There are many different ways to obtain and improve your gear in WoW Dragonflight, and one of the best ways is to upgrade gear drops directly. Gear Upgrading improves item level and stats, so it is a valuable tool to know how to use.
How to upgrade your gear in WoW Dragonflight
To begin the upgrading process, you'll need to head over to the Gladiator's Refuge, located within Valdrakken. There, you will find Corxian, the NPC you need to start upgrading.

To upgrade gear, you'll need to obtain two types of resources: Flightstones and Crests. Flightstones are a general resource obtained from most methods of play within Dragonflight. They act as the entry-level material needed to upgrade any piece of gear you obtain. If you've been playing Dragonflight, it's likely you already have a healthy amount of these. Any gear that can be upgraded requires Flightstones to do so.
On the other hand, Crests are a more limited resource that requires you to do specific types of content to obtain them. Crests come in several different flavors, with each one beginning stronger and better than the rest. What do I mean by stronger? Higher item-level gear also requires a specific type of Crest before it can be upgraded. The closer gear gets to the item level cap, the more difficult it is to upgrade, largely due to requiring a higher tier Crest. In general, the harder the content you do, the better Crests you'll obtain for upgrading high item-level gear.
How to get Crests in WoW Dragonflight
Crests drop from pretty much every form of content in WoW Dragonflight. The harder the content, the higher the quality of the crest. Crests typically come in four types.
- Whelping - Dropped from LFR Raid Bosses, World Quests, Mythic+ Dungeons (up to +5)
- Drake - Dropped from Normal Raid Bosses, Mythic+ Dungeons (+6 - +10), Weekly Events
- Wyrm - Dropped from Heroic Raid Bosses, Mythic+ Dungeons (+11 - +15)
- Aspect - Dropped from Mythic Raid Bosses, Mythic+ Dungeons (+16 and above)
As you can see, if you play harder content, you'll be rewarded with better Crests, which will allow you to upgrade your gear further. With this system, the only limitation to any player is their ability to complete harder content.
For more useful information and guides on World of Warcraft Dragonflight, check out our guide on WoW Dragonflight – Is Renown account wide? right here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jan 10, 2024 10:40 am