For players just starting out in ESO or those who skipped the beginning islands due to DLC, they may want to collect all the Skyshards from the beginning areas. This includes Khenarthi's Roost, Stros M'kai, and Bleakrock Isle. Skyshards are incredibly useful as they increase the number of skill points a player has to spend, so let's get into it!
Khenarthi's Roost Skyshards

Temple of the Crescent Moons

Players can find this skyshard on the backside of the Temple of Crescent Moons. This is very close to a Wayshrine but is not part of any questline.
Eagle's Strand

This skyshard can be found at the top of the tower with an active rainstorm in it at Eagle's Strand. It's near the beginning of the quest Storm on the Horizon.
Temple of the Mourning Springs

Players can find this skyshard behind a half-wall off to the left side of the road to the Temple of the Mourning Springs. It can be easily missed during the quest Tears of the Two Moons.

While in Mistral, players can discover this skyshard behind the Maomer Embassy. This should be easy to spot during the quest The Perils of Diplomacy.
Windcatcher Plantation

Players can discover this skyshard below the Great Tree near Edheldor. He'll be crouching on the beach below. This location is part of The Root of the Problem quest.
Shattered Shoals

Players can find this last skyshard of Khenarthi's Roost on the Shattered Shoals during the quest Cast Adrift. This one is on the small island between the two larger ones just off the coast.
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Stros M'Kai Skyshards

On the Road

Near the Port Hunding Wayshrine, players can find this skyshard just off of the road between the Wayshrine and the Dwemer ruin Bthzark. It isn't part of any questline but is out in the open on the cliffside.

During the quest Like Moths to a Candle in Saintsport, players can find this Skyshard in the building the howler monkey enters. Following the monkey will lead the player right to it.
Port Hunding

Players can find this skyshard just outside of The Grave during the quest Innocent Scoundrel.
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Bleakrock Isle Skyshards

Skyshroud Barrow

Players can find this skyshard right outside of the entrance into the Skyshard Barrow during the quest What Waits Beneath.
Orkey's Hollow

Heading over to Orkey's Hollow, players can find this skyshard just outside of the entrance, to the right of Rolunda's campsite. This can be found during the quest; The Frozen Man.
Hozzin's Folly

This skyshard can be found outside of the entrance to the mines in Hozzin's Folly. It should be easily found during the quest Hozzin's Folly.
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Published: Jan 5, 2022 03:50 am