Marius' birthday event, the Menagerie of Lights, runs from June 14, 2022, to June 25, 2022. It can be accessed from the event button on the home screen and is open to all attorneys who have completed Marius' Personal Story 1-1.
To celebrate the King's most special day, you need to interview participants in the block-building contest and collect recordings of what they want to say to the mysterious painter Z. This involves doing up to 11 Field Investigations every day. However, participants refresh in groups of four, four, and three, with a one-hour waiting time in-between. If you don't have time to wait for new participants before the server resets, you can immediately call for them using Participants List.
Where to get Participants List for Marius' birthday event in Tears of Themis
Completing the following event tasks will grant you one Participants List each:
- Read story "Decision to compete."
- Read story "Personal Guidance."
- Read story "Block toys."
- Read story "In the Competition."
- Decorate Birthday Venue 1 time.
- Decorate Birthday Venue 3 times.
- Decorate Birthday Venue 5 times.
- Complete Birthday Venue Setup.
Event stories are time-gated and will unlock throughout the event period, leading up to Marius' birthday on June 21. You need to clear Field Investigations to unlock the event stories. Likewise, you need Sincere Gifts to decorate the birthday venue—these are also obtained by clearing event tasks related to Field Investigation.
How to use Participants List in Marius' birthday event in Tears of Themis

Head to the Field Investigation section of the event page. Click the Contact Participants button on the upper left of the screen to use Participants List. One List will call three debates and one questioning stage for the first refresh of the day, and two debates and one questioning stage for the second refresh of the day. Since you can only conduct a maximum of 11 Investigations per day, you can only use a maximum of two Participants Lists per day as well.
If you forget to log in during Marius' birthday event, check out our guide on How to get and use Sign-in Slip in Tears of Themis to make up for your missed Daily Sign-In reward.
Published: Jun 15, 2022 08:46 am