Exit Through The Sector Alpha is the final mission for the Tier 4 Crown faction in Call of Duty: Warzone DMZ. Despite being a story mission that unlocks the next tier, it isn't very challenging. In this guide, I'll teach you how to locate the two stairwell exits mentioned in the mission objective.
Exit Through The Sector Alpha Crown Mission DMZ Walkthrough
Here are all the objectives for Exit Through The Sector Alpha DMZ Mission:
- Locate the two stairwell exits in the DRD.
- Scan each exit with a Geiger Counter.
How to enter the DRD
First and foremost, deploy into Al Mazrah and head to the north section of the map, where the Oasis and the ruins are. You need to enter Koschei Complex via the Oasis entrance airlock to reach the Defense Research Division or DRD. Before heading in, I suggest you get hold of some Radiation Blockers from the nearby houses and hospital, as they'll help you survive inside.
Where to get the Gieger Counter

After spawning in the DRD section of Koschei Complex, proceed inside, and you'll end up in a room with control panels. On top of the central panel, you'll find a Geiger Counter that you need to pick up to complete this mission. This equipment is always present here so it's not necessary to bring one from Al Mazrah.
How to locate and scan the two stairwell exits

Now use the buttons on the control panels to close the bunker doors in the first chamber, Section 03. Alternatively, you can use Radiation Blockers and Gas Masks to survive the radiation zone and close the bunker doors manually using the valves. Once the radiation stops leaking, the gate to the next area will unlock (see third image).
Walk down the corridor, and you'll eventually reach the section shown in the image above. There'll be a blocked stairwell that you need to approach and scan by pulling out your Geiger Counter tactical. This will complete the first part of both the tasks in the mission, after which you can proceed to the next radiation chamber, Section 02.
Just like in the previous chamber, you need to close the bunker doors manually or by using the control panel to access the next area. But this time around, you'll have to fight off some AI guards. Once the gate unlocks, proceed forward, and you'll find the second stairwell right before entering Section 01 of the DRD. Scan the stairwell exit with your Geiger Counter, and the Exit Through The Sector Alpha mission will be finished, earning you the exclusive Waiting For Action calling card.
Stay tuned to Pro Game Guides for more Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 content. In the meantime, head over to our article on Russian Gas DMZ Mission Guide.
Published: Jul 12, 2023 06:11 am