The Blue Obelisk Cave is one of the best locations to start a base in ARK Scorched Earth Ascended. However, finding it can be quite a task, considering it's a bit of a distance away from the Blue Obelisk and it is difficult to spot even from the air.
Where to find the Blue Obelisk Cave in ARK Scorched Earth Ascended (Map)
The Blue Obelisk Cave is a premium base location due to its abundance of water and surrounding resources such as metal. If this sounds interesting to you and your party, head to the coordinates (27.9 29.3) and search the surrounding rock face for a hole big enough for you to walk into.

You may have to search quite a lot if you're hunting this cavern on the ground. This cave is relatively close to the Blue Obelisk, so keep that as your primary landmark while you look around so you don't get lost.
Once you locate the entrance, you'll find a long and winding cavern filled with poison spiders and bats lurking around. For the seasoned ARK adventurer, this shouldn't be much of an issue, especially if you're running with a pack. However, make sure to have some sustaining consumables on hand, just in case.

The Blue Obelisk Cave is a fantastic place for a base because it is a natural fortress in the way it is laid out. Delves deeper into the cave are hidden among its interior. Each narrow path that goes deeper leads into a different, wider cavern great for placing buildings. These narrow paths, however, are great for chokepoint defenses.
Related: Church Cave Location in ARK Scorched Earth Ascended (Map)
On the outskirts of the cave, metal litters the surrounding rock formations, allowing you and your squad some access to the resource as necessary. While it is unlikely to be enough for all your needs, it's good to have metal surrounding your base in any quantity. Most importantly, water is a plentiful resource inside the cave, making it the ideal place for a large base.
For more quality guides relating to ARK Scorched Earth, check out Oasis Cave Location in ARK Scorched Earth Ascended (Map) right here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Apr 3, 2024 04:47 pm