There are a lot of characters that you can pick up around the map in Star Ocean the Second Story R. Most of these are missable, however, so you might be wondering how get everyone that you can in each playthrough.
How to get all characters in Star Ocean the Second Story R

To start off, you will get both Rena and Claude, the two main characters of The Second Story R, at the very beginning of the game. You get to choose whose perspective you want to see the game from, but you will also pick up the other character as well. These two characters cannot be missed.
Related: Star Ocean The Second Story R – Release Date, Gameplay, & More!
Celine Jules

The next character that can be picked up is Celine. She is found in Krosse; she is a treasure hunter and looking for a group of adventurers to help her get to Krosse Cave. She can't be missed; you need to take her to the Cave with you. But when she asks to join your party permanently, you can choose to turn her down.
Ashton Anchors vs. Opera Vectra

If you pick up either Ashton or Opera during your playthrough, you won't be able to get the other. Ashton can be found in the Salva Mine as long as you speak to first NPCs in Harley before heading there. Opera, however, is at the Hilton Bar in Cross; tell her about the three-eyed man. Then, after speaking to the King of Cross, head to the Mountain Palace, and look for her there.
Precis F. Neumann vs. Bowman Jeane

If you have chosen to play through the game as Rena, Precis can be recruited from her home in Linga. If you are playing through as Claude as the main character, Precis will be in the item shop where Bowman lives, and she will ask to join up your party when you step inside. With Precis in your party, you cannot get Bowman, so be sure to choose wisely. Bowman will ask to join your party automatically if you do not pick up Precis.
Ernest Raviede

Ernest only appears and asks to join your party in Hoffman Ruins if you have chosen to travel with Opera, and only if you saw Opera's crashed ship in Arlia.
Welch Vineyard

Welch is found in Lacour Castle Town while heading toward the Castle itself. You'll need to finish the Arms Tournament, and you'll need to recruit at least four NPCs to fill up a whole party. Make sure to interact with her via PA mode before heading to Linga.
Noel Chandler

Don't worry, Noel is the only character that will ask to join your party no matter what. You don't need to go out of your way for this one in Star Ocean The Second Story R.
Dias Flac vs. Leon D.S. Gehste

Dias will automatically ask you if Rena is your main character, and he is inaccessible if your main is Claude. If Claude is your main character, Leon will automatically ask to join your party, and he is unavailable to those who choose Rena as their main.
Chisato Madison

Look around Central City until you see this character. Then, when you head to the Cave of Crimson Crystal, you can find her ID card when she drops it; bring it back to her in Central City. She'll be in the News Room in the Mayor's building, and she'll be willing to join you after this.
For more Star Ocean, check out All Star Ocean Games in Order – Star Ocean Game Timeline on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Nov 2, 2023 02:35 pm