Fallout: London is an expansion-sized total conversion mod for Fallout 4 which plunges the game into the iconic British capital city. This passion project spearheaded by fans has been years in the making and this guide will show you how to download and install the mod.
How to download and install Fallout London mod on GOG

The most straightforward way to download and install the Fallout London mod is through GOG. If you don't yet have an account on GOG, simply create one for free and follow the instructions below. Note that you will need to already own Fallout 4 and all of its DLCs or the Game of the Year edition to be able to play the Fallout London mod.
- 1. If it isn't installed already, install the English version of Fallout 4: GOTY Edition via GOG GALAXY and then disable your cloud saves
- 2. Get Fallout London on the GOG Store for free
- 3. Install Fallout London via GOG GALAXY and launch it
- 4. Follow the launcher’s instructions
Also worth noting is that the Fallout 4 – High Resolution Texture Pack is not a requirement to download and install the Fallout London mod on GOG.
How to download and install Fallout London mod on Steam

If you own Fallout 4 and all of its DLCs or the Fallout 4: GOTY Edition on Steam, then downloading and installing the Fallout London mod is still possible but requires a few extra steps. This is because you need to have the pre next-gen (Fallout 4 release of the game in order to do so.
Most players will therefore have to downgrade their copies of Fallout 4 to the pre next-gen version of the game. This is possible thanks to a handy downgrader tool provided by Fallout London mod developer TeamFOLON, enabling you to downgrade Fallout 4 with a few button clicks. Simply download the downgrader tool and follow the instructions located in the download folder.
How to downgrade Fallout 4 manually
If you own Fallout 4 on Steam but want to downgrade versions manually, then rolling back to the version of Fallout 4: GOTY Edition is still doable but a little more complex.
Begin by typing steam://open/console into your browser, prompting Steam to open the console. Once the console is open, you need to download each part of the previous Fallout 4: GOTY Edition version by typing the commands below into the console:
For Part A use: | download_depot 377160 377161 7497069378349273908 |
For Part B use: | download_depot 377160 377163 5819088023757897745 |
For the executable file use: | download_depot 377160 377162 5847529232406005096 |
For the English version use: | download_depot 377160 377164 2178106366609958945 |
To download the content for each of the DLCs that you may own type these commands (having these DLCs is necessary to play Fallout: London):
For HD Texture Pack use: | download_depot 377160 540810 1558929737289295473 |
For Automatron use: | download_depot 377160 435870 1691678129192680960 |
For Automatron English language pack use: | download_depot 377160 435871 5106118861901111234 |
For Wasteland Workshop use: | download_depot 377160 435880 1255562923187931216 |
For Far Harbor use: | download_depot 377160 435881 1207717296920736193 |
Far Harbor English language pack use: | download_depot 377160 435882 8482181819175811242 |
For Contraptions Workshop use: | download_depot 377160 480630 5527412439359349504 |
For Vault-Tec Workshop use: | download_depot 377160 480631 6588493486198824788 |
For Vault-Tec Workshop English language pack use: | download_depot 377160 393885 5000262035721758737 |
For Nuka World use: | download_depot 377160 490650 4873048792354485093 |
For Nuka World English language pack use: | download_depot 377160 393895 7677765994120765493 |
Once you've completed this step, these files will download into your Steam library folder
(by default it is “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\content\app_377160”) in separate depot folders. The Fallout 4 executable file would be in a folder named “depot_377162”.
Next, create a new folder on your desktop, and copy the contents of each of the above folders into this new folder, overwriting files as you go. Once complete, you have constructed the entirety of the previous version of Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition. Congratulations!
Now, simply delete everything in your current Fallout 4: GOTY Edition installation folder and replace it with everything in this new folder on your desktop. Next, locate your Steam app manifest file for Fallout 4, which is called “appmanifest_377160” and is normally found in the Steam apps folder, typically located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\appmanifest_377160.acf.
Right-click on the appmanifest_377160.acf file and select properties before setting the file to read only, which is done by ticking the read only tick box. Now press OK to confirm this choice. This will remove Steam’s ability to update the game automatically by any means. Though be sure not to accidentally update the game through Steam yourself.
How to install Fallout London manually or through mod managers
Now that you have downgraded Fallout 4 and downloaded Fallout: London through GOG, you can manually install the mod if you want to run it through a mod manager program of your choice.
Start by locating where GOG has downloaded the files to. On my machine they are located at the following file path: This PC>SSD (E:)>GOG>Fallout London.
Here you will find the installer, F4SE, the Data folder, and more. Keep in mind you will have to install Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE), done through either the F4SE files located in the install folder or on the Silverlock website.
The next step is to zip the Data folder and install the zip as a mod in your preferred mod manager: This PC>SSD (E:)>GOG>Fallout London>Data
It is strongly recommended to use the .ini files that are also included in the Fallout London mod from GOG. You can either replace the .inis in your Documents/My Games/Fallout 4 folder or you can add the .inis and their settings to your preferred mod managers' ini editor. These ini files can be found in the _Config folder, located at: This PC>SSD (E:)>GOG>Fallout London>_Config
Looking to find out what year Fallout 4 is set in? Then be sure to check out What year is Fallout 4 set in? on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jul 25, 2024 08:23 am