Shortly after completing Should You Choose to Accept it, Part IV, Guardians will be tasked with visiting the Weapons Expert. Longtime Destiny 2 players should immediately recognize who this is. However, with so many New Lights joining the sci-fi looter shooter, these Kinderguardians might not know who to look for.
Where to find the Weapons Expert in Destiny 2
There has only ever been one Weapons Expert in Destiny 2, and that's Banshee-44. Everyone's favorite forgetful Exo can be found in the Tower, just to the right of the main transmat location. Banshee-44 should be a daily acquaintance for all Guardians as he hands out daily and weekly quests that reward upgrade materials. He also sells two randomly chosen Weapon Mods each day.
Related: Destiny 2 Lost Sector Extraction Location and Guide

Banshee-44 has been around since day one of the original Destiny. The Gunsmith even got a fair bit of lore dedicated to him when the Beyond Light expansion dropped. It's actually very fitting with Season of the Seraph, as Clovis Bray features very heavily in both instances. The reason it's so fitting is that Banshee-44 is actually Clovis-1. After resetting himself 43 times during a Vex invasion, Clovis-1 opted to wipe all of his memories to forget what a monster he was. Thus, Banshee-44 was born. Though his long-term memory has been forever damaged, this Exo knows his craft better than any other.
For more Destiny 2 goodies, check out Destiny 2 ‘unable to connect to Playstation Network’ – Fixes on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jan 18, 2023 07:23 pm