While Tekken games have always evoked nostalgia with familiar features, Tekken 8 introduces several new elements, including Heat Mode. Below, I will provide you with all the necessary information about it based on my playthough of the game so far.
How does heat work in Tekken 8?
Heat is a powerful new feature in Tekken 8 that allows you to execute a combination of character-specific attacks. If you look below your health bar, you will see a blue bar filling up. By the time it's full, you can trigger a heat attack based on the input key you have chosen in your layout, whether you play using a keyboard or a controller.

By default, the heat attacks are bound to the Right Bumper (RB) on the controller, while in Keyboard preset 1, it's the P key, and in Keyboard preset 2, it's Numpad 9.
Once you have activated heat mode, I suggest staying in close range of the other fighter. Each time you press the input key, you will be able to deliver a powerful heat attack to them as the heat bar passively decreases.
If you want to activate heat mode without attacking, try to stay as far away from the enemy as possible, as it automatically initiates an attack. To deactivate it, you will need to wait until the blue bar slowly empties out.
How to fill up heat in Tekken 8
Each character has special moves that you can execute to fill up the heat bar. As long as you stay on top of the fight and hit as many combos as possible, the blue heat bar will fill up. When it fills up, I recommend using it carefully.
Keep in mind that you will need to continue pressing the heat attack button to deliver an attack until you initiate the heat combination for the respective player. These attacks may come in different names and types, such as Heat Burst, Heat Smash, or Heat Dash. Depending on the character you choose, other moves will also inflict increased damage on the enemy fighter.
For more on Tekken 8, be sure to check out How to fix Tekken 8 Steam Deck fatal error and All Tekken 8 Ranks here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jan 28, 2024 10:49 am