Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero offers an impressive roster of 182 characters/transformations, giving fans too many options to choose from when assembling a team of the multiverse’s greatest warriors. Let’s do one of the internet’s favorite activities and divide Sparking! Zero’s roster into tiers.
Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Tier List - Best Characters & Transformations

True to the spirit of the various anime and manga series, not all of Dragon Ball Sparking! Zero’s characters are created equal. Fighters like Chiaotzu and Frieza Force Soldier are going to have a tough time holding their own against the likes of Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta or Legendary Super Saiyan Broly – and that’s part of what makes the Budokai Tenkaichi series so fun.Â
Tier | Character/Transformation Name |
S | Goku - Ultra Instinct -Sign- (Super), Goku - Ultra Instinct (Super), Gogeta - Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (Super), Gogeta - Super Saiyan 4 (GT), Vegito - Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, Beerus, Whis, Broly - Legendary Super Saiyan (Z), Broly - Super Saiyan Full Power (Super), Jiren - Full Power, Fused Zamasu - Half-Corrupted |
A | Goku - Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (Super), Goku - Super Saiyan 4 (GT), Vegeta - Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (Super), Vegeta - Super Saiyan 4 (GT), Gohan - Super Saiyan 2 (Teen), Super Gogeta (Z), Gogeta - Super Saiyan (Super), Super Vegito, Gotenks - Super Saiyan 3, Super Janemba, Kefla - Super Saiyan 2, Goku Black - Super Saiyan Rose, Fused Zamasu, Toppo - God of Destruction, Golden Frieza, Jiren, Kale - Super Saiyan (Beserk), Kefla - Super Saiyan 2, Super Baby 2 (GT), Great Ape - Baby (GT), Omega Shenron (GT) |
B | Goku - Super Saiyan (Z-End), Goku - Super Saiyan 2 (Z-End), Goku - Super Saiyan 3 (Z-End), Goku - (Super), Goku - Super Saiyan (Super), Goku - Super Saiyan God (Super), Goku (GT), Goku - Super Saiyan (GT), Goku - Super Saiyan 3 (GT), Vegeta - Super Saiyan (Z-Early), Super Vegeta, Vegeta - Super Saiyan (Z-End), Vegeta - Super Saiyan 2 (Z-End), Majin Vegeta, Vegeta (Super), Vegeta - Super Saiyan (Super), Vegeta - Super Saiyan God (Super), Gohan - Super Saiyan (Teen), Gohan - Super Saiyan 2 (Teen), Gohan - Super Saiyan (Adult), Gohan - Super Saiyan 2 (Adult), Ultimate Gohan, Gohan - Super Saiyan (Future), Trunks - Super Saiyan (Melee), Super Trunks, Future Trunks - Super Saiyan, Vegito, Gogeta (Super), Gotenks, Gotenks - Super Saiyan, Android 17 (Super), Frieza - 4th Form (Z), Frieza - Full Power (Z), Mecha Frieza, Frieza (Super), Cell - Perfect Form, Perfect Cell, Dabura, Majin Buu, Majin Buu (Evil), Super Buu, Super Buu (Gotenks Absorbed), Super Buu (Gohan Absorbed), Kid Buu, Broly (Z), Broly - Super Saiyan (Z), Broly - (Super), Broly - Super Saiyan (Super), Cooler, Cooler - Final Form, Metal Cooler, Fusion Android 13, Bojack - Full Power, Hirudegarn, Baby Vegeta (GT), Super Baby 1 (GT), Goku Black, Hit, Frost, Cabba - Super Saiyan, Cabba - Super Saiyan 2, Caulifla - Super Saiyan 2, Kale - Super Saiyan, Kefla, Kefla - Super Saiyan, Dyspo, Toppo, Anilaza, Majuub (GT), Syn Shenron (GT) |
C | Goku - (Z-Early), Goku - (Z-Mid), Goku - Super Saiyan (Z - Mid), Goku - (Z-End), Goku - (Mini), Vegeta (Z-Scouter), Great Ape Vegeta, Vegeta (Z-Early), Vegeta - (Z-End), Gohan (Teen), Gohan (Adult), Gohan (Future), Great Saiyaman, Piccolo, Piccolo (Fused With Kami), Nail, Trunks (Sword), Trunks - Super Saiyan (Sword), Trunks (Melee), Future Trunks, Trunks (Kid), Trunks - Super Saiyan (Kid), Goten, Goten - Super Saiyan, Bardock, Tien, Frieza - 1st Form (Z), Frieza - 2nd Form (Z), Frieza - 3rd Form (Z), King Cold, Cell - 1st Form, Cell - 2nd Form, Android 16, Android 17 (Z), Android 18, Android 19, Dr. Gero, Cell Jr., Super Garlic Jr., Dr. Wheelo, Turles, Lord Slug, Lord Slug - Giant Form, Android 13, Bojack, Janemba, Tapion, Zamasu, Cabba, Caulifa, Kale, Bergamo, Ribrianne, Kakunsa, Roasie, Uub (GT) |
D | Krillin, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Yajirobe, Kid Gohan, Goku - (Teen), Pan (GT), Videl, Master Roshi, Master Roshi - Max Power, Saibaman, Raditz, Nappa, Frieza Force Soldier, Cui, Zarbon, Dodoria, Guldo, Recoome, Jeice, Burter, Spopovich, Babidi |
Hercule | Hercule |
S-Tier characters in Sparking Zero

