Apart from company, Companions provide a variety of aid in battle, from enhancing your shields to collecting loot or simply attacking enemies at your behest. With the Companion system receiving a well-deserved rework in the Abyss of Dagath update, many players are wondering which companions rank the highest.
Best Companions in Warframe
Your journey across the Origin system in Warframe is chock-full of weapons, upgrades, mods, and various other loot to enhance your might in combat. However, even the most battle-hardened space ninja can use a helping hand at times.
Like many items in Warframe, some companions may have Prime versions of them. Prime versions of companions have the same precept mods and skills as their normal counterparts but feature increased health, shield, and polarities. Therefore, I only included the normal variants of companions in this list. However, if you own a Prime version of any companion, feel free to use them! With that said, the following are all companions in Warframe, ranked.
18 - Oxylus

If you're looking for a fishing buddy in Warframe, you need the Oxylus in your arsenal. This companion makes fishing a breeze by highlighting areas on the map indicating the location of fishing spots, which can be particularly useful for those Nightwave missions involving catching rare fish! It can even be useful for scanning plants by attaching the Botanist precept from Cephalon Simaris. However, apart from resource gathering, the Oxylus is best left out of combat.
17 - Taxon

The Taxon is one of the earliest sentinels that you will get access to in Warframe. An overall solid choice for budding Tennos, the Taxon protects you with its Molecular Conversion precept mod, which turns a certain amount of damage you deal to enemies into shields. The blueprint for the Taxon can be unlocked by completing the Venus Junction on Earth or purchased from the market for 5,000 Credits.
16 - MOAs

MOAs are robotic bipedal creations used by the Corpus and Solaris United to provide aid in combat. Similar to Hounds, MOAs are modular systems that require four components to be built: Model, Core, Gyro, and Bracket. Any of these components can be crafted and combined with the help of Legs in Fortuna to create your own MOA with varying attributes and skills. MOAs can deploy a variety of defensive and offensive measures like boosting your shields, launching explosive projectiles, slowing enemies, or even hacking enemy consoles for you.
15 - Kubrows

The Kubrows are ferocious beasts that roam the Plains of Eidolon on Earth and have been domesticated to be fiercely loyal protectors of the Tenno. Kubrows come in six different species, which include Huras, Raksa, Sahasa, Sunika, and Chesa. Every species features different skills and abilities. Among the six Kubrows, the Raksa, Sahasa, and Chesa species are commonly regarded as the best. The only downside to a Kubrow is that they are limited to only melee attacks and cannot be equipped with a companion weapon.
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14 - Helminth Charger

A companion borne of the infestation, a Helminth Charger has capabilities similar to that of Kubrows, with the added bonus of inflicting toxin and corrosive damage. They have lower shields than Kubrows but feature high HP. With the Helminth Set mods like Strain Eruption and Strain Fever, your Helminth Charger can amplify damage dealt by its cysts and maggots. However, like Kubrows, the only disadvantage here is that Helminth Chargers are limited to melee damage.
13 - Predasites

Predasites are infested companions found in the Cambion Drift in Deimos. To get a Predasite, players must first acquire a weakened Predasite sub-specie from the Cambion Drift and then combine it with a set of Antigen and Mutagen with the help of the Son of The Entratis.
While players can create a plethora of Predasite combinations, the key aspect of a Predasite is its sub-specie. The sub-specie determines the skills and abilities a Predasite will have. There are three total Predasite sub-species, including Vizier, Medjay, and Pharaoh. Predasites are terrain-based, like Kubrows. They deal increased corrosive and toxin damage, can slow enemies, and can even heal allies in battle.
12 - Venari

When it comes to loyalty, no companion comes close to Venari. As Khora's exclusive Kavat companion, Venari protects her master by attacking enemies, knocking them out, or healing Khora. Khora can command Venari at her will, causing her to cycle between Attack, Protect, and Heal postures. The best part of having Venari at your side is that you can equip another companion from your loadout, essentially meaning you will have two companions in battle!
11 - Djinn

The Djinn is an infested sentinel that comes pre-equipped with the Stinger companion weapon, which fires toxins at enemies. With its Fatal Attraction precept, Djinn pulls enemies toward itself before releasing a large radial attack. Along with the Reawaken precept mod, Djinn can be revived quickly to keep up its toxin-spitting DPS. To acquire the Djinn, players must purchase its blueprint from the Bio Lab in the Dojo.
10 - Shade

Shade is a sentinel that primarily focuses on stealth. It comes with the Burst Laser as its default weapon and includes two very powerful precept mods: Ghost and Ambush. Ghost cloaks the companion and their Warframe in invisibility. Unlike other invisibility abilities of companions, Shade's Ghost precept does not have a limit and is only broken when the operator uses a weapon attack.
This means you can stay invisible while simultaneously using your abilities to deal damage! Furthermore, with the Ambush precept, your weapon damage is boosted significantly every time your invisibility is broken. You can purchase the Shade blueprint from the Market for 100,000 Credits.
9 - Carrier

