There are a grand total of three Tadpole pond songs in Super Mario RPG. While the first one can be done immediately upon finding the pond, the other two need to be unlocked first.
All Toadofsky Songs in Super Mario RPG

When you first enter Tadpole Pond, there is a musician Toad named Toadofsky who is in search of a song. In the pond are tadpoles that swim along what looks like a music staff; if Mario jumps on them, they halt, then they play the note Mario stops them on. From top to bottom, the notes they play are labeled as:
- 1: Mi (top)
- 2: Re
- 3: Do
- 4: Ti
- 5: La
- 6: So
- 7: Fa (bottom; not used)
All three Tadpole Pond songs are given as those notes, so you will need to know the notes' names to complete each of the three songs and collect all three rewards.
Tadpole Pond song Frog Sage's suite no. 18 solution

The first song is called Frog Sage's suite no. 18 (called Frogfucius' suite #18 in the SNES version), and it is given by a tadpole located near the Pond itself. The reward for completing this song is the Alto Card. In order to make the song, you'll need to jump on the tadpoles' heads when they reach the right position. The first tadpole will need to be in position 6, then 5, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2. Here are the notes:

- So (Position 6)
- La (Position 5)
- Mi (Position 1)
- Re (Position 2)
- Do (Position 3)
- Re (Position 2)
- Do (Position 3)
- Re (Position 2)
Tadpole Pond song Moleville Blues solution

In order to earn the Tenor Card and play Moleville Blues for Toadofsky, you'll first need to save Dyna and Mite in Moleville and have completed the Frog Sage's song above. Return to the Tadpole Pond to play it for the music Toad. Its notes are:
- Mi (Position 1)
- Do (Position 3)
- So (Position 6)
- Do (Position 3)
- Re (Position 2)
- La (Position 5)
- Ti (Position 4)
- Do (Position 3)
Tadpole Pond song Monstro Town Star Song solution

The final song is the Monstro Town Star Song, and it grants you the Soprano Card. It is unlocked by interacting with the Star on the second floor of Monstermama’s House in Monstro Town; it can only be completed after both the Frog Sage and Moleville songs above have already been completed. This is something easily missable in this game.
- La (Position 5)
- Ti (Position 4)
- Do (Position 3)
- Re (Position 2)
- So (Position 6)
- Do (Position 3)
- Re (Position 2)
- Mi (Position 1)
What do the song rewards give you in Super Mario RPG?

If you're wondering if the items are worth the time it takes to head back to the pond and play the song for Toadofsky, here is a list of what each of these cards does:
- Alto Card: This song card gives Mario access to the Juice Bar, a shop that sells Froggie Drinks and Elixirs.
- Soprano Card: Lowers the price of all items in the Juice Bar and adds Megalixirs to the shop's stock.
- Tenor Card: The last card gives you even more discounts at the Juice Bar and adds Kerokero Cola to the store.
For more Super Mario RPG, check out What is “Peach’s ???” in Super Mario RPG on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Nov 17, 2023 11:48 pm