Peroxide, inspired by the popular manga and anime Bleach, allows you to choose your own unique destiny and complete quests, explore a massive world, and train to grow strong and powerful. For a limited time only, you can participate in Peroxide's Christmas/New Years event, which allows you to try out an exclusive game mode and earn tons of awesome rewards that can only be obtained while this event is active.
To learn more about this event, and what it offers, continue reading the brief guide below.
How to get presents in Peroxide (2024 New Year event)

Presents can be obtained in Peroxide in two ways: by collecting them as they fall from the sky, and by playing the Save Peroximas game mode. Every XX:25 and XX:55 an hour (meaning every 12:25 and 12:55, or 1:25 and 1:55, or 2:25 and 2:55, etc.), various presents will rain down from the sky and be available for you to collect. To play the Save Peroximas game mode and attempt to earn even more presents while you wait for the next present fall, speak to the Saint Peroxilas NPC and ask him about the Save Peroximas game mode.
In this game mode, you must defend the Wise Mystical Tree from waves of enemies and then take down the powerful Winter Queen. As expected, for each wave you survive, the next wave will become harder and harder until you reach Wave 10, which is when the Winter Queen will spawn. To help you in this game mode, Saint Peroxilas will be available for you to talk to and purchase limited-time buffs from using Candy Canes, which are dropped from enemies you defeat. A complete list of Saint Peroxilas' buffs can be found below.
- Spawn a Snowman to fight alongside you — 5 Points
- Heal the Wise Mystical Tree a bit — 10 Points
- Spawn a Rabbit Turret to fight alongside you — 10 Points
- Fully heal the Wise Mystical Tree — 50 Points
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The farther you make it in this game mode, the more presents you'll earn, so don't forget to use those buffs! There are three rarities of presents in total (Green, Blue, and Red, in order from least to most rare), and lower rarity presents can be combined and traded to Saint Peroxilas to create higher rarity ones. For example, you can trade 10 Green Presents for one Blue Present, 10 Blue Presents for one Red Present, and so on. As mentioned above, the higher rarity the present, the better the rewards that will be inside.
According to the official Peroxide Discord, the following items were added with this event update, which makes me assume that they are what can be earned from opening presents:
- Five new limited weapon skins
- Four new limited skill skins
- Two new limited godly accessories
- Six new common limited accessories
- One new rare accessory
That's it for this quick guide on everything you need to know about the 2024 Christmas/New Years event in Peroxide, including how to get presents and what they offer. Have you tried out the new game mode yet? Or earned any cool rewards? Let me know in the comments below!
Looking for more Peroxide content? Check out some of our other guides on How to get Vizard in Peroxide – Roblox or All Peroxide Clans, Ranked – Tier List Peroxide Roblox Best Clans here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Jan 11, 2024 02:41 pm