Smalland: Surviving the Wilds is a delightful adventure featuring tiny characters in a large world. It bears many similarities to Grounded but also has mounts. These allow you to travel the world quickly and in new ways. This may leave you wondering how to tame a mount in Smalland: Surviving the Wilds.
Smalland Survive the Wilds Taming Guide
There are several creatures that you can tame and turn into a mount in Smalland: Surviving the WIlds. This includes hostile creatures and those that are peaceful. Each creature that you can tame requires different treats, so having these on hand is a must to tame a mount in Smalland: Surviving the Wilds.
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How to tame a mount in Smalland Survive the Wilds
To tame a mount in Smalland: Surviving the Wilds, you need the right treat and to weaken the creature. Once you have dropped the creature below 50 percent health and have the appropriate treat in your inventory, a prompt will appear when hovering over the creature. Press F on PC to tame the creature.
We tamed a Grasshopper by crafting a Grasshopper Treat in the Cauldron. After weakening the Grasshopper, you can feed it the treat and claim it as a mount. You have various commands once you tame it, including Mount, Release, and Stay. Mounts have different abilities; for example, the Grasshopper can jump great distances.

How many mounts can you have in Smalland Survive the Wilds
You can only have one mount in Smalland: Surviving the Wilds at a time. To claim another mount, you must first release the first mount. Alternatively, if your mount dies, you can claim another mount. Mounts will fight, and you can kill them. We accidentally killed our Grasshopper while it was fighting some Carpenter Ants. You can also craft a Pet Whistle to recall your pet if you have told it to stay.
For more information on Smalland: Surviving the Wilds, check out How to get Flint in Smalland and Is Smalland Survive the Wilds on Xbox? on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Mar 30, 2023 10:42 am