Mystery Boxes have crash landed across Pet Simulator X and they're only here for a limited time! While the 2023 St. Patrick's Day event is active, players can try their luck at obtaining some pretty awesome pets totally for free, but how? Continue reading below to find out.
What do Mystery Boxes do in Pet Simulator X?
Mystery Boxes can spawn across all Pet Simulator X worlds and biomes and come in three colors, green, yellow, and purple.

To destroy these boxes, click on them like you would any other coin pile, gift box, safe, or chest, to direct your pets to them. The health of these boxes varies and scales as you travel between biomes. For example, a Mystery Box in the Shop biome of Spawn World will have very low health and will break easily, whereas a Mystery Box in Doodle World will have much higher health and be harder to break.
Related: How to make Golden pets in Pet Simulator X – Roblox

Each time you break a Mystery Box of any color, there's a chance that a random egg from the world where you destroyed it will be inside, ie., destroying a Mystery Box in Tech World could award you a Chemical Egg, and destroying a Mystery Box in Cat World could award you a Yarn Egg. Inside these eggs are then pets that correspond with said egg and location.

Unfortunately, you won't receive an egg every time you destroy a Mystery Box—it's simply based on chance. Other times, you'll receive bonuses of potions, Diamonds, or Clover Coins, which can still be worth it!
Looking for more Pet Simulator X content? Check out our recent guides on How to get the Cat Royalty Achievement in Pet Simulator X – Roblox or How to hatch a Comet Egg in Pet Simulator X – Roblox here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Mar 16, 2023 08:51 am