Pixel Piece is a One Piece pirate adventure where you can roam the seas, defeat powerful enemies and bosses, and acquire devil fruit. Devil fruit gives you powerful abilities to utilize in battle, but they can be pretty hard to locate. Gamepasses can make getting some of the best fruits easier, but there are multiple passes to choose from, and they can be pretty pricey. That's why we made a list of all the benefits and downsides to each gamepass to help you decide which one is most worth purchasing.
Are the Roblox Pixel Piece gamepasses worth the Robux?

Gamepasses feature exclusive gear and abilities you can't get anywhere else in the experience. These products are beneficial in various ways for your adventures but also cost Robux, meaning you might have to spend some real money. Since you're potentially investing in these special items, we want to ensure you're getting the best deal for the price. Take a look at our list of each pass below, ranked from least worthy to most worthy of the cost:
Emote Pack
Cost: 150 R$
The Emote Pack is the cheapest pass you can purchase in Pixel Piece but is undoubtedly one of the least helpful. This pack gives you exclusive emotes, allowing your character to perform various animations you can't get any other way. However, if you are playing the game to farm levels and acquire fruits, this pass is not worth spending the Robux on when you could purchase others that are more useful for progressing in the experience.
Striker Boat
Cost: 1,250 R$
The Striker Boat pass is a unique ship you can't purchase anywhere else. It happens to be one of the fastest ships you can acquire in the game, with a speed of 130. However, is this pass worth the 1,250 Robux? Unfortunately, probably not. This ship may be an excellent way to get around faster and locate fruit quicker, but it isn't even the fastest mode of transportation in the game, meaning most likely, other players will still be able to outspeed you. Considering it cost so much, it may be more worth purchasing the other transportation gamepass, the Smokecycle.
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Cost: 1,999 R$
The Smokecycle is another pass that features an exclusive mode of transportation and is extremely faster than any other ship, including the Striker Boat. This cycle can traverse over land and sea and moves at a speed of 180. No doubt if you're looking for a way to get around faster and you're between what transportation pass to get, this one is the superior of the two. However, considering just how much more expensive this pass is than the boat, it is not entirely worth it for the price, especially when you can use certain fruits, like Hie Hie, to get around quickly already.
Private Server
Cost: 700 R$
This pass allows players to create their own private servers. There are many benefits to hosting your own private server, allowing you to better grind specific enemies or quests that other players might interfere with. Fruit spawns a little slower than public servers but has a better chance of being a higher rarity. If you have friends to farm with, these private servers may be worth the Robux for gaining levels quickly and locating fruits, but if you're a solo player, you may find it easier to play in a public server.
Pixel Fruit Bag
Cost: 1,499 R$
The Pixel Fruit Bag is a pass that allows you to store devil fruit in your inventory. Since you're not usually able to carry more than one fruit, this is great if you want to keep multiple, especially if you come across high-rarity fruits. Unfortunately, it does cost quite a bit of Robux, and if you have the Robux to spend, it is almost worth saving them to help purchase the exact fruit you want when it becomes available in the shop.
Fruit Notifier
Cost: 1,999 R$
Like other One Piece games on Roblox, there is also a special pass to help locate devil fruit as they spawn around the islands. This Fruit Notifier will announce when a fruit spawns and reveal the exact location to find it. Unlike other games, this notifier will stay up the entire time the fruit is available, making it easier to track and acquire before other players. This pass is pricey but worth it if you want to find fruits quickly, especially new update fruits that enter the game and don't appear right away in the shops. Since you can still wait and purchase fruits directly from the shop, it isn't considered the most valuable pass for the price.
Repeat Quest
Cost: 559 R$
The Repeat Quest pass allows you to immediately complete a quest without speaking to the NPC again. This pass is 100% worth the cost if you hope to farm and grind levels as quickly and efficiently as possible. You save less time skipping through dialogue and traveling back and forth and can focus on the main meat of the quest that earns you Exp. It is not absolutely necessary to level up quickly, but it can make a big difference if you aren't a fan of roaming around the map or chatting with NPCs.
Mastery Exp
Cost: 750 R$
The Mastery Exp pass is one of the most valuable passes for the cost and is almost a must to progress efficiently through the experience. Leveling can take a long time in farming games like this, but the Mastery Exp allows you to gain mastery experience faster and acquire new skills quicker. Considering this is a permanent boost and cheaper than most of the other gamepass choices, it is definitely worth the Robux and one of the most beneficial options.
If you have the Robux to spend, we hope this list helps you narrow down which pass to invest in for the most beneficial gameplay. Of course, everyone's opinions and experiences differ, meaning some passes may be more worth the prices for certain players than others. Let us know your favorites in the comments below.
Looking for more Pro Game Guides Roblox Pixel Piece content? Check out our guides on Pixel Piece Trello, Twitter, and Discord Links – Roblox or How to get Geppo (Sky Walk) in Pixel Piece – Roblox!
Published: Feb 1, 2023 11:45 am