In The Last Faith, you are always equipped with a Stigma, which allows you to perform special moves and functions. There's a reason for this, so please allow me to explain how the Stigma of Reprieve works in detail.
How does the Stigma of Reprieve work in The Last Faith?
The first thing you should know is that the parry window for the Stigma of Reprieve, the timing in which you need to press the activation input to cancel out an attack, is incredibly small. This is the main reason why the Stigma of Reprieve doesn't seem to work, especially for those just starting out. I can confirm that it does function, but the timing is very strict. Personally, I think it's too strict to be reliable, and I didn't use it at all throughout my demo playthrough.
Related: How to get more Healing Injections in The Last Faith
In other souls-like titles, your parry only costs a little stamina for the attempt before regenerating back to full. However, in The Last Faith, parrying costs you a small amount of Focus, a resource that is entirely dedicated to limiting your special move usage.

Focus effectively functions like a mana bar from special attacks and not spells. As such, it is restored in the same way one would restore mana: by resting at the game's variation of a bonfire. The Focus bar sits just below the game's actual mana bar and is very much finite until you interact with a shrine (bonfire) like in the image above.
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Published: Oct 5, 2023 10:14 am