In Baldur's Gate 3, you will meet various NPCs that have specific side quests which can be completed while exploring the world. Lady Esther is one of these NPCs you'll encounter near the Rosymon Monastery, and this character asks for a Githayanki Egg. If you have Lae'zel as a party member, she will revolt against handing over an egg from her people. Naturally, you'll face a choice of whether to keep or steal the item. Here's how to find Githyanki Egg, and whether you should give it to Lady Esther in Baldur's Gate 3.
Where is the Githyanki Egg in BG3?

The Githyanki Egg is hidden inside the Hatchery room at the Creche Y'llek, which you can reach by travelling through the Rosymorn Monastery. However, you cannot obtain the Githyanki Egg right away; the Hatchery is rigged with traps, and you'll find Varsh Ko'kuu here—the protector of the Hatchery. You can persuade Varsh to give you the Egg, or you can be done with the niceties by starting a fight.
How to get the Githyanki Egg from the Hatchery in BG3

You can take the Githayanki Egg peacefully from the Hatchery by persuading Varsh Ko'kuu. To do this, you'll need to pass two Persuasion checks. This works best if you have Persuasion Proficiency, as you'll be able to convince Varsh. This is one of the easiest methods to get the Githyanki Egg, without inciting bloodshed. Persuading Varsh successfully will also reward you with the Varsh Ko'kuu Boots.
The alternate method is to simply defeat Varsh and the other Githyanki inside the Hatchery. Keep in mind the caretaker will be hostile towards your party if you have already betrayed Vlaakith by siding with the Dream Visitor. Remember, the Hatchery is full of traps that can get your party eliminated within seconds. I recommend eliminating the warriors first, before using a Flying spell to reach the Egg.
Related: Should you side with or kill Dream Visitor in Astral Plane in BG3?
Should you Give the Githyanki Egg to Lady Esther in BG3?

If you choose to give the Githyanki Egg to Lady Esther by selecting the "I have the Egg" dialogue option, you'll be rewarded with gold. You will discover later on she takes the Egg to Baldur's Gate as discussed. However, she fails to raise the Githyanki, and then is brutally murdered by the youngling. You'll find Lady Esther's body at The Lodge, located south of Baldur's Gate. Additionally, giving the Githyanki Egg to Lady Esther will not bode well with Lae'zel, who will disapprove of this act.

On the contrary, you can keep the Egg for yourself, and refuse Lady Esther, turning her hostile. I recommend purchasing all the best items from her shop before selecting the "You can't have the Egg..." dialogue option. A battle will ensue where you can easily defeat Lady Esther. You will also find a letter from the Society of Brilliance of Baldur's Gate mentioning their intention to experiment with the Githyanki Egg.
For more on Baldur's Gate 3 check out Baldur’s Gate 3 Lae’zel Build Guide – Best stats and subclass and BG3 Sorcerer vs Wizard – All Differences here at Pro Game Guides!
Published: Aug 8, 2023 05:33 pm