There are a total of 21 Lucky Dice in Tangledrift in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. Some of these are tied to four Side Quests that must be completed to gain access to more of the map. These all are all 21 Lucky Dice locations in Tangledrift in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands.
All Lucky Dice In Tangledrift
Players should pick up the additional three Side Quests as they find them to get all the Lucky Dice.
Lucky Die 1

When first going through Tangledrift, players can see a Lucky Die on a cliff to the right by some explodable flowers. This path can be cleared by completing the Walk The Stalk Side Quest or reached using some clever parkour after shooting the flowers.
Lucky Die 2

Upon reaching the beginning of the town after fighting some skeletons, to the left of one of the houses is a Lucky Die.
Lucky Die 3

Just past the Vending Machines, towards the right facing the cliff is another Lucky Die. This is by the stone structure sitting by some wooden crates.
Lucky Die 4

You can find this Lucky Die sitting next to a vegetable stand behind the Old Gift Shop.
Lucky Die 5

During the A Small Favor Side Quest, players will travel through a portal and onto an island for the NPC, Zoseph. A Lucky Die can be found on the table inside the house. If players have trouble jumping from the portal, they can wait for the quest to progress and use the environment for a better angle to jump from.
Lucky Die 6

Through the portal that leads to the destination of the Side Quest A Small Favor, you can find a camp past Zoseph's house. Sitting by the cliff, players can find a Lucky Die by the fire.
Related: All Lucky Dice Locations in Shattergrave Barrow in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands
Lucky Die 7

Sitting on the balcony of a house is another Lucky Die. This can be found easily by following the Walk The Stalk Side Quest and requires the player to jump onto the roof of the house. Players having trouble with this jump can use movement speed enhancers from Abilities or passives from their gear to get across.
Lucky Die 8

You can find this Lucky Die by completing the Burning Hunger Side Quest. Once players finish the initial part of the quest and get through the house, the die can be found towards the cliff edge of the house to the right.
Lucky Die 9

Progressing through the Walk The Stalk Side Quest is the only way of reaching this Lucky Die. A small island separated by some flowers is all that separates players from the die.
Lucky Die 10

Reaching near the top of the spiral beanstalk, players can jump towards a set of islands by jumping onto the mushroom found there. The Lucky Die rests right in front of the area where players will land.
Lucky Die 11

After reaching the Cemetary, you can find a Lucky Die on the platform above. To reach this, players just have to circle to the platform's right to find the path up.
Lucky Die 12

Locked behind the Ron Rivote Side Quest, this Lucky Die sits inside a house that only unlocks after completing the first part of Ron's quest.
Lucky Die 13

Reaching the Murder Church, down the stairs is a path to a chest to the left. Before going outside, an illusory wall is hiding a Lucky Die inside.
Lucky Die 14

After clearing the Murder Church and progressing the Walk The Stalk Side Quest, a set of platforms is now available to the left. Up the ladder and past another platform that players can jump past is another Lucky Die.
Related: All Lucky Dice Locations in Weepwild Dankness in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands
Lucky Die 15

From the Murder Church Fast Travel Point is a slide with a platform that players can jump onto. Following the path and through a broken window is another Lucky Die sitting by a fireplace.
Lucky Die 16

On the left of the skeleton fight is a Lucky Die that players can get to by platforming. The entrance by this die will spawn a Badass Skeleton.
Lucky Die 17

Going towards the castle, to the left is an extension of the beanstalk where a Lucky Die lies. Players will have to time their sprint as a gust of wind can blow them off the platform.
Lucky Die 18

Once inside the castle, players can go to the right where a gust of wind is blowing. Another illusory wall hides a Lucky Die inside.
Lucky Die 19

On the second floor of the castle, a portal can be found that spawns a Badass Skeleton. Inside the portal is another Lucky Die.
Lucky Die 20

After progressing through the Walk The Stalk Side Quest, some platforms are on the castle's second floor. Leading to the other side of the room is a path to the Lucky Die and a chest.
Lucky Die 21

After completing Walk The Stalk and defeating the boss, you can find the last Lucky Die going through the portal. It is by the house left of the portal leading back.
For more Tiny Tina's Wonderlands guides, check out All Lucky Dice Locations in Brighthoof in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Mar 31, 2022 03:31 am