If you're going up against the Winged Pale Laments in The Last Faith, there are a few things you should know before engaging them. Here's how to defeat these twin gargoyles with ease.
How to beat the Winged Pale Laments in The Last Faith
The Winged Pale Laments boss fight sees you up against two aggressive gargoyles that attack in unison. Both have the exact same move set and require you to stay mobile in order to overcome them. The key to winning this fight is to strike when there is opportunity, which there is plenty of.
Before engaging them, make sure you have plenty of Healing Injections, as you may need them if you get caught in some of their attacks. Generally, it's always good to have them on hand, but for boss fights, you should always have a few to spare. The fight isn't very long but can be tedious if you're not taking advantage of their weak point.
The fight begins once you enter their arena. They will climb up the walls nearby and begin to assault you with various types of attacks, some airborne, others not. It is the airborne attacks that you need to be most concerned about. When one or both of these gargoyles are airborne, expect a Blood Beam attack that deals massive, persistent damage the longer you stay within it.

Both of them can use it, but they only use it when airborne. This gives you the perfect tell to know when it's coming. You can also spot an incoming Blood Beam by red sparkles that appear on the screen. These sparkles follow the trajectory of the Blood Beam, allowing you to evade it easily.

Incidentally, when either of the gargoyles are using Blood Beam, they leave themselves wide open for several back-to-back attacks. Following a Blood Beam cast is the best time to strike them.
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Beyond that, the two gargoyles also have a few melee attacks, but only one is of any real concern and should be noted. While on the ground, they can use a lunging claw attack that can catch you off guard. This attack can easily be spotted early if you pay attention to the charging animation they will do before throwing it out.

Once you've spotted the attack, jump over it or roll behind them, as neither gargoyle will attempt to track you with the attack. If you managed to pay attention to everything I mentioned, then you should easily be able to get the Winged Pale Laments boss encounter down in only a few attempts.
For more quality guides and useful information relating to The Last Faith, check out All endings and how to unlock them in The Last Faith right here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Nov 17, 2023 12:46 am