Vaheim may be a Viking survival game, but it is also known as one of the best building games, allowing players to let their creativity flow and create some outstanding house and base designs from the ground up. We have you covered if you're looking for inspiration to make your own houses. Take a look at some of these best house ideas and designs shared by other online players on Reddit for Valheim.
Best House Build Designs and House Ideas in Valheim
Farm House

The Farm House is an efficient and straightforward build with plenty of room for everything the player could need. With the main focus on farming in mind, this house has a massive lay of land fenced in to protect it from outside danger, nicely logged plots for crops to grow, and room for expansion. The house itself might not be too big, but it still holds a nice shelter space with crafting necessities in reach.
Credit to: Echo-I409
Chinese Castle

This Chinese-styled castle is a beauty to behold, with high, sturdy stone walls lining a courtyard of various buildings and crafting areas. With the buildings on the outer corners of the wall, you'll have plenty of space around the courtyard for fires, smelting equipment, and extra defenses. Additionally, enemies will have a more challenging time breaking through.
Credit to: Aiming4Gaming0
Tower House

Building a tower house is not a terrible idea in Valheim, especially if you happen to be in a dangerous biome and need an efficient shelter. The great thing about towers is that you don't need much ground space since most of the building will be vertical. You can build up the tower as high as you like, allowing you to get high ground, view your surroundings more clearly, and perhaps take down enemies from above. The most crucial part of building a tower is ensuring the bottom is appropriately secure.
Credit to: storwal
Viking Fort
If you're looking for a base about defense, you may want to try this epic Viking Fort. This fort is lined with sharp wooden spikes to deter enemies from getting close to the walls. Not only that, but it has raised balconies that allow you to look down and shoot your enemies from above. Along with great defenses, you will have plenty of room for all your crafting necessities and storage with two large towers and a main raised building that won't be easily invaded.
Credit to: ZomZero
Mountain Castle

This Mountain Castle would be one of the most complex builds to recreate, but it would be well worth your time for space, defense, and pure aesthetics. This castle sits all on raised stone and half on the side of a mountain and is surrounded by high stone walls, meaning enemies won't be able to roam inside easily. You will have a plethora of space for bedrooms, crafting, storage, and even just some decorations, with tons of rooms, an outdoor courtyard, and towers. Builds like this take time, but if you put in the work, you can have a kingdom all to yourself, just like this epic design.
Credit to: Amazing_Marketing_11
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Are you looking for a cozy, nature-themed build? This greenhouse design is filled with spaces, pots, and plots to grow plants and crops. This house has many glass windows and open spaces to replicate that greenhouse look and bring nature inside. It's lined with iron gates and stone walls to provide protection and make it feel like a private garden. Not only is this an excellent build for aesthetics, but it will surely keep you fed.
Credit to: Joop_Jones
Swamp Dock House

If you want a darker-style design, you can take inspiration from this excellent swamp dock house. This house is set in the dark, gloomy biome of the swamps, and its style perfectly replicates that darkness, with gothic-style decor, foggy green lights, and dark wood and stone materials. The sizeable Gothic mansion gives plenty of space for everything you could possibly need, and the best part, it has a large dock with room for several ships.
Credit to: CptnShiner
The Longhouse is one of the best houses to start the game with, not requiring too complicated building structures yet still providing excellent shelter and space for crafting. It also just fits the environment perfectly with its Viking origins. This house has long slanted sides that are all roof and is raised off the ground with wooden pegs. Although it may not be the most effective defense, you can easily add some wooden spikes around the sides or upgrade to a sturdy stone later on.
Credit to: TheBasicBuilder_YT
Viking Clan Hall
The Viking Clan House is a fantastic design, although it may be more for aesthetics than anything else. Still, you can't resist a good-looking shelter that fits perfectly with that Viking setting. This house will still provide excellent defense and protection with high stone walls, gated entries, and plenty of space to store your items and storage. Perhaps the best features of this build are its banners and shields, which give it that proud Viking feel and make it stand out.
Credit to: ZomZero
Triple Round House
This Triple Round House is a unique design that offers a craftier way to live in Valheim. All three rounds of the house are raised on supported stone pillars, lined with curved windows for a great view of the surroundings, and give the feeling of a treehouse of sorts. Though it may have more limited space than the castle, you still have three rooms for crafting, a bedroom, storage, or whatever else you want, and you'll have space below them for a courtyard.
Credit to: buildergrumpyg
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Cottage Docks
If you're all about sea travel, fishing, and room for your ships, this is the perfect design for you to try. This seemingly simple cottage, designed almost like a longhouse, opens onto the sea and has a walkway straight down to an expanded dock with room for all your ships. Being on the side of the water offers more defense and allows for luxuries like opened walls for a great view without any risks.
Credit to: Valheim_nick
Seaside Mansion
Looking for something a little more luxurious? This Seaabreeze Mansion is an elegant design, set on the base of a cliff looking out onto the water. It has tons of windows for natural light and modern-styled touches such as skylights. These high ceilings allow for a second floor or an ample, airy space with plenty of room for all your furniture and crafters. It might not be the best defensively, but you'll live like royalty.
Credit to: FoldedSombrero
Medieval Island House
This Island House provides safety and distance from all the harmful predators on the map and is the perfect cozy space for your shelter. Once you locate a nice island space surrounded by water, you can try to put together this medieval-style home. It has nice little touches like wooden pillars and supports, hanging fire braziers, and a large chimney. You'll have a lovely upper and downer house space and a gated little outside courtyard for blacksmithing. You can even lead it down to a little fishing dock and have a boat or ship ready to embark back to the mainland when you're ready.
Credit to: ZomZero
Beachside Cottage

On the page of seaside resorts comes this cozy little fishing cottage. This easy-build design offers an excellent location to focus on fishing, and if you decide to build it out of the water a bit, it provides a decent amount of safety from incoming mobs. Though it doesn't offer as much space inside the house, you can still fit some necessities or add it onto another build, just as a fishing hut on your docks.
Credit to: Karturous

Another challenging but elegant build is this large cathedral-style home. Like the castle, this type of design will take a long time to build up but offers the most valuable space, defense, and long-term base. It has tall, sturdy walls, large windows, and two scaling towers that provide the perfect lookout of your surroundings. The courtyard area offers spaces to plant a garden in or fill with aesthetic landscaping of your choice. This is an elegant design that could make for a mighty fortress.
Credit to: Adictheim
These are just a few of the best house designs to help you gain inspiration for your builds. Try them out for yourself and put your own twists on them as you build. Let us know your favorites in the comment below!
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Published: Apr 4, 2023 09:22 am