Star Ocean: The Divine Force battles are interesting as there are several ways to deal damage. There are different status ailments that you can use to your advantage, but beware, as enemies can use them too! Here are all status ailments in Star Ocean: The Divine Force so you can know what they mean.
All Status Ailments explained in Star Ocean Divine Force
- Poison - Characters take massive damage when using a skill when poisoned.
- Frozen - The target cannot move, and any attack that hits them has a chance to shatter them, dealing massive damage but unfreezing them so they can move again.
- Scorched - The character takes minor damage over time. It will not take damage during combos.
- Confused - Characters may hit allies when attacking, and Factors and passive skills are nullified (no longer work).
- Ability Decreased - Ability values such as Attack (Atk) and Defense (Def) will be decreased.
These status ailments will help you defeat certain opponents faster, as every enemy has some weakness for you to exploit. Keep in mind that all those ailments opponents can use on you too! When you add chain combos, blindside, and buffs, you get dynamic fights, as they're much more than simply hitting the enemy as hard as you can. Your stats contribute a bit but don't do much to help the status Ailments.
For more Star Ocean: The Divine Force guides, check out How to find the quest log in Star Ocean Divine Force and What are Shrines used for in Star Ocean Divine Force? at Pro Game Guides.
Published: Oct 27, 2022 08:35 am