While most side quests in The Last Faith are straightforward, some, like the one offered by Women In Ink, are challenging due to their confusing hints. But, after mindless exploration for hours, I found the item needed for finishing the Women in Ink quest... which is related to sacrificed babies!
Do you want to know what it is? Read the entire article until the end.
Where is the Women In Ink in The Last Faith? (Map Location)

The Women in Ink is an NPC inside an isolated room outside the Oxneveylle's Manor in The Last Faith. Fast travel to the Oxneveylle's Great Hall and exit the castle. You will find a room on the right. Enter it, and you will find a gloomy lady pushing a stroll.

During your first run, the room will be unavailable to access. You must obtain a key from the Mark NPC inside the Oxneveylle's Manor on the bottom floor. He will hand over the key after interacting with you for the first time.
How to finish the Women In Ink quest in The Last Faith
So, to finish the Women in Ink quest, you must find The Unborn of the Midnight Aristocracy. You can find this item in the top left room of Oxneveylle's Manor. The room is only accessible if you get the Restricted Key from Lady Helenya after providing her with a teacup.

Once the room is accessible, open the chest at the center and acquire The Unborn Of the Midnight Aristocracy. Return to the Woman in Ink and gift her the item to finish the quest. Unfortunately, you won't receive any reward for completing the quest except for unlocking an achievement called The Woman in Ink.
What is The Unborn of the Midnight Aristocracy in The Last Faith?
The Unborn of the Midnight Aristocracy is a cult item made with desiccated children from the noble family of the city of Mythiringal. If you listen to your interaction with Woman in Ink, she wants to remember the fallen children of the city. So, she requires an item related to that incident, which is nothing but The Unborn of the Midnight Aristocracy.
For more on The Last Faith, check out How to open the chain link door in The Last Faith or How to upgrade weapons in The Last Faith on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Nov 17, 2023 08:25 am