There is room for all kinds of warriors in your party in medieval squad-based RPG Wartales. If you want to add a rogue-style backstabber to your team, read on for my complete guide to the best DPS Ranger build.
Best Wartales Ranger Cutthroat Build

The Ranger class has a great deal of utility in Wartales. Unlike many RPGs where a ranger is a bow-wielding ranger DPS class, here we see the classic thief archetype instead. Once your tanks are engaged with enemy units, Rangers can step in behind them and deal massive damage.
Depending on your build choice they can also be masters of poison and bleeding DOTs or deception. They use a one-handed weapon and don’t use shields, which makes them perfect for everything from backup ranged damage to carrying torches unhindered in dark dungeons. In short, every good party should have a couple of Rangers.
Best Ranger Skills in Wartales

My favorite Ranger build follows the Cutthroat path because I like to build around pure DPS. When I add a second and third Ranger I like to mix it up with a Poisoner (a DOT specialist perfect for tougher opponents with high HP) and when I add a third it tends to be a Strategist (they are much more likely to be useful in largest scale battles).
The Cutthroat is a classic backstabber that deals massive, no-nonsense damage while staying out of trouble. They can move easily around the battlefield and offer some utility, and produce bonus attacks while having a strong (if not random) debuffing ability.
Level | Skill Name | Description |
2 | Valorous Audacity | (Passive) Every time this unit ends its turn next to an enemy and is not engaged in combat, you gain 1 Valour Point. You should attempt to do this every round anyway, to help gain the Surrounded status, so it's great to be rewarded for it too. Also, try to be next to a friend to gain the additional Friends' Bonus. |
3 | Cutthroat | This specialty only allows you to wear light armor, as with all Ranger specialties. You receive the Cutthroat ability (costs 2 Valour Points to use) which hits an enemy three times as long as you attack an engaged enemy from behind (otherwise it is just one hit). While expensive in valor cost, more attacks mean more chances of crits and one-round kills. |
5 | Instinctive Throw | (Passive) After using a skill, you will get a free automatic single attack on the closest enemy within four meters. While these hits only do around half the usual damage and are done randomly, they add up over a long battle and don't use Valor. |
8 | Low Blow | This allows you to take an earlier skill you passed over. I suggest Cold Blooded: Damage of all your attacks from behind increases by 20 percent. As with Valorous Audacity, this is rewarding the unit for doing exactly what they're in the squad to do, with no downside. |
10 | Unstoppable | (Passive) The unit can pass through units during their movement. This allows you to use your movement points more effectively but also to move back behind your tanks if your situation looks vulnerable. |
12 | Class Specialization | This allows you to take an earlier skill you passed over. I suggest Cold Blooded: Damage of all your attacks from behind increases by 20 percent. As with Valorous Audacity, this is rewarding the unit for doing exactly what they're in the squad to do, with no downside. |
Related: Halberdier Build Guide - Wartales
Best Ranger Equipment in Wartales
It is well worth picking up a First Aid Manual for your Cutthroat. Your Ranger will be mobile, allowing them to get to companions in need. But even better, using First Aid counts as using a skill, so if you position yourself well you’ll also benefit from a free attack thanks to Instinctive Throw.
When entering Tombs, arm each Ranger in your party with a Torch. As your Cutthroat is single-wield and can’t use a shield, they lose nothing by carrying a torch, while it significantly weakens any nocturnal attacker in the torch’s light range.
There are a couple of strong items to look out for. Solar (received from the Trackers after defeating the Dromback Hunt pack) is an offhand weapon that increases Crit Hit and Damage by 5 percent, gives you an extra instinctive throw-style attack (Courageous Axe Throw), and always lands crits versus the Ghost Pack. Rod Left-Hand’s Glove (the reward from the Arena of Legends after winning the Third League, pictured below) adds 30 percent to any thrown weapon damage, further compounding the extra attack mayhem.

Related: Warrior Build Guide – Wartales
Best Ranger Attributes in Wartales
As a Ranger, you can completely ignore the Strength attribute. It doesn’t increase your base damage and the small crit benefit means you’ll get more bang for your buck elsewhere.
- Dexterity: Increases your damage and critical hit chance. You’ll want this above 100 by the time you reach level 13.
- Movement: You need to be in the right place to attack but also want to be able to move away afterward. Aim for the mid-teens by the endgame.
- Critical Hit: A high crit chance will massively increase your DPS so go big on it. It’s relatively easy to get above 60 percent by the endgame.
- Willpower: Get it to 15 as quickly as possible, as this allows you to survive the first time you should die in each battle. You don’t need much more than this.
- Constitution: The fact you have light armor and largely don’t want to engage makes this a low priority. Only raise it when you’re feeling too vulnerable to AOE effects to be confident of staying upright.

How to play Ranger in Wartales

Mobility is the key to using the Ranger successfully in Wartales. Start them in the back row where your enemies can’t get to them, engage with your tanks, and then wreak havoc with your Rangers. Unstoppable helps your movement, preventing you from being hemmed in and allowing you to move to exactly where you need to be. While you generally don’t want your Ranger to be engaged, I make exceptions for lone archers because they go down easy (poor armor, low health) and, once engaged, can't use their bow (and so do very light damage).Â
Attack from behind whenever possible to get the full benefit from Cutthroat and Cold Blooded. Use Low Blow as required but don’t feel you need it constantly. I save it for when it can affect multiple targets, when there’s a single dangerous threat, or when it looks likely I’ll be personally targeted. Finally, do your best to end your turn behind an engaged opponent to claw back a Valor point with Valorous Audacity.
For more on Wartales here at Pro Game Guides check out Pugilist Build Guide – Wartales, Wartales Class Tier List – All Classes, Ranked, and more!
Published: Apr 30, 2024 06:43 am