Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Set 11 has a lot of traits, augments, items, and synergies that might confuse some players about the best direction to secure a win. Thus, I've made a list of the best TFT comps for Set 11 to help you gain a spot at the top.
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These TFT builds are compiled from my personal opinion, player data, the win rate percentage, and the top ten chosen builds for patch 14.7b. These builds will help you achieve at least a position in the top four to help you rank up.
10. Mythic Kog'Maw team comp in TFT set 11

Mythic was the most overpowered trait in TFT until Bard was nerfed. Regardless, it still remains an extremely powerful team comp, especially if you acquire Kog'Maw, Cho'Gath, and Caitlyn early on. This is relatively easy since they are all 1-cost units, and you can simply roll for them in the early game.
Make sure to prioritize getting carry-items for Kog'Maw early on to secure wins in the crucial early rounds and earn extra gold. I recommend acquiring at least 5 Mythic units, with the majority of them being front-lane champions.
9. Fated Thresh team comp in TFT set 11

Thresh is one of my favorite top tanks in TFT, and he becomes even more powerful with the Fated bonuses. Even though Thresh is a focus, your main damage dealers are Aphelios and Syndra, who are also Fated champions benefiting from the trait.
For this team comp, you should aim to reach level 7 early on to have at least 7 Fated champions on your board, including Thresh, Sett, Ornn, and Yasuo in your front lane. If you get a Fated emblem, you should definitely equip it on Ornn.
8. Dragonlord Hwei team comp in TFT set 11

The Dragonlord trait benefits all units on the board. If you manage to get a few units to level two quickly, consider exploring this team comp. It features 4-5 Dragonlord and Hwei as a carry, a champion who is new to both regular League of Legends and TFT. The only caveat is that you will have to reach level 8 early on because having Hwei, Rakan, Udyr, and Wukong is the main strategy to win the game.
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7. Heavenly Yone team comp in TFT set 11

Heavenly is my favorite team comp in TFT set 11 because it is reminiscent of the Threat trait from a couple of sets earlier. However, this one directly specifies and boosts each Heavenly champion's bonus for each unit fielded. Whether you have 6 or 7 Heavenly, you definitely need 4 Reapers along with it, as Yone and Kayn become your carry champions.
If you receive a Heavenly emblem, assign it to Yone; if you receive an Umbral emblem, Kayn will benefit the most from it.
6. Ghostly Senna team comp in TFT set 11

If you have played TFT recently, I guarantee you have definitely seen at least one person with this team. While it may be annoying at times, there's simply no denying that this team comp is really OP.
As the name suggests, you will want to roll early at around level six to acquire Senna as soon as possible. Since she is a Ghostly champion, and this trait maximizes the damage output for all champions, you definitely want to have at least 6 Ghostly units on your board.
5. Inkshadow Kai'Sa team comp in TFT set 11

The Inkshadow trait provides you with unique items, referred to as tattoos, to work with. To make this comp effective, you should have at least 7 Inkshadow champions. This allows you to equip Kai'Sa with the Tattoo of Toxin and Tattoo of Fury, in addition to the Infinity Edge, enabling her to maximize her damage output.
Other tattoos can be applied to your Inkshadow tanks, like Udyr and Senna. Ensuring a stable front line is crucial. If you acquire an emblem, consider assigning it to Ornn to strengthen the front line further.
4. Heavenly Wukong team comp in TFT set 11

There's nothing more satisfying than having all Heavenly champions working together in your team comp. Wukong is an extremely powerful unit, which is self-explanatory given his 5-cost, but the 6-7 Heavenly bonus makes him even stronger. The only issue you may encounter is acquiring Wukong, for which I recommend reaching level nine as quickly as possible.
3. Dragonlord Azir team comp in TFT set 11

Dragonlord compositions are currently dominating the charts, primarily because this trait significantly benefits other units, particularly those that can capitalize on higher speed. For the Dragonlord Azir comp, you should aim to have at least 2 Dragonlords, 2 Altruists, and 2 Behemoths.
By doing this, you will also gain 2 Dryad and 2 Heavenly synergies. You may want to save up gold to reach level 9 early on so you can acquire your carry quicker.
2. Dragonlord Kai'Sa team comp in TFT set 11

The faster Kai'Sa can attack, the better she performs. This is why fielding her with at least 4 or 5 Dragonlord champions makes her extremely powerful. Along with this, you should also place at least 3 Inkshadow units so she can make use of the tattoos, specifically the Tattoo of Toxin. This comp also emphasizes reaching level 9 early to acquire high-cost champions more quickly.
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1. Dragonlord Galio team comp in TFT set 11

While this compo does focus on Galio, who is arguably the best high-cost tank in TFT Set 11, you will also need multiple higher-cost champions such as Rakan, Wukong, and Irelia as the main damage dealers. You should level up quickly. It is also advisable to save tanky items for Galio and AD items for Irelia to ensure you have all your bases covered. If you end up getting a Heavenly Emblem, you should definitely put it on Rakan, who gains Omnivamp, as he synergizes with Wukong.
These builds are a roadmap for what builds you can use for a win; you can modify these with additions of your own. With so many augments, the TFT world is unpredictable. So, give these TFT comps for Set 11 a try.
If you aren't sure which augments to use with these builds, check out TFT Augment Tier List here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Apr 9, 2024 4:59 AM UTC