Any Tenno will be well aware of how disruptive it can be to run out of ammo in the middle of a fight, and this is where the Carrier steps in. The Carrier is a simple yet effective support sentinel that gets the job done and then some. It comes equipped with the Sweeper shotgun as its weapon and features the Ammo Case precept mod that increases your weapon's magazine and converts ammo pickups into ammo for the equipped weapon. Furthermore, you can even have your Carrier break open loot crates for with the Looter precept mod installed.
8 - Hounds

Hounds are the robotic companions of the Sisters of Parvos, which a Tenno can acquire by defeating a Sister in battle. These metallic companions are crafted through a modular system, which means they require four components to be built: Model, Core, Bracket, and Stabilizer. The unique feature of Hounds is that the precept mods that come with each Hound can then be used on any Hound you already own.
The most powerful of these precepts are the Repo Audit, which comes with the Dorma Model, and Synergized Prospect, which comes with the Hinta Stabilizer. With high shield capacity, excellent crowd control, and good damage, the Hounds are some of the best non-sentinel companions in the game.
7 - Wyrm

The Wyrm is a very commonly picked sentinel companion among the Tenno due in part to its fantastic offensive capabilities. It comes with its own precept mod called Negate, which blocks status effects from applying to your Warframe every five seconds. Pairing this with a Bond mod like Mystic Bond and Reinforced Bond allows you to amp up your shields and weapon fire rate, while also increasing ability cost efficiency.
6 - Diriga

This Grineer-engineered sentinel specializes in offensive countermeasures and comes equipped with the Vulklok sniper rifle. However, its main party trick is the Arc Coil precept mod, which unleashes a chain of lightning that strikes multiple enemies. By using the Manifold Bond mod and equipping a weapon with multiple status effects, the Diriga can electrocute enemies frequently thanks to the reduced cooldown effects from the Bond mod. This means that the more you prime enemies with status, the stronger the Diriga gets!
5 - Nautilus

The Nautilus is your Railjack companion that can be brought into battle to devastating effect. It comes with the Cordon precept mod, which allows the Nautilus to pull in enemies in a 30-meter radius to form a cluster. The best feature of this precept is that it can even pull in Eximus units into the clusters. Pair this with the Manifold Bond, equip a weapon with status procs, and watch enemies get hurled helplessly into clusters for you to take out with ease.
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4 - Dethcube

Staying true to its moniker, the Dethcube is essentially an offensive sentinel that spells death to any enemy unfortunate enough to encounter it. It comes with the Deth Machine Rifle, which boasts some of the highest DPS of all sentinel weapons. As for precepts, the Dethcube gets Vaporize and Energy Generator. Vaporize allows the Dethcube to fire a beam of energy, dealing massive damage to a target, while the Energy Generator spawns energy cubes for every 10 kills the sentinel assists you in. This means the Dethcube is not just good at killing but also plays a vital support role by generating energy for the Warframe.
3 - Vulpaphylas

Similar to the Predasites of Deimos, the Vulpaphylas are modular terrain-based companions that are crafted via a modular system using weakened species and a combination of Antigens and Mutagens. Vulpaphylas are some of the best companions due to their inherent ability to devolve upon death and respawn after 30 seconds, all while simultaneously providing support or dealing damage to enemies.
They can be equipped with Beast and Kavat mods. There are three species of Vulpaphylas available: Crescent, Panzer, and Sly. Among the three, the Panzer Vulpaphyla is generally considered to be the best offensive option due to its ability to deal and proc Viral damage through its quills.
2 - Helios

Helios is a Corpus-engineered support-type sentinel that specializes in scanning Codex targets for the player. However, the Helios is considered to be the best sentinel companion due to its weapon, Deconstructor. The Deconstructor is a glaive-type weapon that can only be equipped by Helios, and it has immense damage potential. Being a glaive weapon, the damage Helios deals is deemed as melee damage. Therefore, pairing this weapon with mods to increase fire rate and companion mods like Vicious Bond and Duplex Bond will ensure you maintain an incredibly high DPS at all times.
1- Kavats

Kavats are terrain-oriented companions usually found in Infested areas, where they feed off the Infestation. There are three types of Kavat that a Tenno can own: Adarza, Smeeta, and Vasca. Kavats are acquired in a similar fashion to Kubrows, where you must use the Kavat Incubator Segment in your Incubator to get a random Kavat species. Among the three, the Smeeta Kavat and Adarza Kavat are generally considered to be the best beast companions in the game.
While the Adarza Kavat reflects damage and increases your and your ally's critical chance, the Smeeta Kavat specializes in stealth and resource-boosting. Since killing enemies and looting resources are the two main aspects of Warframe, the Kavats are best suited to fight alongside the Tenno.
Looking for a guide to understand Syndicates in Warframe better? Check out Best Syndicates to join in Warframe (2023) – Syndicate Tier List, right here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Dec 20, 2023 11:53 am