker laboratory. The Hacker Laboratory is in zone 213. So, go there and reach the back of the server with a bluish steel pillar on either side.
Shiny Relic #161 - Behind the Mainframe Server

In zone 214, you will find the Hacker Mainframer area. Here, right at the center, you will find the Mainframe Server; go behind it to find the Shiny Relic at the back.
Shiny Relic #162 - Behind a small brown Cottage

In Zone 215, you will find a small brown cottage on the right side. Go behind the house to find a Relic.
Shiny Relic #163 - Behind three White Stones

Travel to Zone 216, and here, on the left side before the entrance of the house, you will find three sets of white stones. Go behind them to locate this Shiny Relic.
Shiny Relic #164 - On the Side of the Golden Building

In Zone 218, you will find a giant golden palace. Go to the left-side entrance of the Palace to get Relic no 164.
Shiny Relic #165 - On the Side of the Blue Mansion

In the Diamond Megacity (Zone 219), you will find a blue-colored mansion on the right side. Go to the side of this mansion to find the Relic.
Shiny Relic #166 - On the window panel of a Shop

The next Shiny Relic is on a window panel of a cute shop on the left side of Zone 220 of Kawaii Town.
Shiny Relic #167 - Behind a Bamboo Stick

The Shiny Relic number 167 is on the right side of the wooden shrine in Zone 221. Reach the zone on look on the left side to locate this building.
Shiny Relic #168 - Near the Waterfall

In zone 222, you will find a waterfall to the left side of the playing area. Here, you will find the Relic in between the lavender and salmon-colored tree adjacent to the water fall.
Shiny Relic #169 - Behind the White Chocolate

Reach zone 223, and you will find a lot of candies on the right side of the area. Here, you will find a large white piece of chocolate. Go behind this to find the Shiny Relic 169 in the game.
Shiny Relic #170 - Behind a Green Tree

This Relic is in zone 226. Here, you will find the item behind a green tree on the left side of the foothill of the slope.
Shiny Relic #171 & 172 - On the top of the Pink Coral
You can find the first Relic in zone 227 on the right side of the play area on top of a pink coral, as shown in the image above. Similar to that, you can also find another pink coral on the left side of the play area.
Shiny Relic #173 - Behind a Stone in the Lava Area

Travel to zone 229, where you will find a small lava area in the top left corner. Go to this area, and you will find a Relic behind the stone on the edge of the lava.
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Published: Sep 25, 2024 10:02 am