The second MR event card in the early morning series features none other than Artem Wing, the reliable senior attorney of the Themis Law Firm. Like the previous Vyn event, Artem's Special Consultation requires you to focus your energy on Fieldwork debates—and you need to do a lot of them to get his coveted card.
The event runs from Jan. 23, 2022 to Feb. 2, 2022, and is open to all attorneys who have unlocked Fieldwork by completing the Main Story stage 4-18.

The Fieldwork menu is located at the bottom left of the screen. From there, select Special Consultation to initiate the event. You need to challenge the following:
- Three Cases
- Lawsuit (unlocks after winning all three Cases)
Each debate costs 10 AP. If you fail to win the Lawsuit debate, your progress will save, and you can continue the debate where you left off for an additional cost of 10 AP. Debates will give you Special Reports, which can be used to complete event tasks and purchase items from the event shop.
Refresh Time and Cost
After winning the Lawsuit, DAVIS will help you search for more cases. This can take anywhere from an hour to an entire day. Due to the short event period, it's impossible to obtain all the Special Reports required to obtain Artem's MR card without spending S-Chips to refresh the cases immediately.
You need to spend the following number of S-Chips in refreshes to get 15,000 Special Reports for Artem's MR card. Keep in mind that you'll need Energy Drinks or more S-Chips for AP recharges as well.
- 28 Refreshes (0% Lawsuit Bonus): 2,240 S-Chips
- 27 Refreshes (5% Lawsuit Bonus): 2,160 S-Chips
- 26 Refreshes (10% Lawsuit Bonus): 2,080 S-Chips
- 26 Refreshes (15% Lawsuit Bonus): 2,080 S-Chips
You can get back 300 S-Chips from other event tasks.
How to Get Lawsuit Bonus

The Lawsuit Bonus can be obtained by using Artem Cards in your Primary Deck. Each card will grant you a one-percent bonus, with a maximum possible bonus of 15 percent (15 cards). This bonus increases the number of Special Reports you get per battle.
Important Rewards

Apart from the usual event rewards, like Equalization Stars, card and card skill level up materials, Chips, and Stellin, your primary aim will be these two rewards.
- Artem's MR card "Stretching"—obtain through the To-Do List on the bottom right of the Special Consultation page. You can get this reward after obtaining 15,000 Special Reports (the ones you spend will still count toward the task).
- Artem's commemorative namecard "Stretching"—obtain through the event shop on the upper right of the Special Consultation page. You can exchange 5,000 Special Reports for this item.
Check out our guide on How do limited banners work in Tears of Themis to help you plan your S-Chip allocation.
Published: Jan 23, 2022 11:32 am