Upon touching the corrupted Wind Crystal, a certain Stranger was transformed into the Four Fiends' first and oldest. Now known as Tiamat, her first task as the Fiend of Wind was to overtake the Flying Fortress, clearing out its Lufenian inhabitants and hoarding the Wind Crystal's power for herself. Taking down this powerful Fiend will be no easy feat, but don't worry—we're here to help you cut down this draconian monstrosity. Here's how to defeat Tiamat, the Fiend of Wind in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin.
Fighting Tiamat, the Fiend of Wind
Preparing to fight Tiamat
Before taking on Tiamat, you'll want to be prepared to exploit her weakness—ice. Setting either the Black Mage or Sage as one of your Jobs will give you access to powerful Blizzard magic. Choosing a secondary Job that utilizes either swords or axes will allow you to easily chop off Tiamat's many heads, which will temporarily prevent her from using certain attacks.
Related: How to beat Marilith, the Fiend of Fire in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin

The Mission Levels range from 40 to 82 for both the Main and Side Mission versions of the Tiamat fight, so equip gear of at least an equal level before heading in to face her. Additionally, if you’ve unlocked the option to Change Special Effects through the Smithy, be sure to give your weapons and armor at least a few of the following Equipment Effects before heading into battle:
- Imbue Ice
- Ice Damage Dealt
- Ice Break Damage Dealt
- Magic Damage Dealt
- Magic Break Damage Dealt
- Enemy Weakness Damage Dealt
- Enemy Weakness Break Damage Dealt
- Physical Damage Taken
- Wind Resistance
- Lightning Resistance
- Poison Resistance
- MP Recovery Rate with Normal Attacks
- Action Ability MP Cost
Once your party’s Jobs and gear have been decided, head to the Flying Fortress area on the World Map to confront the Fiend of Wind.
Tiamat's attacks and abilities
Tiamat relies on using her many heads to deliver a barrage hard-hitting wind, lightning and physical attacks during combat, along with occasionally inflicting the Poison status ailment. Due to this, Tiamat has the potential to overwhelm your party if you aren't careful—Breath hits players within her immediate vicinity, while attacks like Tempest or Macro Burst allow her to hit players farther away. The attacks Tiamat will use during battle are as follows:

- Normal Attack Combo
- Tiamat delivers two punches to the player directly in front of her. This attack can be blocked or can be avoided by dodging.
- Stomp
- Tiamat leaps toward a player, attempting to crush them beneath her feet. This attack can be blocked or can be avoided by dodging.
- Breath
- Tiamat uses four of her heads to fire energy beams toward the ground, hitting any players in her immediate vicinity. This attack can be partially blocked or can be avoided by dodging.
- Tempest
- Tiamat leaps into the air and fires off wind-based projectiles towards players on the ground. This attack can be partially blocked or can be avoided by dodging.
- Poison Gas
- Tiamat leaps into the air and fires off poison-based projectiles towards players on the ground. This attack can be partially blocked or can be avoided by dodging.
- Thunderbolt
- Tiamat leaps into the air and fires off lightning-based projectiles towards players on the ground. This attack can be partially blocked or can be avoided by dodging.
- Ire of Dragons
- Tiamat shrouds herself in a whirlwind, counterattacking any players who attempt to harm her while the whirlwind is present. This attack can be avoided entirely by not attacking Tiamat until the whirlwind has died down.
- Whirlwind
- Tiamat summons three small whirlwinds to circle her, damaging any players who get too close. This attack can be partially blocked or can be avoided by dodging.
- Wind Blast
- Tiamat fires off a large ball of wind toward a player. This attack can be partially blocked or can be avoided by dodging.
- Macro Burst
- Tiamat uses five of her heads to fire off energy beams imbued with either the wind element or poison status ailment. This attack can be partially blocked or can be avoided by dodging.
- Tri-Disaster
- Tiamat fires off an energy beam toward a player, dealing massive non-elemental damage. This attack cannot be blocked and should be avoided by dodging.
- Regenerate
- Tiamat regenerates her health and any lost heads, restoring full use of her attack list.
Related: How to beat Lich, the Fiend of Earth in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin
How to beat Tiamat
The key to fighting Tiamat is keeping your distance while using Blizzard magic, and to get as close as possible to her necks when using your sword or axe. To start out the battle, switch to your Black Mage or Sage Job and hit Tiamat with Blizzaga until you've run out of MP. From there, initiate both of your ally's resonance states, causing them to act as a distraction by using their abilities on Tiamat more aggressively.

While Tiamat is preoccupied with attacking your teammates, hit her with Normal Attacks to recover your MP, then distance yourself from Tiamat once again before casting Blizzaga. Additionally, each Normal Attack will exploit Tiamat's weakness to ice and lower her break gauge if your weapon has the Imbue Ice equipment effect.
Simply continue that cycle of casting Blizzaga, using resonances and dashing in to recover MP, then backing off and casting Blizzaga again. If Tiamat prepares to use a purple-hued Macro Burst, Breath, or Tempest attack, make sure to dodge instead of blocking to avoid being afflicted with the Poison status ailment.

The battle will enter its second phase upon Tiamat's health being lowered to the halfway mark. She'll then start using Tri-Disaster and Wind Blast, along with her attacks occasionally being imbued with lightning. Tiamat's other attack patterns will remain the same for the rest of the fight, however, so continue using Blizzaga or ice-imbued Normal Attacks to chip away at her break gauge. Just remember to keep your wits about you, and you'll be sure to take down this windy Fiend in no time!
Looking for more great Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin content? Be sure to check out How to beat Kraken, the Fiend of Water in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin here at Pro Game Guides.
Published: Mar 24, 2022 12:12 pm