Peter Parker and Miles Morales both wear the mask in Spider-Man 2, but they both have abilities, suit tech, gadgets, and skills in addition to their powers. With both heroes having separate and shared ones, it can be overwhelming choosing what to pick first.
But you'll need to use the right abilities and such, especially just starting out. So keep reading to ensure you pick best abilities, skills, suit tech, and gadgets in Spider-Man 2.
Best abilities, skills, suit tech, and gadgets to choose first in Spider-Man 2
Spider-Man has numerous options for abilities, skills, gadgets, and more you can equip and upgrade for Peter and Miles. Early on, you'll want to grab the ones listed below to ensure you have a smooth start and a great base to work on as you progress. Here are the best early abilities, skills, suit tech, and gadgets I recommend to get first in Spider-Man 2.
Best early abilities, skills, suit tech, and gadgets for Peter & Miles - Spider-Man 2

Best Peter Abilities in Spider-Man 2
- Spider Barrage:
- Unleash a flurry of Spider Arm attacks that damage a foe.
- Spider Rush:
- Propel yourself forward, damaging enemies along your path.
- Spider Shock:
- Shock enemies with electrified web lines, leaving them vulnerable to attack.
- Symbiotic Yank:
- Grab multiple enemies and pull them towards you.
Best Miles Abilities in Spider-Man 2
- Venom Punch:
- A devastating bioelectric punch. Applies Venom Stun to the primary target and enemies behind them.
- Venom Dash:
- Dash to an enemy and then hurl them away with a burst of Venom.
- Venom Smash:
- Smash down to the ground with a Venom Powered punch applying Venom Stun to enemies nearby and flinging them back.
- Venom Jump:
- Lifts nearby enemies into the air and applies Venom Stun to them.

- Loop de Loop:
- While diving, continue holding R2 to perform a super-kinetic loop maneuver and generate a boost of speed.
- Web Whip:
- Hold Triangle to attach a web to an enemy's weapon, then tap R1 to disarm and whip the weapon back with force.
- Combo Resupply:
- Adds a chance for a free gadget shot at the end of a 4-hit melee combo.
- Perfect Dodge Recharge:
- Abilities are partially recharged after performing a perfect dodge.
Best Peter Skills in Spider-Man 2
- Spider Shock: Overload:
- Spider Shock now sends out an overloaded power surge that chains to additional enemies.
- Spider Rush: Tornado:
- Spider Rush pulls enemies in towards Spider-Man from farther out.
- Spider Rush: Express Webbing:
- Spider Rush webs up the first three targets it hits.
- Symbiote Yank: Empowered:
- Ignore the limit on the number of enemies pulled in by Symbiote Yank.
- Symbiote Strike: Extended:
- Extend the distance travelled and greatly increase the number of enemies that can be grabbed and launched into the air.
Best Miles Skills in Spider-Man 2
- Venom Punch: Concentrated Force:
- Venom Punch exerts a force in a cone from the primary target throwing back all enemies caught in it.
- Venom Dash: Double Dash:
- Immediately after performing a Venom Dash press L1 + Triangle to follow-up with a second free Venom Dash.
- Venom Smash: Jolt:
- Tap L1 + Circle a second time during Venom Smash to launch enemies into the air.
- Mega Venom Blast: Self-Care:
- Focus is filled when Mega Venom Blast is used.
Best Suit Tech in Spider-Man 2

- Focus:
- Focus is the all important upgrade, as Focus is vital to surviving and being Spider-Man. It affects combat, stealth, and healing.
- Damage:
- Damage is another great upgrade path, as it makes dealing with weaker enemies faster and helps take down dangerous bosses.
Note: Suit Tech applies to all suits now, so you can change suits and keep your upgrades.
Best Gadgets in Spider-Man 2

- Web Grabber:
- Pull multiple enemies into one place, making them vulnerable to area attacks.
- Web Shooters:
- Web up enemies with multiple rapid-fire shots. Target enemies that are prone or near walls to stick them to the surface.
- Upshot:
- Suspend multiple enemies in the air, making them vulnerable to air combos or yank down.
For more information on Spider-Man 2, check out How to claim Deluxe Edition costumes in Spider-Man 2 and How long is Spiderman 2 gameplay? on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Oct 20, 2023 09:40 am