Jianxin is a Wuthering Waves character born in the wilderness and raised in a Taoist sect where she learned the martial arts of Fengyiquan. Her upbringing instilled in her a pure and persistent dedication to perfecting her martial arts skills. With the power to harness and transform environmental Chi, she can create protective barriers that purify both body and mind. Now, she journeys into the secular world, eager to experience the bittersweetness of everyday life and gain a deeper understanding of the world around her.

Active Skills
Basic Attack: Fengyiquan
Basic Attack
- Jianxin performs up to 4 consecutive attacks, dealing Aero DMG.
Heavy Attack
- Jianxin consumes Stamina to attack the target, dealing Aero DMG.
Mid-air Attack
- Jianxin consumes Stamina to plunge and unleash a powerful kick, dealing Aero DMG.
Dodge Counter
- Use Basic Attack after a successful Dodge to attack the target, dealing Aero DMG.
Resonance Skill: Calming Air
Chi Counter
- When Jianxin is attacked in the Parry Stance, she does not take damage and immediately performs Chi Counter, dealing Aero DMG.
Chi Parry
- Release the Resonance Skill button during Parry Stance to interrupt Parry Stance and perform Chi Parry, dealing Aero DMG.
Resonance Liberation: Purification Force Field
- Creates a strong wind field, continuously pulling targets within the wind field to the center and causing Aero damage. When the wind field disappears, it will again cause Aero damage to all targets within the range.
Forte Circuit: Primordial Chi Spiral
Heavy Attack: Primordial Chi Spiral
- When the Chi is at its maximum, a long charge state can be cast through a Heavy Attack. Gathering Chi around the character, the character's resistance to interruption is greatly increased, and the damage taken is reduced by 50%, causing Aero damage and gradually consuming Chi.
- Different effects are gradually achieved as the Chi gathering progresses, and a temporary shield is obtained and Aero damage is caused at each stage, with the maximum Chi gathering at Major Zhoutian: Outer. At the end of the charge state, a corresponding shield is obtained again according to the charge stage, and the character's health is restored every 6 seconds while the shield is present, with the shield lasting 30 seconds.
- The Chi gathering process can be interrupted by releasing a Basic Attack and performing the corresponding move.
Not reaching the Minor Zhoutian
- Obtain a Rank 1 shield. A forward punch is cast when Chi gathering is interrupted, causing Aero damage.
Minor Zhoutian
- At this stage, Aero damage is caused to the surroundings, and a Rank 2 shield is obtained. When Chi gathering is interrupted, a pushing hand is cast, causing Aero damage.
Major Zhoutian: Inner
- At this stage, Aero damage is caused to the surroundings, and a Rank 3 shield is obtained. When Chi gathering is interrupted, a pushing hand is cast, causing Aero damage.
Major Zhoutian: Outer
- At this stage, Aero damage is caused to the surroundings, and a Rank 4 shield is obtained.
Chi Acquisition Rules
- Chi is obtained when a Normal Attack Fengyiquan hits the target.
- Chi is obtained when the Resonance Skill Calming Air is cast.
- Chi is obtained when the Resonance Skill Chi Counter or Resonance Skill Chi Parry hits the target.
- Chi is obtained when the Intro Skill Essence of Tao hits the target.
Passive Skills
Inherent Skill: Formless Release
Damage of Resonance Liberation Purification Force Field is increased by 20%.
Inherent Skill: Reflection
The Shield obtained with Heavy Attack Primordial Chi Spiral is increased by 20%.
Concerto Skills
Intro Skill: Essence of Tao
Pull in targets within the range, dealing Aero DMG.
Outro Skill: Transcendence
The next character (or other characters on a nearby team that activates an Outro Skill) gains 38% Resonance Liberation DMG Deepen for 14s, or until the character is switched off field.
Resonance Chain
Sequence 1: Verdant Branchlet
- After casting Intro Skill Essence of Tao, Jianxin gains 100% extra 'Chi' from Basic Attacks for 10s.
Sequence 2: Tao Seeker's Journey
- Resonance Skill Calming Air can be used 1 more time.
Sequence 3: Principles of Wuwei
- After staying in the Parry Stance of Resonance Skill Calming Air for 2.5s, Resonance Skill Chi Counter becomes immediately available.
Sequence 4: Multitide Reflection
- When performing Forte Circuit Heavy Attack: Primordial Chi Spiral, Jianxin's Resonance Liberation Purification Force Field damage is increased by 80% for 14s.
Sequence 5: Mirroring Introspection
- The range of Resonance Liberation Purification Force Field is increased by 33%.
Sequence 6: Truth from Within
- During Forte Circuit Heavy Attack: Primordial Qi Spiral, if Jianxin performs Pushing Punch, enhanced Resonance Skill Special Chi Counter can be used once in 5s. Special Chi Counter: Deals Aero DMG equal to 556.67% of Jianxin's ATK, considered as Heavy Attack DMG. Obtain a Zhoutian Rank 4 Shield (Benefits from Inherent Skill Reflection's bonus effect.)
Ascension Materials
- x170,000 Shell Credits
- x60 Lanternberry
- x46 Roaring Rock Fist
- x4 LF Howler Core
- x12 MF Howler Core
- x12 HF Howler Core
- x4 FF Howler Core
Skill Upgrade Materials
- 20,300,000 Shell Credits
- x26 Unending Destruction
- x25 LF Howler Core
- x28 MF Howler Core
- x40 HF Howler Core
- x57 FF Howler Core
- x25 Cadence Seed
- x28 Cadence Bud
- x55 Cadence Leaf
- x67 Cadence Blossom