Sparking! Zero’s top ranked fighters should come as no surprise. It’s home to the superest of Saiyans, a God of Destruction, and an Angel – Dragon Ball’s most powerful beings. S-tier characters possess large health bars, land the hardest of punches, have devastating touch-of-death combos, and can beat opponents from afar with savagely powerful ki ultimate blasts.
Characters like Ultra Instinct Goku and Whis are very tough to hit as they can easily slink and slide their way around your attacks, while someone like Beerus can deal huge damage with his ultimate blast. Beerus is especially powerful due his health regeneration Sleep skill and Verdict of Destruction, which only costs two skill points and enters him into Sparking mode. Skills that enable fighters to enter Sparking mode without a full ki bar are especially useful and can turn the tides of difficult battles.
S-tier is also home to Dragon Ball Super’s most powerful antagonists, corrupted Fused Zamasu, fully powered up Jiren, and green-haired Broly. They’re worth every Zeni you’ll spend obtaining them.
Of course, it wouldn’t be S-tier if the as-powerful-as-he-is-cocky Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta wasn’t in it.
A-Tier characters in Sparking Zero

While A-tier includes some characters that can harness God Ki, like Super Saiyan Blue Goku, its fighters are just slightly below the level of those above. That’s not to say they’re not plenty powerful – all of these characters were among the strongest on the scene at some point during the anime.
A-tier characters have either an 8 or 7 DP value, so they are plenty strong to anchor a team with lowered tier character supporting them. Because S-tier characters will take up 9 or 10 DP of the 15 limit, you might be better off forgoing the super elite in favor of an A-tier anchor. That way you won't get stuck needing to depend on someone like Cui or Yamcha when the going gets tough.
Personal favorites from the A-tier are Super Janemba (his animations are on point), Super Saiyan 2 Kefla (there’s a reason she went toe-to-toe with Goku in the Tournament of Power), and, of course, Super Saiyan 4 Goku and Vegeta. That DBGT nostalgia still hits hard.
B-Tier characters in Sparking Zero

The bulk of Sparking! Zero’s 182 characters are going to fall in the next two tiers. For the most part, B-tier characters are late-DBZ Super Saiyan forms and the absolute peak forms of certain DBZ antagonists.
Most B-tier characters are going to have a DP value of 6 or 7, meaning they’re powerful enough to still anchor an online team. A team with Vegeta - Super Saiyan God (Super), for example, flanked by C- and D-tier fighters is going to pack a big punch.
Even though their DP value may be lower than other B-tier characters, base forms Goku (Super), Vegeta (Super), Goku (GT), and Baby Vegeta (GT) were all bumped up into the B-tier based on the transformations and fusions they have available. Sure, you may have to wait a bit to raise enough skill points to transform or fuse, but the base forms of these characters can turn into A- and S-tier fighters in the heat of battle, which you just can’t discount.
C-Tier characters in Sparking Zero

You’ll find most of the characters’ base forms make up the C-tier, even including Universe 6 Saiyan base forms, which far outclass DBZ villains in terms of Dragon Ball Super’s wild power scaling.
The fact that so many characters are on the lower end with a DP score of 4 or 5 really shows how almost every character can be useful or powerful in some way. So many of these Saiyans can transform into more powerful characters with better skill sets, potentially paving the way for the online meta to be teams of three C-tier characters, or a mix of C- and D-tier characters.
Unfortunately, fan and personal favorite Piccolo falls squarely into the C-Tier. The early Dragon Ball Z version is formidable, but still outclassed by higher-tier fighters while Piccolo (Fused with Kami) doesn’t have a rush super or a skill that lets him jump into Sparking mode. At least we can be sure Orange Piccolo from the upcoming Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero DLC will be a considerably more powerful fighter.
D-Tier characters in Sparking Zero

What Sparking! Zero does very well is making even its worst characters important, challenging, and fun to play. Take Raditz, for example. While he’s a particularly weak antagonist compared to late-DBZ villains Cell and Super Buu, he’s still a fearsome foe in Goku’s Episode Battles and very important to Dragon Ball as a whole.
The main cast of OG Dragon Ball – Krillin, Yamcha, Master Roshi – all being D-tier shows just how wildly powerful the series’ characters have become. While they might not be able to blow up planets or hang with the likes of gods, they’re still fun to use, especially with the costumes available, like Yamcha’s original Dragon Ball design and Master Roshi’s Jackie Chun disguise.
I particularly found some D-tier characters fun to use, like Burter. His speed is nothing to scoff at and comes in handy when trying to start a combo against an opponent. Nappa’s supers are great, Master Roshi - Max Power can still show the kids how it’s done, and Zarbon has the ability to transform into a character a tier up, making him a useful 3 DP fighter.
Hercule-tier in Sparking Zero

Oh, you know the CHAMP is getting his own tier. We’re talking about the man – nay – World Champion who defeated Cell and saved the world. Those golden haired warriors ain't got nothing on him! Pay no mind to the 1 DP value as he’s, ah, he’s just warming up.
He won't need to rely on any flashing lights or tricks either as he is as pure of a martial artist as they come. And if the going gets tough? Mr. Buu is always on standby to help out and show your opponent why they don't stand a chance against the champ.
(On a more serious note, Hercule is the only character with a 1 DP value and deservedly so. He can't fly, his super moves aren't useful, and he'll get spanked by just about any opponent. Use him if only you want a challenge or a giggle.)
Stay tuned to Pro Games Guides for more on Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero, which is shaping up to be one of the best games of the year.
Published: Oct 8, 2024 10:26 am