Call of Duty Vanguard Zombies has a specific set of camouflage challenges for the weapons. Completing the Camo challenges can be time consuming, but they are totally worth it. Follow this article if you've decided to unlock the Zombies Mastery Camos in Vanguard.
There are three Mastery or Completionist Camos for Zombies—Golden Viper, Plague Diamond, and Dark Aether. Here's how to unlock all the Mastery Camos in Vanguard Zombies.
Unlock Golden Viper Camo in Vanguard Zombies
Unlock Challenge: Complete all Camo challenges for the weapon.

For each weapon in Call of Duty Vanguard, there are 10 Camo categories consisting of 10 Camos each. Unlocking these 100 Camos for a weapon in Zombies gives you access to the Golden Viper Camo for it. In order to receive the next two Mastery Camos, getting Golden Viper is the first step.
Related: How to get all Multiplayer Mastery Camos in Call of Duty: Vanguard
Unlock Plague Diamond Camo in Vanguard Zombies
Unlock Challenge: Unlock the Golden Viper Camo for all weapon in the class.

Once you have Golden Viper on one weapon, it's time to unlock the same for every weapon in that class. Let's say you are grinding for Plague Diamond Camo for the MP-40 SMG, you'll first need to unlock Golden Viper for all six SMGs in Vanguard.
Unlock Dark Aether Camo in Vanguard Zombies
Unlock Challenge: Unlock the Plague Diamond for every weapon class.

For the Dark Aether Camo, you need Diamond on every single weapon in the game. This is the ultimate Camo and can be achieved after hours and hours of grind in Der Anfang. Now you have completed the Completionist Camo challenge in Vanguard Zombies.
For more on Call of Duty Vanguard, check out All Call of Duty Vanguard Equipment – Lethal and Tactical on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Nov 5, 2021 11:10 am