If you're looking for all of the recent Artifact Card Reveals and Spoilers then we have a full list to look through. These cards are being slowly revealed as we get closer to the full launch of the game.
Emissary of the Quorum
- Rarity: Rare
- Type: Creep
- Color: Green
- Card Text: Active 1: Modify allies with +2 Attack and +2 Health.
Winter Wyvern
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Type: Hero
- Color: Black
- Ability: Active Burn - Active Ability - Active 2: Move Winter Wyvern to an empty combat position and give it +4 Attack this round.
Winter's Curse
Winter's Curse is a Premiere Card that is attached to Winter Wyvern and will be added to your deck if you play this hero.
- Rarity: Common
- Type: Spell
- Color: Black
- Card Text: Condemn a creep.
Unearthed Secrets
- Rarity: Rare
- Type: Improvement
- Color: Green
- Card Text: Draw a card after the combat phase if your tower was dealt damage this round.
Satyr Duelist
- Rarity: Common
- Type: Creep
- Color: Green
- Card Text: Modify Satyr Duelist with +2 Attack after the combat phase.
Diabolic Revelation
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Type: Spell
- Color: Blue
- Card Text: Draw 2 cards. Deal 2 damage to allies in all lanes.
- Rarity: Rare
- Type: Hero
- Color: Green
- Ability: Purification - Active Ability - Active 2: Heal a unit 3.
Allseeing One's Favor
Allseeing One's Favor is a Premiere Card that is attached to Omniknight and will be added to your deck if you play this hero.
Cursed Satyr
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Type: Creep
- Color: Red
- Card Text: Summon a Zombie for your opponent after the combat phase.
Satyr Magician
Satyr Magician was revealed on September 21st, 2018 by the PlayArtifact Twitter account!
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Type: Creep
- Color: Blue
- Card Text: Active 1: Fully restore your tower's Mana.
Selfish Cleric
Selfish Cleric was revealed on September 20th, 2018 by the PlayArtifact Twitter account!
- Rarity: Common
- Type: Creep
- Color: Green
- Card Text: Fully heal Selfish Cleric after the combat phase.
Relentless Zombie
Vhoul Martyr was revealed on September 20th, 2018 by the PlayArtifact Twitter account!
- Rarity: Common
- Type: Creep
- Color: Blue
- Card Text: Play Effect: Give Relentless Zombie a Death Shield.
- Death Shield: If a unit would die, instead remove its death shield and it survives with 1 Health. A unit may only have one death shield at a time.
Vhoul Martyr
Vhoul Martyr was revealed on September 19th, 2018 by the PlayArtifact Twitter account!
- Rarity: Common
- Type: Creep
- Color: Green
- Card Text: Death Effect: Modify allies with +1 Attack and +1 Health.
Obliterating Orb
Lich was revealed on September 19th, 2018 by the ArtifactBuff Twitter account!
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Type: Item Consumable
- Card Text: Condemn an improvement.
Lich was revealed on September 18th, 2018 by the PlayArtifact Twitter account!
- Rarity: Rare
- Type: Hero
- Color: Black
- Ability: Sacrifice - Active Ability - Active 2: Condemn another ally and draw a card. If that ally has 6 or more Attack, draw an extra card.
Chain Frost
Chain Frost is a Premiere Card that is attached to Lich and will be added to your deck if you play this hero.
Legion Standard Bearer
Legion Standard Bearer was revealed on September 18th, 2018 by the The Artificer's Guilder Twitter account!
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Type: Creep
- Color: Red
- Card Text: Legion Standard Bearer's allied neighbors have +4 Attack.
Gank was revealed on September 17th, 2018 by the PlayArtifact Twitter account!
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Type: Spell
- Color: Black
- Card Text: Choose an allied black hero. Choose another unit in any lane. They battle each other.
Helm of the Dominator
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Type: Item Armor
- Cost: 19g
- Card Text: Equipped hero has +3 Armor. Active 2: Get control of an enemy creep.
Centaur Warrunner
Centaur Warrunner was revealed on September 16th, 2018 by Artifaction!
- Rarity: Rare
- Type: Hero
- Color: Red
- Ability: Return - Continuous Effect - Centaur Warrunner has +2 Retaliate.
Double Edge
Double Edge is a Premiere Card that is attached to Centaur Warrunner and will be added to your deck if you play this hero.
Corrosive Mist
Corrosive Mist was revealed on September 16th, 2018 by RobAJG!
Artifact's official Twitter added some more insight about Condemn:
Template talk: "Condemn" marks a unit, improvement, or equipment for death. Death Shields may save a condemned unit, but Damage Immunity does not.
- Rarity: Rare
- Type: Spell
- Color: Green
- Card Text: Condemn all equipped items.
...And One For Me
...And One For Me was revealed on September 15th, 2018 by the PlayArtifact Twitter account!
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Type: Spell
- Color: Blue
- Card Text: Choose a hero. Put a base copy of a random item equipped by that hero into your hand.
Tidehunter was revealed on September 15th, 2018 by Savjz!
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Type: Hero
- Color: Red
- Ability: Ravage - Active Ability - Stun Tidehunter's enemy neighbors this round and each other enemy has a 50% chance of being stunned this round.
Kraken Shell
Kraken Shell is a Premiere Card that is attached to Tidehunter and will be added to your deck if you play this hero.
Champion of the Ancient
Champion of the Ancient was revealed on September 14th, 2018 by the PlayArtifact Twitter account! They included this bit of lore along with the card:
"My people have pledged their lives in service to the ancient... offering ourselves to be a tide of flesh that will protect the Radiant from Kanna and her Dire heretics. Thanks to the blessing of the Radiant, I have become the crashing wave of that tide..."
- Rarity: Rare
- Type: Creep
- Color: Green
- Card Text: Play Effect: Modify Champion of the Ancient with +1 Attack, +1 Health, and +1 Cleave for each enemy.
Arcane Censure
Arcane Censure was revealed on September 14th, 2018 by the PlayArtifact Twitter account!
- Rarity: Common
- Type: Spell
- Color: Black
- Card Text: Modify the enemy tower with -1 Mana.
Published: Sep 16, 2018 06:05 pm