Star Wars Jedi: Survivor offers a large number of customization options in the way that you play. That includes how you decide to swing your lightsaber around at your most unfortunate of enemies. With the addition of the stance system and a greatly expanded set of skills, it's important to know which ones to take first. Are you curious about the best saber skills in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor? If so, then you've come to the right place.
Best Stance Skills in Jedi Survivor
All five lightsaber stances offer up a unique way to play through the game. Each one also has their own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to the skills they offer.
Single Stance
Ah, yes, the iconic stance that enchanted us all and the saber style I personally used to conquer all of Jedi Grand Master. This stance is the jack-of-all-trades, master of none, but don't let that fool you. It has plenty of strong skills and the absolute best mobility in the game.
- Cyclone Slash - This skill hits hard and fast. It does massive poise damage to blocking enemies and deals huge health damage if they don't. The best part? It has no Force cost, meaning it can be spammed.
- Aerial Assault - This ability is your go-to when you're looking for overhead swing goodness. Just like Cyclone Slash, it hits hard and deals huge damage. It does cost Force but can be used at any time while you're airborne. Be sure to grab the follow-up skill, Aerial Ace, for additional power.
- Dash Strike - The most important skill force stance, Dash Strike allows for that incredible mobility I mentioned earlier. It functions effectively like a long-ranged leaping strike, allowing you easily close distances. Its follow-up upgrade, Aerial Dash Strike, is also a must-have, as it allows you to utilize Dash Strike while in mid-air.
Double-Bladed Stance
I don't know about you, but seeing Darth Maul whip out his double-bladed lightsaber in the movie theater was quite the spectacle then. Now? It's still a spectacle, only you and I are the ones flaunting. This stance is focused on defense, and grabbing the right skills for it makes all the difference.
- Vortex Dive - The Double Saber stance can be a bit slow, but this skill gives you a quick, safe, damaging attack that also closes a bit of distance. It's very useful.
- Repulsing Burst - Sometimes, you need a move that lets you shake off your surrounding enemies. Well, Repulsing Burst is it. It launches a 360-degree shockwave around you, causing all enemies affected to stagger back. This one's great for dealing with large groups of enemies.
- Multifold Reflections - This skill is easily the most potent of all this stance's skills. This allows your double-bladed saber to reflect blaster bolts into all nearby enemies, rather than just back at the origin point. Is a large group of battle droids firing at you? Pull out your double-blade, time a single parry, and watch as that group of droids turns into a scrap heap before your eyes.
Dual Wield Stance
When Anakin decided to take up Obi-Wan's lightsaber and dual-wield it with his own, I was in total awe, much like everyone else in the theater at that moment. Now, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor lets us, at last, be as cool as he was. This stance focuses purely on offense, though it does have its share of defensive mechanics unique to it.
- Backstep Slash - Dual Wields already let you cancel any attack by pressing the block button, but if that wasn't enough, the Backstep Slash lets you safely make space against your foes. You'll get this skill to progress the tree, but it is still worth mentioning how potent it is.
- Uncoiled Strikes - This skill is deceptively powerful in that it just looks like a flurry of swings. However, where its true power lies is in the fact that an enemy hit by this skill cannot react to anything during it. There is no escape for any Imperial or mercenary unfortunate enough to be caught within the flurry. Of course, the big boys won't be stopped by this.
- Dancing Blades - This skill lets you charge a super saber throw that will bounce both sabers in between a group of enemies. It's fantastic for clearing large groups of enemies, but be careful when you're using it because you'll be defenseless.

Blaster Stance
Ever want to use a blaster and a lightsaber at the same time? So have I. Thankfully, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor understands its audience and has given us the unique opportunity to do so. This stance focuses almost entirely on the Blaster portion, but there are a few lightsaber skills of note.
- Flying Lunge - This skill is the first in the tree and also one of the best. It is a lightsaber move that allows you to close distance with a potent, long-range strike. The best part? It's free. No Force cost (yay!).
- Blaster Cooldown - You have limited ammo when firing the blaster, but this skill lets you recharge it more quickly than normal through successful saber swings. If you're planning to shoot the gun, then get this skill. It's basically a necessity.
- Improved Clip - Essentially another must-have skill. It allows you to have three more shots for your blaster before you're forced to recharge it through saber swings.
- Energizing Flurry - This skill doesn't deal much damage despite the animation, but it does recharge your blaster ammo extremely fast if all the swings land. Highly recommended.
- Efficient Heat Transfer - Last, but not least, this skill allows you to use charge shots more quickly, which is pretty good.
Crossguard Stance
My secondary stance throughout my playthrough, the Crossguard stance is a highly offensive and defensive stance that is very slow but very powerful. The best skills revolve around both aspects.
- Rending Strike - Your bread-and-butter skill and the first in the tree. This skill lets you charge any one of the swings in your three-swing chain, making it ideal for insane poise and health damage. It isn't uncommon to send an enemy crashing to the ground with it.
- Greater Cleaving Swing - This skill reduces the time it takes for your standard Force ability to charge up, enabling it to be used more aggressively. Considering how powerful it is, it is highly recommended to take this skill and abuse it. You may even see some one-shots with this.
- Reaching Cleave - Yet another skill that affects the Force Ability, Reaching Cleave gives it some much-needed forward movement, making it fantastic for closing gaps and hitting hard simultaneously.
- Charged Reflection - This skill just enhances your standard reflect parry by charging the offending bolt and sending it back to its origin, tenfold. While it does deal some serious damage, its real advantage is the ability to stagger foes that normally wouldn't be. Droideka's shields are instantly destroyed by this, and even super battle droids are knocked off balance. Incredible skill. Absolutely take it.
As you can see, the saber stances in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor all have awesome toys to play with. Hopefully we've helped you pick the skills you need to survive out in the galaxy.
For more quality guides, tips, tricks, and information relating to all things Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, check out How to get rare Nekko mount colors easily in Jedi Survivor right here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: May 2, 2023 07:57 am