Our Super Animal Royale codes have the most up-to-date list of codes that you can redeem for items and goodies.
All Super Animal Royale Codes List
We'll keep you updated with additional codes once they are released. You should make sure to redeem these as soon as possible because you'll never know when they could expire! All of these codes have been tested on the date that this post was released. If you find one that is expired, please let us know the exact code in the comments below so we can remove it!
Make sure to enter the code exactly as it is listed, or it might not work correctly!
Working Super Animal Royale Codes (Active)
- DUOSDAY—Redeem for 2 Free Items (New)
- SAKURA—Redeem for Sakura Kimono, Sakura Fan, and Sakura Umbrella (New)
- LUCKY—Redeem for 5 St. Pawtrick’s Day items (New)
- CRISPRMAS—Redeem for Santa Hat, Outfit, and Beard
- BIRTHDAY—Redeem for a Super Piñata Donkey
- DAYOFTHEDEAD—Redeem for a Mariachi Hat
- HOWLOWEEN—Redeem for Howl Mask Cosmetic
- LOVE2023—Redeem for 2 cosmetics
- USA—Redeem for USA Cosmetic
- CANADA—Redeem for a Canada Cosmetic
- LOVE—Redeem for 3 cosmetics
- SAKURA—Redeem for Sakura cosmetics
- AWW—Redeem for a Aww Umbrella
- LOVE—Redeem for a Baseball Cap (Rainbow), Rainbow Umbrella and Rainbow Shutter Shades
- NLSS—Redeem for a Red Button-Up Shirt, Red Striped Shirt, Jeans Vest, Police Outfit, Velvet Robe, Skull Beanie, Police Hat, Egg Umbrella, and Josh Umbrella
- SUPERFREE—Redeem for a Super Fox Beanie
- SQUIDUP—Redeem for a Squid Hat
Seasonal Super Animal Royale Codes
- CANADA—Redeem for a Mountie Outfit, Mountie Hat & Hockey Stick
- HOWLOWEEN—Redeem for a Howl mask
- BIRTHDAY—Redeem for a Pixile Party Hat, Pixile Umbrella & 3rd Anniversary Cake Gravestone
- CRISPRmas—Redeem for a Santa Hat, Santa Beard & Santa Outfit
- USA—Redeem for an Uncle Sam Outfit, Stars & Stripes Hat, and Stars & Stripes Baseball Bat
- DAYOFTHEDEAD—Redeem for a Mariachi Outfit & Mariachi Hat
- SAKURA—Redeem for a Sakura Kimono, Sakura Fan and Sakura Umbrella
- NEWYEAR—Redeem for a Party Hat and Dress
Expired Super Animal Royale Codes
- DreamHack—Redeem for a Dreamhack 2019 Dallas umbrella
- BIRTHDAY2020—Redeem for a Pixile Party Hat, Pixile Umbrella, and 2nd Anniversary Cake Gravestone
- MAY4—Redeem for a Green, Blue, or Purple Super Light Sword
- SUMMER—Redeem for a Randomly colored pool noodles
- PETEMBER—Redeem for a Variety Heart Antennae
- DUOSDAY—Redeem for a Duos Day Rose
- FREAK—Redeem for a Ringleader Outfit
How to redeem Super Animal Royale codes
To redeem Super Animal Royale codes, when on the main screen menu, where you have the option to press Play. In the top right-hand corner, you'll see a Silver Cog. Click it to show a new menu. On this menu, click on Coupon Code.
This will open up a text box that allows you to type or copy and paste in the codes above. Then press the Redeem button.
If the code has been accepted, a window will appear show you the rewards you have just received. If the code has not worked the message Error redeeming code: CouponCodeNotFound will appear.
Published: Feb 15, 2025 09:26 am